[At Home In Europeia] Malashaan's Badgers Stave Off Investigation

Malashaan's Badgers Stave Off Investigation
Senate Action Delayed For Now

Written by Calvin Coolidge

The trouble began late in the evening of August 7th, when Senator Darkslayer made a public demand of fellow Senator Malashaan to turn over evidence of his "badger collection". Shortly after, Senator Calvin Coolidge issued a deadline of 48 hours for Malashaan to comply, before he would face the brunt of an investigatory committee. Public interest in Malashaan's collection has been growing since July 27th, when he posted that during the verification process for new citizen Kharn the collection had been viewed by Kuramia. Both Kharn and Kuramia later confirmed that the collection was "nice" and "SO CUTE".

The first entry in the collection was made available soon after, and can be viewed here:
Public pressure grew as Senator Pichtonia and citizen PuppetofAnonymous indicated support for the committee, with Grand Admiral Peeps revealing that the Navy also was interested in obtaining more information related to the collection of badgers.

Nearly one hour after the firestorm had begun, Malashaan relented and issued proof of a second badger. The name of the image is "Lord Snuffles", which this reporter assumes to also be the name of the badger. Lord Snuffles can be seen here:
Despite this new addition to the collection, the public was not satisfied, with all the potential members of the committee indicating a desire for further evidence, with Pichtonia succinctly demanding "MORE". Only twenty minutes later, a third image was released, this time containing two badgers, both of whom appear to be distinct from Lord Snuffles and his predecessor. That third image has been reprinted here:
At this point the public finally appeared placated, as these new badgers received universal praise. Malashaan, however, sensed an opportunity to go above and beyond by releasing yet another image, this time containing seven badgers, including their names, and linking to an Instagram account for Lord Snuffles.
With this seeming to be the final chapter in this arduous process it appears Malashaan's badgers have avoided further oversight from the government, and the region has obtained the information it requires from his collection to move forward with its operations as necessary.

Europeia does not want more badger pics, Europeia needs more badger pics!