Admin Task Thread

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Can i get Deputy MInister masking as i am the deputy of sinkers in FA? Thank You!
Alan Lee said:
Alan Lee said:
Okay. Firstly, can you create a sub-forum in Haven's First Checkpoint, Titled "Hall of Citizens" described as "The tall building on 2nd street. Used to discuss, debate and make laws." Please give both myself and Nick Sanguine moderation powers.
Secondly, I would like another sub-forum, titled "Governor's Office" and described as "The grand building on 1st street. The office of the governor and the executive." and give me moderation powers.
Furthermore, I would like a another sub-forum, titled "Mt. Haven Resort" and described as "The Resort on the footsteps of Mt. Haven. Used to host culture activities."
Lastly, I would like to have a media:
Name of Paper: Haven News Agency
Description: Broadcasting the News from Haven.
Editor/Moderator: Alan Lee.
Thanks! Sorry for the long request.
Excuse me, what about my request?
I've been waiting to hear from other admins but they haven't been available much over the last two days. Those of us that have been on share the concern that this is over-forumming. Haven had 7 votes cast in the last vote held, and if all of these were created Haven would have 1 forum area per voter. We're willing to create forums where a need is shown, but it's not clear what that need is right now. If the Haven team wants to submit a more detailed request as to why all these forums are needed, we'll consider it further.

We're also concerned that the Library looks less like a library and more like a thread-dump archive, which is something else we try to avoid.

We've created the newspaper and done everyone else's requests. We're happy to discuss the plans for haven more. Apologies for the delay, I was hoping more admins would have time to chip in, but I don't want to leave this hanging without explanation any longer.
Malashaan said:
Alan Lee said:
Alan Lee said:
Okay. Firstly, can you create a sub-forum in Haven's First Checkpoint, Titled "Hall of Citizens" described as "The tall building on 2nd street. Used to discuss, debate and make laws." Please give both myself and Nick Sanguine moderation powers.
Secondly, I would like another sub-forum, titled "Governor's Office" and described as "The grand building on 1st street. The office of the governor and the executive." and give me moderation powers.
Furthermore, I would like a another sub-forum, titled "Mt. Haven Resort" and described as "The Resort on the footsteps of Mt. Haven. Used to host culture activities."
Lastly, I would like to have a media:
Name of Paper: Haven News Agency
Description: Broadcasting the News from Haven.
Editor/Moderator: Alan Lee.
Thanks! Sorry for the long request.
Excuse me, what about my request?
I've been waiting to hear from other admins but they haven't been available much over the last two days. Those of us that have been on share the concern that this is over-forumming. Haven had 7 votes cast in the last vote held, and if all of these were created Haven would have 1 forum area per voter. We're willing to create forums where a need is shown, but it's not clear what that need is right now. If the Haven team wants to submit a more detailed request as to why all these forums are needed, we'll consider it further.

We're also concerned that the Library looks less like a library and more like a thread-dump archive, which is something else we try to avoid.

We've created the newspaper and done everyone else's requests. We're happy to discuss the plans for haven more. Apologies for the delay, I was hoping more admins would have time to chip in, but I don't want to leave this hanging without explanation any longer.
1. Well, the Hall of Citizens is for the legislation for Haven, and for me (as Governor of Haven) to nominate the Cabinet and justice.
2. The Governor's office is for any non-Hall government functions, such as communications between cabinet members and any constitutional inquiries.
3. Well, I don't really need the Mt. Haven Resort, as I have other ways of hosting Haven's culture activities, you guys can not add that.
4. Well, then, could you rename the Library to "Haven's Archive", but keep the description? (I made a serious mistake with the vote and didn't want others to see it).
Please remove my moderator ship over the CRP forums and give it to Le Libertie, also remove my leadership over the CRP joinable group and give that to LL as well.

Thank you.
GraVandius said:
By virtue of confirmation by unanimus consent please mask me as speaker.
Sorry that took so long, I had to get some access issues figured out. You should be all set.
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