Admin Task Thread

Okayz, University time :D

I need a good few of the sub-forums in there to be archived, with a clear way to get to them please :p

The ones that need to be archived are...

NS History
Lex can do the rest. I'm archiving these. Noone else seems to realize that our archives are organized now (*glares at Lex*).

There isn't really a "clear" way to get to archive forums unless they are left in the Uni and turned into redirect forums, however.
Also I realize I'm a Minister and Aurora is too but can we be given the Speaker/Deputy Speaker usergroups so that we have moderation powers over the Senate, because I can foresee someone doing it wrong. Thanks :) (and dont forget to add on the Cabinet permission mask on top of it)
May I get permission to mass move/prune in the Senate, as well as, if able/appropriate, the ability to edit other's posts?
May I please ask that my Neuroscience and Psychology lectures and sub-forum be unarchived and sent back to the University?

Just to be sure, I PM'd him and am now waiting for an answer.
May I have MOD powers in the School of Psychology please?