Admin Task Thread

Give me back admin, please
The skin is really really bad. My eyes actually hurt. Blue on blue does not work and it doesn't look that inviting at all. If you are to change it to another skin please consider the previous silvery-winter one.

(Or another solution would be for citizens to have the ability to change skins in our control panel, having a 'original' skin and a festive one would be greatly appreciated.)
Hyanygo, the vast majority of this region likes this skin more then the previous one. There will be no changing back.

However, there *may* be a skin selector option.
I am shaking in my boots.
...*sighs*...I ask for one thing...a simple clean layout that doesn't screw with my eyes. Its a lot worse for the visually impaired - had my friend over in my room and I happened to be doing some Europeia browsing. Agreed with me that it is horrible. He could barely see a thing. And don't get me started on the flag. Next time, if you're thinking of going dark create another seperate forum and leave it to a poll. Lighter colours and *contrast* is what is needed. Have a look at Pez's was made for the other skin, now it looks horrible.

Sorry to be all argumentative about it but its something I feel quite strongly about. Atleast revert back to the previous skin and tinker with this one in the background...please?
Supreme Chancellor, I have been asked by a private citizen to lobby you to have an individual skin selector for each person.

Is that possible?


Sen. Cord
I refer you all to my post in the republic square.

Admin work of this magnitude is NOT just pushing a few buttons. I will require extensive time and effort on my part. Even just reverting back to the old skin would require time I don't have right now.

Hyanygo, if it wasn't clear this is a temporary skin

Nevertheless, by the end of this week you will have a skin selector. But I am not promising more then that.
Until the eve of the 2009 election :p
Why hello again! I hate to be a bother, but I am somewhat over my cow fettish, and I'd like to have Cubanika back as my forum name please. :)

Sorry for all the work though Hem.
Santa Claus needs posting/mod access in the WinterFest forum.
Neo needs mod access in the WinterFest forum.

There needs to be an 'a' added to the end of 'Kwanza!' so it reads 'Kwanzaa!' in the subforum.

I need a subforum for:

Title: Bodhi Day!
Subtitle: December 28th!

Title: Hanukkah!
Subtitle: December 29th!

Thanks! :D