Admin Task Thread

Founding Members (at least three Citizens with link to their forum profiles for ease of verification): @PhDre @upc @Pudimlland @Elio @sanjurika @Dionysus @Prim @Kuramia

Name of Organization: This is Cinema Club

Purpose of Organization: To watch, discuss, and review movies

Organization Subforum Title and subtitle: This is Cinema Club; For all Movie Lovers

Titles and Subtitles of any further subforums within the Primary subforum as well as their location and their privacy status:
  • Cinema Club Discussion Room (public);
  • Just Watched This (public);
  • Chat and Concession Stand (public);
  • Private This is Cinema Club Hangout (private)
Names of Subforum Moderators: @PhDre @sanjurika
From the club request. Working on the subforum now.
Done. Not quite sure I set up the private subforum right, but I think so! Cut "Just Watched This", as discussed.
I cannot see the Private forum
Additionally, should I have access to Manage the Group? I want to be able to mask people to see the private space.
I'm going to let Calvin sort this out, but you didn't ask for a joinable group. So I take it you want a Joinable Group?
I'm going to let Calvin sort this out, but you didn't ask for a joinable group. So I take it you want a Joinable Group?
I was thinking of a private subforum for members of the club, if that is informative.
This is already done but Lethen is making me do this

Please mask Vor as VP and unmask all other Cabinet roles except for Kazaman and Calvin
This is already done but Lethen is making me do this

Please mask Vor as VP and unmask all other Cabinet roles except for Kazaman and Calvin
The drop-down was already done by someone and Vor already has the VP masking. Calvin already had Cabinet masking, and I gave Kazaman cabinet masking back. And the other cabinet maskings were already removed, but the joinable groups were not updated. I have done that now.
Could Diplomat masking be removed from @AC Alex
Just to clarify, this should be PNG based on their membership in a proscribed region (Brotherhood of Malice)

As hopefully future MoFA and resident color-irritator can I request we do something about the diplomat color being the same as RSC? Accessibility, etc. etc. The only color option that comes to my mind is magenta.

Hello admins,

Per this thread, can you please ensure that @Forilian is properly masked as a Circuit Judge, and that @Dionysus has the ability to view and post in the Circuit Court subforum, view the regional laws, and reach out to potential legal counsel? You may have done so already but I just want to be sure. Thank you in advance!
Hello admins,

Per this thread, can you please ensure that @Forilian is properly masked as a Circuit Judge, and that @Dionysus has the ability to view and post in the Circuit Court subforum, view the regional laws, and reach out to potential legal counsel? You may have done so already but I just want to be sure. Thank you in advance!
Yes, both of these are done.
As hopefully future MoFA and resident color-irritator can I request we do something about the diplomat color being the same as RSC? Accessibility, etc. etc. The only color option that comes to my mind is magenta.

There's a thread about this in the Grand Hall, isn't there? Bring it up there to get the tires kicked on the conversation