A Newcomer's Perspective #2: Shufordbrian

The Ministry of the Interior is proud to present...​
A Newcomer's Perspective​

Writinglegend: Hello shufordbrian. Welcome to a Newcomer's Perspective! I will be interviewing you today on your newcomer experience in Europeia. Remember, *** means that you have finished talking and are ready to move on. Are you ready?

shufordbrian: Yes, I'm ready.

Writinglegend: You joined the region around one month ago. Why did you join Europeia? What made the region stand out to you, among the other region?

shufordbrian: Well, I had originally joined another region that had sent me a recruitment telegram. And after browsing their forums and finding that nothing had been edited or posted about since January, I quickly left. I saw someone from Europeia (I believe it was Malashaan) sentme a telegram asking me to join Europeia, and after I saw how active the forums were and how in depth the government was, I applied right away.

Writinglegend: What was your first reaction to seeing our forums? Was it something you were expecting?

shufordbrian: Well you see I've played other online nation simulation games that have this kind of gameplay before. So I was already expecting ministries, radio broadcasts, etc. And when I first looked at the Europeia forums, that's exactly what I saw, so I was really pleased with that.

Writinglegend: Speaking of radio broadcasts, have you listened to any EBC Radio stuff yet? Truly interesting stuff, I would definitely recommend you do. :D

shufordbrian: Oh yes. Just last night I was listening to the Election Panel and wow, there's some really in-depth analysis of everything here at Europeia. I was also listening to some of Sopo's broadcasts.

Writinglegend: The Election Panel 'twas a good listen. How have you enjoyed your time in Europeia thus far?

shufordbrian: I'm loving it. I'm currently working on starting a Roleplay in the Red Light District section of the forums, and I've also joined the Ministry of Interior staff. I think I'm going to (and have already started to) fit in nicely with everyone here.

Writinglegend: Oooh. A RP. Those are always interesting. Can you drop any hints about what to expect with your RP? :O

shufordbrian: It's going to take place in post-apocalyptic U.S.A. The rest well, you're just going to have to look into it when it's ready to find out. =)

Writinglegend: Sounds fun. How would you describe the environment in Europeia?

shufordbrian: From what I've seen so far, the environment is very fun-loving and light. Everyone here seems to love and appreciate what everyone else brings to the table, and has fun with the daily dealings of the region. Now that doesn't mean there aren't serious times, because I've seen that too. But generally the environment is very light and fun.

Writinglegend: If you had to make one change about Europeia, what would it be and why?

shufordbrian: If I could change anything, I probably would change the way that recruitment happens. It seems like we send hundreds of telegrams a day out to new nations.It seems like the telegrams are very general. I would change it to where recruiters actually hand-write recruitment telegrams.Yeah, it may take some time and we may not get as many telegrams off, but I believe the turnout would be better because of the telegrams' personalized.

Writinglegend: Very interesting idea. How well do you feel Europeia integrates newcomers?

shufordbrian: I feel the Civil Service Officium gives the newcomer's a good opportunity to get involved in government or something along those lines, but I feel there is almost no contact on a personal and friendly level between the high up in government, and the newcomers. That's another thing I would change; how the Patron Program works.

Writinglegend: What resources did you find particularly helpful to get you accommodated to Europeia?

shufordbrian: The IRC chat was actually really helpful. If I had a question that I needed answered soon, I would just go talk to someone about it live. Other than that, I really didn't need anything else to get accommodated to Europeia because (as I pointed out earlier), I'm fairly used to the way forums and regional government works.

Writinglegend: What would you say to anyone thinking about joining Europeia?

shufordbrian: I would tell them to go right ahead! It's great here! If and when they do join, I would also tell them to get involved in the forums, whether it be in a ministry, running for office, or anything like that. The forums are so much more than saying you have complete citizenship in a region.

Writinglegend: I would tell them that as well! Is there anything else you would like to say before we wrap things up?

shufordbrian: I want to remind everyone again about the RP I'm going to be dropping soon, hope everyone reading this takes a look at it and joins the game. And I'd like to say thanks to my mom, she's the real MVP. And that's about it.

Writinglegend: Good Kevin Durant reference. ;) And that's it. Thank you for coming out today, shuford, and being interviewed. I definitely enjoyed it!

shufordbrian: I did as well, thanks for having me!

Brought to you by the Ministry of the Interior