5 Completely True Events In Europeian History That You Won't Believe Are Real


Jorts Connoisseur
Honoured Citizen
he / him / his
"5 Completely True Events In Europeian History That You Won't Believe Are Real"
Written by HEM Tiberius

1. Lethen Completely Invented A Fictional Covert Mission So He Could Come Back To Europeia

Try to imagine Europeia's earliest days. My avatar was some random king from Google images, our user pips were shitty and stolen from Cingeta, Prime Ministers reigned for days, and the vast majority of our population was banned in the vast majority of other regions. Ah, glorious days we harken back to in 2007.

Lethen had been personally invited to Europeia by me. He reluctantly got involved in politics, establishing SPEAR (Sane Party for Europeia and Rights), which prided itself in being "the only sane party in this god forsaken region." Lethen, however, grew weary of the region's drama and decided to ragequit, deriding me as a sucky founder.

Europeia continued to slog on, and within a few weeks, Lethen wanted to return. The problem? His pride wouldn't let him sloth back onto the forum after deriding it so fervently. So, in exchange for political favors, Lethen worked with Lord Alphanesia to invent an insane cover: so the story goes, he only left the region originally in order to execute a totally covert intelligence mission that crippled 10,000 Islands (spoiler alert: I don't think it happened).

Not everyone accepted this announcement at face value --

-- but nobody really gave a fuck either.

Glad you came back Lethen :wub:

2. The Europeian Navy Circumvented The Democratic Government In Order To Covertly Establish Illegal Colonies

It was the summer of 2008 during the three sleepy terms of President Nlhp. Nlhp, while administratively competent (i.e. the region didn't keel over on his watch) trusted his close advisers maybe too much, and did not micromanage any of his Ministries.

I was serving my 8th term as Grand Admiral (prolly) and engaging in a convert war against defenders. In a move to expand Europeian influence, the Navy began establishing colonial governments (and forums) over the larger regions that we captured.

The catch? Nlhp's administration had no idea this was going on. On the world stage, Europeia effectively postured ourselves as "independent of the axis" as we tried to build new governments, in our image, on regions we took over. In Ron Pauls Magikal Wonderland, our government was actually a New Pacific Order inspired dictatorship that placed all power in the hands of the Emperor (Verteger) and the Chief of State - Grand Inquisitor (me).

In a later attempt, Lethen and I would pretend to be natives of "East Pacific" (note the omission of "The") and build a successful government and forum that would actually last months after we pulled out.

3. Europeia Had A One Day War With The Region 'Renaissance' Because Of Their Leader: President Big Fat Booty

It was 2011, toward the end of the one term of President PhDre. In an effort to expand his Nationstates experience and foreign affairs portfolio, PhDre joined the region Renaissance.

Renaissance's interim President, Big Fat Booty, quickly began issuing paranoia-induced executive orders. One of them stated that no citizen of Renaissance could also be a citizen of another region. PhDre fought the order, arguing with President Booty, but to no avail. PhDre was stripped of his citizenship, but continued to fight for his cause. President Booty eventually reached out to myself, and other Europeian officials, and this is when shit went down. PhDre got forwarded this PM that President Big Fat Booty's Chief of Staff sent to a key governmental official.

I attempted to reach out to President Booty to rectify matters, but my attempts weren't met with..erm, the most mature response:

presidentofren 11:24 pm
Congratulations, your asshole leadership has succeeded in dissolving all relations between Renaissance and Europeia
give yourself a pat on the back
presidentofren 11:51 pm
oh I forgot to ban you from my AIM. My bad!
HEM501 11:52 pm
Ermm sorry, I think it's more your asinine laws and total disregard to the differences between your citizerny and a dignitary.
I have been totally cordial

Not long after, President Booty was confronted by the founder and went "around the bend," shitting over 60 random executive orders onto the forum. She vanished from the region, and neither her nor her booty has been seen since.

4. We Elected An Outed Foreign Infiltrator As President of Europeia

This is a story you probably know, but you might not know how absolutely crazy it actually is.

Defender activist and political hack Falconias joined Europeia under the name "Champagne Jam." After operating under that moniker for several months, he was eventually uncovered thanks to a tip off from another raider region.

While held in the Europeian Prison, Falconias openly revealed that he was infiltrating Europeia to get closer access to larger regions, such as The New Inquisition or Gatesville. He deleted his posts before anybody could get screenshots, however.

His trial for espionage and treason was contentious, and ended with me dropping the case after seeing the likelihood of victory slim. The Europeian political elite then maimed, but did not kill, Falconias. He lost several consecutive elections, but endured. He eventually returned, and convinced the influx of new members that he was treated unfairly. They eventually made him the leader of their New Conservative Party, and after several bloody and divisive elections, he was elected President.

We *knew* he was a spy. We somehow just kinda forgot (unless you're Onder or NES, that is).

5. Half A Dozen People Left Europeia Because HEM Criticized Hyanygo

Europeia was brought to her knees not by a natural disaster or political scandal, but rather, a post I made in 2011 criticizing Hyanygo:

The reaction to this post, and a second one that followed, was unprecedented. It resulted in the resignation of President Earth22, Chief Justice Oliver Grey, Grand Admiral Griff, and other smaller players. In an effort to stem the tide of destruction, I gave Vice Chancellor Lethen my own resignation, and briefly left Europeia.

From the perspective of those who left, I had attacked a good friend of theirs who had done a tremendous quantity of work. As history shows, however, my post was merely the excuse they needed to ditch the region, which they had been considering for ages.

Hyanygo would go on to accept my apology for being a little too aggressive, and the region -- as you may be surprised to know -- managed to survive thanks to the leadership of Presidents Skizzy Grey, Rachel, and Sopo.
Despite the BuzzFeed title, this was a really educational piece. I'd love to see more of these in the future.
HEM, I love when you go all historian on us.
Certainly interesting for "newcomers" like me. Been in Europeia for years and took no notice of these events. ;) :popkorn:
Tomaenia said:
Certainly interesting for "newcomers" like me. Been in Europeia for years and took no notice of these events. ;) :popkorn:
When did you arrive here?
This is just beautiful. Just beautiful. More would be appreciated, indeed.

#1 surprised me most of all. :lol:
The "cover mission" was LA's idea, if I recall correctly.

In a later attempt, Lethen and I would pretend to be natives of "East Pacific" (note the omission of "The") and build a successful government and forum that would actually last months after we pulled out
Don't forget about SPACE, where I showed up as the Grand Admiral and a military advisor to the region. Did East Pacific really last that long? Cool.

Hyanygo would go on to accept my apology for being a little too aggressive, and the region -- as you may be surprised to know -- managed to survive thanks to the leadership of Presidents Skizzy Grey, Rachel, and Sopo.
Yea, that interim Supreme Chancellor Lethen guy did nothing. :p
This was awesome! I didn't even know this stuff had happened, of course. Gameplay in NS can be wonderfully entertaining...after the fact or outside of it.
Lethen said:
The "cover mission" was LA's idea, if I recall correctly.

In a later attempt, Lethen and I would pretend to be natives of "East Pacific" (note the omission of "The") and build a successful government and forum that would actually last months after we pulled out
Don't forget about SPACE, where I showed up as the Grand Admiral and a military advisor to the region. Did East Pacific really last that long? Cool.

Hyanygo would go on to accept my apology for being a little too aggressive, and the region -- as you may be surprised to know -- managed to survive thanks to the leadership of Presidents Skizzy Grey, Rachel, and Sopo.
Yea, that interim Supreme Chancellor Lethen guy did nothing. :p
Sopo? I thought he just a lot he'd around and did nothing... *blames sopo*
HEM said:
Tomaenia said:
Certainly interesting for "newcomers" like me. Been in Europeia for years and took no notice of these events. ;) :popkorn:
When did you arrive here?
Arrived in Europeia around 2012, registered on the forums 2013. Nice to know what went on here before my arrival. :wink: