Recent content by Moronist Decisions

  1. M

    New Forum Names

    Congratulations all round.
  2. M

    Pichtonia: 'Get Me The Hell Out Of Here'

    Who gave him clothes?
  3. M

    [Poll Results] Mandatory Recruitment for Officeholders

    Ah. The Second GAP? What makes it work better than the first one?
  4. M

    [Poll Results] Mandatory Recruitment for Officeholders

    Active retiree? So what's an inactive active person?
  5. M

    How Many Telegrams Were Fakes?

    It might be worth considering having a skip function on the tracker to avoid this affecting recruitment numbers
  6. M

    Brí's "Significant Breach": Recruitment Minister Defrauds the Region

    More precisely, the EIA is responsible for externally-facing intelligence gathering and security in the "national security" sense. It's never intended for domestic law breaking, which this clearly is.
  7. M

    Brí's "Significant Breach": Recruitment Minister Defrauds the Region

    Based on this report and the nature of the issue I urge the Attorney General to launch a full investigation of this matter. It should not be swept under the rug.
  8. M

    Foreign Affairs Is Not Hard

    I'll say this from my personal observations as a short-time MoFA and also from what I've observed from the sidelines. You can learn foreign affairs; it's not something that "you don't know it, so you can't do it". And @Sopo is right; it can be really exciting and can have real consequences...
  9. M

    Admin Task Thread

    The Description for the Council of Foreign Affairs still references the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  10. M

    Forum Structure Revision

    That would work. The first part makes sense. I presume that private forums will still exist? I don't see why the stickied link would be necessary in that parent forum. Probably the parent forum would be best served by being empty. I'd tend to disagree. I'd like to see that near the bottom...
  11. M

    Admin Task Thread

    As I am no longer a justice (and haven't been for a while), I request that my mod privs be removed there (and anywhere else where I might have had residual mod privs). Thank you.
  12. M

    A little statement

    Thank you for your service, Mousebumples, and congratulations Malashaan!
  13. M

    Admin Task Thread

    As Deputy Minister, please grant mod to Ervald over the WA Ministry.
  14. M

    EBC Power Player Draft Results

    It was a good show. It should be added that after the poll Sopo openly admitted that his team was the weakest. To be honest, I just didn't have time in RL to continue actively in Senate. I also became Primus inter Pares around the same time I got into Senate, fwiw.