Recent content by JGlenn

  1. JGlenn

    Ministry of Pod Episode 4 - "Drafting our Ideal Cabinet doesn't have either of us on it"

    Amazing content. Really helps me get back into tune with what's going on in Euro and some of the who's who that I need to catch up on.
  2. JGlenn

    Apply for a Newspaper

    Name of Paper: Polls, Polls, Polls Description: Polls, Poles, Pools Editor/Moderator: JGlenn Rethinking my approach to this. At this time, I'd like to rescind my application.
  3. JGlenn

    Staff List

    Minister Responsible & Director of the EBC: JGlenn Lethen Reporters: Skizzy Grey Common-Sense Politics Sopo Malashaan
  4. JGlenn

    Admin Task Thread

    Could the Staff and Submission Subforum in the EBC passworded? and the Password PM'd to me?
  5. JGlenn

    EBC By-Election Debate

    Well with the Ban on Auto-TG recruiting, it is only fitting that we return to the MRA. I see no problem with that, and actually welcome it back warmly. Recruiting is something I've always have kinda enjoyed, so having to go back to manual recruiting, if elected, won't phase me. If others wish to...
  6. JGlenn

    Video of the Day

    You better do the whole series of videos now...
  7. JGlenn

    Admin Task Thread

    Can individuality-ness be masked as new Mayor? Header update as well.
  8. JGlenn

    EBC By-Election Debate - Citizen's Comments

    Reread Constitution V..... They are defined. ^_^ Edit: Or just below:
  9. JGlenn

    EBC By-Election Debate

    To respond to Sopo on the 2nd Question, I have nothing to debate there. We seem to agree on this issue.
  10. JGlenn

    EBC By-Election Debate - Citizen's Comments

    I just want to apologize for continuing the 1st question after the second was asked.
  11. JGlenn

    EBC By-Election Debate

    (sorry to do this, but I had to) What you are explaining is "reporting" to a senator no matter how you spin it. A manager asks questions, and pays special attention to their subordinates. That manager then create "satisfaction reports" or performance reviews which are then forwarded onto Human...
  12. JGlenn

    EBC By-Election Debate

    I felt that the whole Law Reform process went by too quickly. While I was Mayor, and when running for Mayor this previous term, I was hoping to get the City Council involved in the process, so that we can have more eyes looking over these acts. My thoughts are that this whole process is an...