Admin Task Thread

Thanks! I noticed this was grabbed earlier so everything was taken care of, don't worry
I did it this afternoon, typed in the response, and forgot to hit 'post'. :p I've been having... a day.
Please give Darc and I Assembly Clerk powers

Mask Anna as my DC, Deputy Chair

Send you the Assembly Clerk information. As for Anna, you can add her to the 'Citizens Assembly Leadership' group yourself, you have management access.
NES has been reconfirmed as DEIA -- can NES be given the Council of State and Cabinet Maskings?
You can change the banner back to the regular banner without the Mental Health Awareness Month tag on it.
You can change the banner back to the regular banner without the Mental Health Awareness Month tag on it.

make it rainbows for pride :pride_heart:

If we have a Pride banner that we've used in the past then this is fine - if we don't, we'll come up with something soon. If there isn't one available then flip it back to the original for now.
You can change the banner back to the regular banner without the Mental Health Awareness Month tag on it.

I'd be down for a pride banner if we could find a good one.
Can The Allied Republic be given an embassy, and can you mask Nosma W as an Ambassador.