The Soap I Use Is Growing My Spoons


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The Soap I Use Is Growing My Spoons

To set some context, I have a silverware set that includes forks (big and small), spoons (big and small) and a couple of kitchen knives. However for the last couple of months I have noticed an unusual occurrence. It seems every time I need them, I never have any clean small spoons. Every time I want to get a small spoon I have to wash one really quickly before I can sit down to eat my meal. It’s not like I’ve changed my dish washing schedule. I do my dishes after dinner every night, it’s become a part of my daily routine.

But still, I never have enough small spoons.

In turn, it feels like I always have too many big spoons. I rarely use the big spoons because I don’t like how - well - big they are. They’re unwieldy for my hands and I really only consistently use them when I am cooking or tasting something. Maybe it is because there are never any small spoons in the drawer (something, something contrast) but I feel that I always have too many big spoons and never enough small spoons.

This has led me to only one logical conclusion.

The soap I use is making my small spoons grow into big spoons.

Think about it, and you will determine that it is the only logical conclusion. I can’t think of a time that I would lose a spoon of all things. I always return my spoons to the sink for washing later and I never leave spoons in my leftovers. For some reason, I hate leaving utensils in my food.

And so much like the laundry machine can shrink your clothes, the soap I am using must have the ability to grow my spoons.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. Please discuss below.
I think its nice that your spoons are growing. We all must advance from childhood to adulthood, and so it is with your spoons.
I wish my soap did this! When my last roommate left, he took half our silverware but left me with too many small forks and big spoons but too few small forks and small spoons

Edit: did you buy this soap from a character of fables? Whatever you do, do NOT cook with the beans he gave you
big spoons are better anyways I can eat more food
I think its nice that your spoons are growing. We all must advance from childhood to adulthood, and so it is with your spoons.
But the big spoons don't fit as well in my mouth when I am eating

Have you considered exchanging your current mouth for a bigger mouth? OR sipping?
why is it me that has to change
For some reason, I hate leaving utensils in my food.
But how do you feel about leaving food in your utensils?
even worse