Pichtonia: 'Get Me The Hell Out Of Here'


Jorts Connoisseur
Honoured Citizen
he / him / his
"Pichtonia: 'Get Me The Hell Out Of Here'"
Managing Editor

Outgoing First Minister Pichtonia was caught by Europeian Capitol Police trying to escape 12 Pope Lexus Lane around 3:30AM last night. Wearing hole-ridden sweatpants and an old Coldplay T-Shirt, police found him mid-leap out of the Common-Sense Politics Oval Office window.

"Get me the f**** out of here," The First Minister cried with liquor on his breath. "They told me it would be over. They told me it was almost over. Get me the hell out of here. "

Pichtonia has been serving as First Minister for nearly nine-hundred days after the conclusion of his term. After a close election led to a run-off in November 2019, a tied runoff was met with Senate who sees no need to rush the issue.

"I'm still thinking of questions," Senator JayDee told ENN's satire arm, the E-Mensa. "This is a very serious decision, and to be honest, I haven't read the platforms yet but I plan to this weekend. Unless I forget."

"Yeahhhhhhhh," Senator Darcness told E-Mensa. "Welp. It's been a tough few years at work. I don't sleep at night, I barely breathe. My life is just one giant nightmare code that keeps repeating over and over again. Like this election"

Senator Malashaan declined to comment for this article, but asked if we would distill down the Interior sections of each platform for him. He would have a chance to read it before Christmas, when his office would resume deliberation on the issue.

This is why they lock the Cardinals in the conclave until they elect a Pope ... I'm just saying ... *Hey fellow Senators, time for a sleepover! I'll bring the popcorn, you bring the sleeping bags and scary movies*.
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Reactions: HEM
This is by far the greatest thing I have seen today. I hope they caught him!

live look at Chief of State HEM's and his Council of State's attempts to rescue their fellow Councilor of State out from the Pope Lexus Palace and the watchful eye of the Cabinet
I'm afraid that Pichto will have to stay with us. He has valuable work still to do.
Beautifully funny! I lol'd at work.

live look at Chief of State HEM's and his Council of State's attempts to rescue their fellow Councilor of State out from the Pope Lexus Palace and the watchful eye of the Cabinet
1 - I forgot how fun this movie was
2 - "automatic pilot" ?
3 - ok still some hokey parts
4 - I just wish there was a scene after Anakin flies away where the Jedi are like "oh shit"