New Citizen App Proposals

The Following is Satire: Feel Free to write your own!

Allied Alliances said:
How did you find Europeia?
What is your interest in the Republic Square?
Are You In Other Forums (If so, I don't care):
Are you dating me or have ever dated me irl? (if so, want to be my daughter/mom/aunt?)
Do you have a specific position in mind (if so, name it)?
For creeper purposes, where do you live (the house I once went to/looked at)?

Please state the following oath:

"I (your name, if you miss this you're a fail) swear that I will bear true allegiance to the Republic Square; that I will faithfully observe and read the laws of Europeia and try not to fail; and that I will fulfill my duties as a Europeian citizen such as making my day, commenting on my gun pics and making fun of liberals. Making fun of Cary is optional because it's too easy.
I understand that any violation of the vows in this oath may result in AA making a ridiculous comment about me."

Gustavus said:
Nation Name in the region:
How did you find Europeia? Was it through one of my stories?
What is your interest in the forum? (Story #1, #2, #3, #4... etc etc)
Are You In Other Regions (If so, Name the stories you've read by me):
What did you think about my stories?
Would you like to be in my next story?
For story purposes, what is your personality like?

Please state the following oath:

"I (your fictional name here) swear that I will bear true allegiance to the Republic of Europeia; that I will faithfully observe and read the stories of Gustavus; and that I will fulfill my duties as a Europeian citizen, including commenting on any and all stories that Gustavus might have written or is thinking of writing.
I understand that any violation of the vows in this oath may result in the termination of my Europeian citizenship."

Rachel said:
Nation Name in the region:
Do you have a picture up? If so, linky!:
How did you find Europeia, was it through an ex/rival/lover/wannabe lover/oh him?
What is your interest in the forum? (is it me? </end ego>)
Are You In Other Regions (take your time, there's not rush):
What do you think of my avvy? Does it match my siggy?
Who's your avvy? Omg he's so (cute/fugly/h0t/wierd/hyper.gif)
For when I want to toy with you purposes, what is your timezone (GMT, EST, etc.)?

Please state the following oath:

"I (your name) swear that I will bear true allegiance to Rachel muhahahaha the Republic of Europeia; that I will faithfully observe and read the laws of Europeia and what Rachel says; and that I will fulfill my duties as a Europeian citizen, including having a cute avvy that is physically appealing in the region in the NationStates region of Europeia (according to me).
I understand that any violation of the vows in this oath may result in the termination of my Europeian citizenship."
This was clever.
She should've done an app for you. :p
Lol, maybe next time ;)

Here's the original one I did in December.
Paranoid Raider said:
Nation Name in the region:
Are you a defender or have any defender friends? If so, please name them:
How did you find Europeia? Did your defender friends tell you about it?
What is your interest in the forum? (Games Government etc.)
Are those defender activities?
Well, idk. Just asking
Are You In Other Regions (If so, Name):
Are any of those defender regions or were once visited by a defender? (If so, Name):
Would you like to be auto-assigned to a defender re-education facility?
I'm serious. Oh come on, don't go. Please. I was just kidding about the last part

Please state the following oath:

"I (your name) swear that I will bear true allegiance to the Raiding Republic of Europeia; that I will faithfully observe and read the laws of Europeia; and that I will fulfill my duties as a Europeian citizen, including having a nation that is physically in the region in the NationStates region of Europeia.
I understand that any violation raiding may result in the termination of my Europeian citizenship and ridicule across the raiding world."
:creepy: I liked AA's app having a question about positions.