Mid-Term Executive Poll

Mid-Term Executive Poll
A Mousepoll
Written by Mousebumples

  • All of his nominees were strong except for Kaboom who fell through but ya know, Schmidt happens
  • While CoS seems excessive, the candidates all were qualified.
  • Kaboom was an unfortunate pick. Not because Kaboom is incapable but his LoA got things off on a little bit of a rocky start.
  • I think that they were all round good, I had my doubts above GraV at the beginning but he has proved that he can work and he can work well.
  • I was very convinced that this would be a good term.
  • Mostly good choices, but Sopo is a bit of a dicey choice.
  • Generally good picks, but Sopo and CSP, while eminently capable
  • All good choices. Hindsight is 20/20 with Sopo having to resign, but if I went back in time I'd still vote for him.
  • A mixed cabinet of good and bad. It was disappointing to see how quickly Trinn reneged on his split Interior promise when Kaboom's nomination ran into trouble. It made me question how seriously he'd made that promise during the campaign.
  • Sopo's been a cultural guru for a long time, but real life's had a habit of knocking him out of Europeia.
  • I found it quite a good Cabinet but what the hell does CSP even do? I haven't heard one thing about what he done in the Cabinet as Chief of Staff.
  • I had questions about leaving the Ministry of Integration blank, though I understood the concerns about Kaboom's previously unannounced upcoming LoA. It may be too early to tell, but I wonder if there could be some issues due to a lack of communication between the Cabinet (*outside of VP HEM) and the Intern Headperson, in Rand.

Mean: 6.78
Median: 7
Mode: 7

  • Lackluster, but an overall okay performance
  • status quo episode 52
  • Trinnien has been putting in a lot of grandstanding as President without a lot of actual accomplishments to back them up. I'd wager that anything that has been achieved so far this term by the Executive has been independent of him.
  • It seems like another euro presidency, nothing special. If I remember correctly HEM and Trinn ran on a campaign of not doing the ordinary and trying to strive to be better, I haven't seen that.
  • Seems to know what he's doing.
  • Good choices for Ministerial positions. Fairly active but nothing special.
  • There has been absolutely nothing, from what I tell, going on currently. The campaign of shake up the status quo has only become give into the status quo is we become more inert than ever.
  • Not much getting done; stagnation
  • Trinnien, as ever, does a fantastic job as President. If by luck or design, Trinn always leads the Region into a period of growth.
  • I haven't paying too much attention..., it seems like a fairly solid status quo so far
  • Solid term, much better than the previous term. Communication has seemingly been much better (not the Ministry), and his ministries have all run rather smoothly (including getting over road bumps like Sopo resigning).
  • Once again heavy-handed authority from Goldenblock, not following through on several campaign promises.
  • He's been active and he's done some things right, like the private media post, but a lot of the Ministries have stagnated under his administration. FA, Culture, and Interior really haven't done much (other than what HEM's done) and I think the President has to take partial responsibility for this.
  • Boring term. Not enough energy.
  • Trinn is solid behind the scenes, but he could stand to be more visible.

Mean: 6.70
Median: 7
Mode: 7

  • His work with the CSO puts him over the top
  • i like the intern thing
  • Seems pretty focused only on his Internship program and his paper. I never see him working in
  • any of the Ministries, except for some minor recruiting recently.
  • What has he done?
  • Not a fan of the vice president bent a glorified burcrst for the CSO, what is this 2010.
  • Pretty good, didn’t seem to get stuck in that Vice president's office. The CSO internship idea is a good one. *hugs HEM*
  • Spectacular but his overall rating will be dependent on how Integration project goes.
  • Haven't seen much from him, but the Internship Program was a good idea
  • HEM's been good, I'm not sure exactly how the CSO is going, but it seems well.
    decent active visibility, although I am not sure what he's up to in the office
  • Well see how it goes, but the internship program looks promising. If it fails, though, it'll look bad as that is his primary responsibility this term.
  • Not sure what HEM has accomplished.
  • HEM's CSO reform has been solid, but I don't think he's done any actual VP work outside of this. I don't see him stepping up to help out Ministries where there are gaps (and there are many) or cracking the whip to keep Ministers on track.
  • That man actually does shit....well for the CSO Internship Program. What else have he done?
  • The effectiveness of HEM's Intern Project remains to be seen, but I'm glad it's getting a trial.
  • His lack of activity recently due to internet problems re: moving have made him less visible, but I hope that ticks upwards over the remainder of the term.

  • I love it, considering I helped create it
  • i like it. im sure rand will do well.
  • We'll see how it turns out. Too early to judge.
  • I haven't seen much come of it.
  • This system is my going to help, who've someone in a minist for a week and then move them in a week, neither gives them the time to learn nor laws out any strategy for how to actually get these individuals engaged and working, honestly it seems under planned.
  • In its current state? Worthless.
  • Too early to tell.
  • Good idea
  • I haven't seen enough to be able to say anything good or bad.
  • none
  • I'm really excited to see this come together and even if it doesn't work out the way they planned, it was definitely a lot more thought out and work put into it than I think some expected.
  • I think it looks really good, and I'm eager to see how it goes.
  • It's a good idea, we'll see whether it works or not over time.
  • Excellent idea, I can't wait to hear how it work out.
  • Seems like an interesting idea. We'll see how it turns out.

Mean: 5.85
Median: 6
Mode: 4

Mean: 5.74
Median: 6
Mode: 6

  • Served as necessary
  • uhh. idk how to rate this office.
  • I've seen no work from him so far.
  • I've put him at a 5 because it is right in the middle because I don't think I can give an accurate rating since we don't see much of the CoS does.
  • No idea what he's doing, I'm not really sure the plan for this position was well thought out.
  • I haven't seen him do anything.
  • Where is he?
  • CSP's always good. His job isn't to be loud and everywhere, his job is to herd cast behind the scenes.
  • His work is pretty much entirely behind-the-scenes so it's really hard to gauge his ability. But his FA and Military experience are definitely worthwhile for Trinnien.
  • Hard to judge. He's been much busier IRL right now (congrats to him); with a role like Chief of Staff it's also hard to tell how he's doing bc its very behind-the-scenes.
  • I'm sure he does valuable work, but it's not public facing so I gave a 7.
  • Everything he's done has been behind closed doors, so it's impossible to evaluate his performance. I have to wonder if Trinn has followed his advice though, as CSP usually puts forth bold policy initiatives and this has been one of the meekest terms in FA I've seen.
  • Once again, what does he even f**king do? I haven't heard from him.
  • He's been (from all appearances) MIA since declaring an LoA for a few days last weekend. Not sure if it's just related to relocating, or if he's going to drop off the face of the region. Hoping for the former, but concerned for the latter.

Mean: 8.44
Median: 9
Mode: 9

  • So many ops, so little time. I love it.
  • Great work as always.
  • Grand Admiral Gleg, doing the do as always.
  • Had you asked me a week ago I would have said he wasn't great. ERN's performance and choice of operations haven't been the most tasteful. It says a lot when The Black Hawks have higher Operational Standards than the ERN, but I think WL can turn it around.
  • As usual Gleg has performed well. However, we've seen our navy take part in far too many operations that have lead to the griefing of the native populations for me to be entirely satisfied with what he's done.
  • Good but not great.
  • Nine operations thus far and a continued yearning to work with our allies abroad and to lead hold operations. Excellent work.
  • Lots of successful OPs; best GA ever
  • Good, as always.
  • Where did all the raids come from? See the world, they said; it'll be fun, they said... I don't even have time to count my plunder!!!!!!!!!!
  • Very successful leader of multiple operations and the UK SOFA continues to do quite well. He has incorporated new allies in TWP easily too it seems.
  • WL has performed beautifully, with a record breaking amount of ops and some large ones too.
  • Dank raids.
  • Good! Great to see a variety of missions (tags and detags, holds, etc.), efforts with allies, and the current large scale hold. Could maybe stand to have more mission ops announced in the Euro Embassy thread in Gameplay though, similar to how other military groups announce each of their successful ops?

Mean: 7.52
Median: 7
Mode: 7

  • She's performed adequately
  • not sure what fa is doing
  • Almost nothing has been done, so a disappointment.
  • I'm not too sure really, I haven't seen much of what has happened over in FA. I've given her a 6 because I imagine that she is doing her job well.
  • shes gr8 i r8 her 8/8 m8
  • We've really seen the World Affairs hub drop off this term. Whether it's through a lack of anything interesting happening, or because people are waiting for Brunhilde to take a more active role in that particular aspect of Foreign Affairs; who knows.
  • Brunhilde was a great choice by Trinnien, she seems to have continued Kraken's greatness.
  • A module being completed is not the work of a MoFA after first half of the term.
  • RL made her less active than she usually would be
  • Brunhilde (and GraV) are the two shining stars of this Cabinet. Brunhilde has absolutely excelled on the progress Kraken's singular agenda made. Her deputies have worked hard, and she's pushed new training modules. I truly hope respondants give her the credit she deserves.
  • Besthilde
  • She has been doing a great job as far as I can tell, and its a shame she wasn't put into this role last term. She's more than qualified.
  • Besides a module, we haven't really seen Brun do anything. Perhaps she's been busier behind closed doors, but we haven't seen much come out of FA. Especially compared to last term under Calvin where we had the UK SOFA and the TWP Treaty. Also, have we followed up on the TWP Treaty in any way? It seems like things have really stagnated there.
  • Atta, girl.
  • She's learning on the job, to some extent, but seems to be doing well overall. Hard to tell on a lot of this from the outside.

Mean: 7.11
Median: 7
Mode: 7

  • Not seen much from him but no bad things to say
  • interior seems dead
  • Again, only a focus on recruitment, and nothing on Integration. What happened to all those plans?
  • They've gotten us to our highest nation count since it has began to be tracked at 1,800. That number may have dropped a couple but that is still extremely impressive.
  • He has managed to recruit more and more nations and we're closing in our highest ever nation count but I haven't seen much on the integration front. It seems like another administration has
  • left integration to wither and die.
  • Gravandius is one of those who people always seem to believe is far more competent than he is.
  • Good ideas, but it doesn't seem all there yet.
  • Good, but not minister-like. Hasn't really been effective.
  • The Recruitment League gets a big thumbs up, and, thanks to the imgur ad, we gained a lot of new citizens
  • GraV's done great as Interior regarding recruitment, but it isn't him alone, and it's not that his leadership revolutionized the Ministry. GraV was lucky to come in during a bubble burst and be in office in the middle of another bubble. GraV's success should somewhat be chalked up to luck, but not luck alone, since progress is progress; regardless of how it's achieved.
  • smooth running by the looks of things
  • Obviously the Imgur Boom helped, but we just hit our all-time population record and then passed that record a day later. Clearly the Interior Minister has something to do with that :p
  • Has he done much other than recruit? With the wave of members we just got, how has integration been going? I feel like not a lot has been done outside of HEM's initiatives.
  • GraV is great at encouraging manual recruitment, but I can't help but feel that the "integration" portion of Interior is getting lost yet again. Maybe that's covered under the CSO internship, but that's something that isn't terribly clear from the outside.

Mean: 7.63
Median: 8
Mode: 8

  • She's running a tight ship over there
  • not her best term
  • Solid, but not outstanding. Might be enough to stand out in this mediocre Cabinet.
  • She get stuff done, and she gets it done good.
  • Doesn't seem to be a lot of content coming out. I think comma wastes too much time on social media and dispatches. In no 98th of those are are basically copying information already on the forums with nothing added that would benefit existing forum members and no reason or evidence that anyone on the outside sees or cares about these efforts. I think we need to examine what our goals are with dispatches and social media and determine if these initiatives are worth our time.
  • Kuramia once again has pulled greatness out of Comms, articles are coming out in quick succession, dispatches have put the upvote squad to the test, mixlr has been great, as ever.
  • Not a lot of articles nor broadcasts but lots in development.
  • Kuramia has done good, as always.
  • crazy organised as ever!
  • While a slow start in Comms, it seems with the change to Carrot for Mixlr and articles are coming together that it will be a great term for Comms. She has kept up Dispatches very well.
  • Mixlr is back off the ground thanks to Kuramia's appointment of Carrot as Deputy in charge of Mixlr, and there has been activity with the EBC. I think I can't fully judge how her term goes until the end of the term, however - when we have an idea of what was planned and what was actually done.
  • Kuramia's performed well.
  • Kura's good at promoting interaction and activity within Comms. Good dispatches are getting posted and upvoted. Some good EBC articles were just posted, and Mixlr is doing pretty good. A lack of direction as to what's happening "next" with Mixlr is concerning, however. Are we sticking with paid Mixlr? Something else ... ???

Mean: 5.78
Median: 6
Mode: 7

  • Saw a willingness to work, but nothing came out of it
  • mouse celebration was well done
  • Taken from us too soon.
  • I can't give an accurate rating so I'm gonna give a 5 right in the middle.
  • He didn't seem to do much.
  • What did he even do?
  • ...
  • What a huge let down.
  • Sad he didn't have a chance to get up steam
  • Unfortunately, he seemed to have gotten sidetracked by RL right in the middle of Mouse's celebration, so while a good start we didn't really get to see what he wanted to do with the Ministry.
  • Not sure if this is really on Sopo, per se, but did we *need* a festival for Mouse's 2 year anniversary? It falls into the ever-growing category of "sometimes unnecessary, sometimes poorly-managed, always oversold" festivals that have been on our agenda for a few years now. Most of our festivals are simply too cookie-cutter, and in the case of Mouse's WA-versary, it seemed like nothing more than a region-wide excuse to celebrate and pat her on the back. Not that Mouse isn't more than deserving for any accolades.
  • Sopo put on one festival and disappered.
  • I wish he resigned earlier but Mouse's Anniversary did go quite well!
  • The Mouse celebration was good, but the way that he just dropped off the map without notice was concerning.

  • A more revitalized and regular Weekend Games schedule
  • A consistent Weekend Games schedule, TWP festival, and the awards show, at least.
  • I want him to coordinate a good festival and one that isn't just spam games because at the end of the day that is what most of our festivals are.
  • To be honest I don't expect much to happen in culture at this point,
  • Awesomeness.
  • More memes.
  • I think Pichtonia will do the best he can.
  • Good Luck!
  • If he can handle the pressure of being thrown in roughly the middle of a term, that alone will bode well for him.
  • A focus on quality rather than quantity. I want or events to mean something again.
  • More events with interesting content. That's all culture really needs, it isn't brain surgery.
  • I can't ask for more, he is doing well.
  • More consistent weekly games, hopefully with some interaction with allies (maybe with those that join us in Discord?) ... bigger festival, a few new activities trialled to see if they work out for future events.

Mean: 7.63
Median: 8
Mode: 7

  • Drecq is Drecq.
  • Drecq is Drecq.
  • Fantastic as always, doing great with the mock trials
  • idk how an attorney general can do a bad job
  • Drecq being stereo-typically efficient.
  • Drecq is Drecq
  • There is the slight misstep of him advising President Trinnien to sign the SPA when it first came before him in the Goldenblock, but at least he did side with Malashaan and WL in agreeing that the referendum was the right choice.
  • Solid as always, and it's been nice to see him trying with the mock trials.

(For the above, I had responses limited to 1 per person, so I swear that it wasn't a triple-answer for the same exact statement 3 times. :p)

  • some good attorneying?
  • End the Mock Trial on a high note.
  • To keep judicial training on going and for the mock trials to continue/conclude.
  • His promise in his confirmation about working with the President on the Executive legislative agenda; I'd like to see what that entails.
  • Continue the tradition of being an awesome AG.
  • Moar prosecutions. *nod*

Mean: 7.07 (math note: average of mean scores for each Cabinet member returns a rating of 7.04)
Median: 7
Mode: 7

How the Cabinet members stack up:
WL - 8.44
Kura - 7.63
Drecq - 7.63
Brun - 7.52
GraV - 7.11
Cabinet - 7.07
Trinn - 6.78
HEM - 6.7
Sopo - 5.78
CSP - 5.74

  • security council could help navy
  • It's been pretty minimal, as far as I know.
  • The WA can be a way to push our foreign policy principals and relate to other regions as well as get us some recognition in an area that most of the heavy weights in probably forget about us. Personally I think the wall treaty impeads us in this regard, and that we need to more in region drafting and a vinagee style delegate.
  • The Delegate would need to be involved.
  • Shouldn't really be a high priority for Europeia. The World Assembly is a largely powerless body and we already have the foreign influence required to get things done within it.
  • There are aspects of the WA that FA can benefit from and we should with partners to achieve, particularly the SC. But, the GA tends to be more "RP-esque" in focus and it's just not something that Europeia really gets into that much.
  • It's certainly something to consider, but it shouldn't be the sole focus - or rather the primary energy drain - of our WAD. If the WAD has a team under her to do all the legwork, like making WALL relevant instead of being something pushed entirely by one person (who apparently likes corralling cats in extremely limited windows of time), then try it. But if there isn't a team involved, I'd rather it not become a primary focus that burns Mouse out.
    And honestly, with the exception of a few people, its not like we have a wealth of players capable of doing as much for WA affairs in Europeia as Mouse.
  • The WA is an area we can expand into, but it will take significant effort. To make it work, a president really needs to get actively involved.
  • I think Rach's article about an elected WAD makes a good point. I think WA considerations should be more prominent in Euro FA (although not at the expense of the military) but I think the current system leads to stagnation. That isn't an insult at Mouse, she's been great, but we need an accountable WAD that is faced with regular competition to keep the position sharp.
  • What efforts? I haven't heard of such.
  • WALL isn't the solution that some make it out to be, and it has a number of issues that can't easily be resolved without having someone (r3n previously, or similar to Unibot with The Rejected Times) be able to dedicate significant amounts of time to making it work. It's a nice idea, but a softer power, diplomatic approach may be more effective, overall. The lack of thought many in Euro give to the WA might also explain why the WA is not usually a thought of FA outreach, when perhaps such options should be given more consideration going forward.

  • Stagnation.
  • Stagnation.
  • Stagnation from the Executive.
  • I am not sure.
  • The status quo. In all aspects of Euro we are too willing to accept bland vauge policies as if they are advancements or improvements when they are more of the same.
  • Stagnation, or at least the perception of it.
  • The ERN not loving up to it's operational guidelines.
  • Getting this bunch of new citizens involved
  • complacency, we have reached a point of stability that we may be taking for granted and don't want to disturb
  • Where are we going in Foreign Policy? We have some new treaties and partners, but it seems that we're just taking it as it comes, not an actual path.
  • CARP. Jk jk ;) Nothing jumps to mind on the domestic front. Capitalizing on all those newcomers from the Imgur Boom and integrating as many as we can, perhaps?
  • Some of our FA advisors seem to be stuck in the past. We need to decide what we want the region to represent.
  • Building up the next generation of Europeian leaders (in all branches - Executive, Legislative, Judicial)

  • The ERN.
  • I don't think he has one.
  • A wider lens of Foreign Affairs focus.
  • ERN Op Count
  • HEM's CSO Internship Program, I also really liked Trinnien's posting of the recent media articles by using the Goldenblock.
  • Much-improved communications between the Executive and the rest of the region, and overall better performances from the Executive than under the previous President.
  • A renewed sense of purpose.
  • Nothing seems to have moved the needle from where Euro was before the term.
  • Probably CSO reform, but we will see whether it actually accomplishes anything.
  • The CSO Internship Program. Like I said, not a whole lot happening.
  • Getting the Intern program off the ground ... now to see if it works ...

  • The Presidency, FA, Interior, Culture, etc.
  • It has been another bog standard term.
  • Everything
  • Trinn not following through on his campaign goals.
  • No Ministry of Citizen Integration, though the CSO Intern program has somewhat alleviated that aspect. Is the TWP Festival on the horizon, no word yet.
  • That Sopo was forced to resign. Not that Pichto can't do good work, but he's behind the 8-ball and somewhat thrown into the proverbial fire.
  • Culture. The Mouse event was pretty lame (not mouse herself). Cultural events sound create meaningful activity and attract others to our region.
  • Trinn wasn't even willing to attempt the Interior split, showed incredible lack of foresight in vetting candidates for the position, and then relegated the position to below cabinet level even after publicly affirming belief that it merited a cabinet level position.
  • That Trinn broke his promise within the first week for a major part of his platform, which he defended vigorously when questioned on.
  • President Trinn whose low energy is comparable to Jeb Bush's.
  • A general lack of visibility or announcements from the Ministers (and Pres/VP) about accomplishments to-date. Previously some Ministers (I think Calvin & WL??) gave nearly weekly updates, which may be worth considering to improve the visibility of the Cabinet & President/VP over the remainder of the term.

  • A total change of course, to carry out what was promised, at the very least.
  • I'm not sure.
  • I have no hope for the rest of this term.
  • A successful reelection campaign.
  • A clearer FA path, a successful festival, and greater work done on integration.
  • Sustain the success, continue to effectively overcome any hiccups, and end things on a high note.
  • A reset on culture and continued expansion of media.
  • Improvements in all ministries, especially those associated with weakness this term. Interior, FA, and Culture all need significant improvement.
  • More visible outreach and activity from the Pres/VP/Cabinet. Improvements to the CSO Internship program and a notable uptick in involvement and integration from involved newcomers.
  • Continued coordination with allies - through both cultural and military endeavors.

  • g e t t h e s u c c e u r o y o u s p i c y b o i
  • One of the most disappointing terms in years.
  • Good, but not great. Would vote for again though.
  • I think that there has been greater engagement this term by the Administration but Trinnien and his team still need to work on accomplishing the bigger tasks. If they can do that here in the next few weeks and do it successfully, then maybe he'll earn the right to another term.
  • A mediocre term which has the potential for greatness in the coming weeks.
  • Yay, polls. <3
I'd really like to know the kind of improvements we are meant to make in Foreign Affairs. Are we supposed to bring treaties every term? That's not feasible. Are we meant to force cultural events with TWP when they, themselves, maintain that their region struggles with activity? That's reckless.

If anyone has any ideas then please, let me know. I'd love to discuss them with you so that I can do my job more effectively.

Brunhilde said:
Are we meant to force cultural events with TWP when they, themselves, maintain that their region struggles with activity? That's reckless.
Umwut? How in the world would you even force a cultural event? How is it reckless to have a cultural event? You're not doing anything dangerous or risking anything.... unless your idea of cultural events is different than ours.

Brun said:
If anyone has any ideas then please, let me know. I'd love to discuss them with you so that I can do my job more effectively.
Well, one of the comments was for you to post more in the World Affairs hub. There are also events you can host with other allies, even have a conference with TWP here to discuss further co-operation... maybe even for WA stuff. We had one awhile back even when we weren't allies.

NB: I did not vote or comment in this poll at all and am not passing judgement on any performance or lack thereof from anyone. Mainly playing devils advocate here.
I say reckless because it's been put on us as to why there has been no festival with TWP. We've done everything we can short of hosting, planning, and running the entire event without TWP's knowledge or attendance. That's forcing the issue and it's not something we should do.

We have posted more in the WAH. And we can certainly hold more conferences, but there's a point where we'd just be doing busy work by creating conferences that there is no real passion or need for.
When you allude to having hosted conferences this term by discussing hosting more and hosting too many, how many conferences have been held this term? I personally cannot recall us hosting a conference.

Secondly, your comment on the usefulness of conferences concerns me. Anything worthwhile in FA requires imagination, creativity and thinking for it to work. When Europeia for example had a conference with TNI in 2011 it set in motion the ground breaking military co-operation and ideas that allowed us to dominate in a way we haven't seen yet. Helping get over 100 endorsements in Belgium is the best example I can think of. It demoralized our enemies and allowed us to lead the military world. All these conferences need to have a vision for the future to allow us to be as impactful as we can be. Surely there are enough good ideas out there and that you yourself have come up with to at least host a conference for?
Rach said:
When you allude to having hosted conferences this term by discussing hosting more and hosting too many, how many conferences have been held this term? I personally cannot recall us hosting a conference.
Perhaps you should read my mid-term speech outlining our plan to host a large scale conference on Anti-Nazi cooperation. I personally think my Ministry has its hands full trying to plan that without having to look for more.

And please, don't use a five year old conference as an example on why we should have large scale projects every term. Not only are things vastly different from five years ago but trying to hold large scale conferences every term would be little more than busy work that would do nothing for our foreign agenda.

The fact is that we have done a lot this term both internally with training, dealing with issues with previously treatied allies, and planning massive events. I'd like to know what, exactly, I should do instead to make people realize that this term has been anything but mediocre.
Leaving aside the FA debate for now, this poll's results are basically in line with my opinions on the communication of the administration, which I feel has been very poor, to the point where a majority of citizens were left in the dark, or are still in the dark about what this administration is doing, what progress (if any) is being made, etc. The CSO program and the Chief of Staff position being my biggest concerns. Had CSP not been raised to VP and given a good Senate grilling, we likely never would have found out what he did this term, and we still have been given very little explanation what the CSO Intern Program has done so far this term, just what it intends to do in the last two weeks here. That is borderline isolation of the Executive from the rest of the region, because many times this term it feels like they are in their own world, not caring what people know or do not know, and that is rather upsetting to me.
I think that's fair. My ministry, especially, has struggled with communicating what we've been working on and what we've accomplished.
I think part of it is that for so long dispatches have been considered only for external audiences, and the EBC has focused on feature stories rather than hard news. This is one reason why I’ve pinned a Dispatch thread in the EBC, to assist with internal communication. An Internal Communications function is an important part of any organization, and it’s something that I think we’re lacking here in Europeia.

Feature stories, Who’s Who, Mixlr, etc., are all good, but they aren’t terribly effective Internal Communications tools for keeping the population updated on relevant activities. They are more soft news (if news at all).
I agree that communicating with citizens was definitely an issue while I was in office, and something I was personally greatly bothered by because I've always strives to be open and accessible. If I had remained in office and had sought a second term which had been my original intent I had a plan to address via the CoS taking on the additional duty of essentially Press Secretary. The Ministry of Communications has focused, and generally for good reason, on public consumption media and not the relaying of government information. For the most part this isn't an issue, but someone needs to be out there relaying what the Administration is actually doing. In my first term, that was handled in a pretty balanced way between Calvin and myself. This term, I had FA/military matters that required much of my attention and HEM was focused on the CSO program. As such, the relaying of information was not as smooth or as accessible as it should've been.
It does intrest me seeing how critical people are in polls yet out in the open are less so. I still can't decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing though.
I fully accept the criticism on integration and it is important to note that Interior has been working toward some integration goals. We will be launching the long delayed Newcomer of the Month program within a few days, which will hopefully prove to be a success. I personally will be creating guides for important integration efforts such as the Welcoming Dispatch which is now a ministerial responsibility and is a big part in getting new regional entrants to sign up for citizenship.

It's also worth repeating that integration achievements are not as concrete as recruitment and less likely to be publicly displayed. Furthermore a lot of integration happens outside of the Ministries control such as the CA's LTC or the judiciaries JTC and in this term the CSO internship program.
A lot of work this term has been under the hood. That's truly, been the nature of this entire term — even when Trinnien was leading the ship. We put a lot of work and investment in government infrastructure that won't be fully realized until next term, if not longer.

That being said, there have been more opportunities to communicate with the region and explain what's been going on, and I'm as much at fault for that lack of communication as anyone.
I remember back when WL and Calvin (in Interior and FA, and in Culture and Comm prior) would put out weekly, "Here's what I've been up to!" posts during the term. I don't want to detract from other jobs within a given Ministry but perhaps that's something worth looking at for the last few weeks of the term?
Deepest House said:
I think part of it is that for so long dispatches have been considered only for external audiences, and the EBC has focused on feature stories rather than hard news. This is one reason why I’ve pinned a Dispatch thread in the EBC, to assist with internal communication. An Internal Communications function is an important part of any organization, and it’s something that I think we’re lacking here in Europeia.

Feature stories, Who’s Who, Mixlr, etc., are all good, but they aren’t terribly effective Internal Communications tools for keeping the population updated on relevant activities. They are more soft news (if news at all).
The thing is most happenings are publicly available on the forums, and frankly re-posting every piece of information seems silly to me, and frankly this is what we do with dispatches right now in my opinion so I don't see how dispatches really have any value for euro citizens who should already know who won an election or who was appointed what, so realistically the only people that could be the target audience are external individuals, but I'm not even sure if anyone reads our dispatches(this is something we haven't put enough thought into. Who is actually reading these dispatches? I don't think we know). But realistically the problems with communication have to do with behind the scenes stuff that are largely under law classified. Only the relevant minister or the President could realistically release any of the information as to what is going on, and a lot of times it seems we struggle to get the balance right between keeping everyone informed that stuff is going on and not revealing everything(for culture or comms you can ruin events or articles by revealing too much, in FA and even to some extent some of the more behind the scenes shifts in the navy you have the real need to keep a lot of the information off the public record).

This isn't really the Role of the EBC though. I've seen a lot of crtisism saying that media should go away from opinion and to fact reporting, but what facts are they going to report? Repeat the same things we already know? investigative reporting? That would mostly be illegal honestly. Commentary, opinion pieces, satire, and other thought provoking pieces are really the ideal realm for the EBC and private media both, because really media in NS needs to focus on inspiring and encouraging dialogues as that is it's most effective use.
Mousebumples said:
I remember back when WL and Calvin (in Interior and FA, and in Culture and Comm prior) would put out weekly, "Here's what I've been up to!" posts during the term. I don't want to detract from other jobs within a given Ministry but perhaps that's something worth looking at for the last few weeks of the term?
Yeah, and Calvin's were bloody awful and told us nothing.

"I've been doin' stuff this week, you guys. Great stuff, all the best stuff is being done. Nobody does stuff like we do stuff. See ya' next week!"

I hate all of you with the burning, white hot passion of a thousand burning suns.
Notolecta said:
Deepest House said:
I think part of it is that for so long dispatches have been considered only for external audiences, and the EBC has focused on feature stories rather than hard news. This is one reason why I’ve pinned a Dispatch thread in the EBC, to assist with internal communication. An Internal Communications function is an important part of any organization, and it’s something that I think we’re lacking here in Europeia.

Feature stories, Who’s Who, Mixlr, etc., are all good, but they aren’t terribly effective Internal Communications tools for keeping the population updated on relevant activities. They are more soft news (if news at all).
The thing is most happenings are publicly available on the forums, and frankly re-posting every piece of information seems silly to me, and frankly this is what we do with dispatches right now in my opinion so I don't see how dispatches really have any value for euro citizens who should already know who won an election or who was appointed what, so realistically the only people that could be the target audience are external individuals, but I'm not even sure if anyone reads our dispatches(this is something we haven't put enough thought into. Who is actually reading these dispatches? I don't think we know). But realistically the problems with communication have to do with behind the scenes stuff that are largely under law classified. Only the relevant minister or the President could realistically release any of the information as to what is going on, and a lot of times it seems we struggle to get the balance right between keeping everyone informed that stuff is going on and not revealing everything(for culture or comms you can ruin events or articles by revealing too much, in FA and even to some extent some of the more behind the scenes shifts in the navy you have the real need to keep a lot of the information off the public record).

This isn't really the Role of the EBC though. I've seen a lot of crtisism saying that media should go away from opinion and to fact reporting, but what facts are they going to report? Repeat the same things we already know? investigative reporting? That would mostly be illegal honestly. Commentary, opinion pieces, satire, and other thought provoking pieces are really the ideal realm for the EBC and private media both, because really media in NS needs to focus on inspiring and encouraging dialogues as that is it's most effective use.
To be fair, I didn’t say that there was no place or value in feature pieces by the EBC, nor that dispatches were the answer to internal communications. Dispatches are a starting point for internal communications, not an end point. And the MoC has a responsibility to produce content related to elections and other official business. That’s a core function, so I don’t see any question in the value of continuing to do so. In fact, we have had new citizens come to Europeia based solely on the quality of our dispatches because they demonstrated the robust political and cultural environment that exists in the region. Now, we don’t do dispatches to recruit, but everything that demonstrates Euro’s professionalism and excellence helps with overall recruitment and retention.

I have in the past said that the EBC shouldn’t focus on editorials or opinion based pieces. That statement was early in my time here and based on my real world experience planning and implementing information campaigns for a federal agency (we do use OpEds and LTEs in very limited instances, but not as a regular part of operations). The dynamics of Europeia and NS, in general, allow for and encourage a bit more latitude in these kinds of pieces, although I will say that I’d prefer to see private media take on more of a role (especially in regard to satire, which I don’t think has a place in government communications).

The MoC can take a passive approach and say “yeah, everyone should know who won the election.” And yes, most probably will. Or the MoC can say “it’s our mission to disseminate information about this election, so we are going to do so.” Elections are just one example, switch out whatever official activity you like. The passive approach to the MoC is saying “most happenings are publicly available on the forums,” and letting people peruse the multitude of forums and subforums to find information themselves. The active approach is saying “we have a responsibility to collect and present this information to the public out of an interest of government transparency and customer service.”

The MoC is a customer service organization, whether our customer is the general public of Europeia/larger NS world and we collect and provide information to them, or if our customers are other ministries who request support in sharing producing and sharing information/news with the region and the larger NS world at large.

Another thing that I’ve seen in my time here is that the MoC has often been left out of the planning process for events, announcements, etc., and only gets brought in in the last minute. That’s a terrible approach, and I’d really like to see future administrations involve the MoC (minister) earlier in the process. There are a lot of positive benefits to this: the MoC is not reactive but proactive; the MoC can provide comms planning and advice in shaping a communications rollout and advise on potential public reaction, etc. There is a lot more that a minister can offer the president and vice president than simply pushing information – the Minister should be a real comms advisor and have a seat at the table for ALL major discussions involving the region, whether that relates to the ERN, FA, internal cultural events, etc. This would also be consistent with the real world, where we are constantly involved in meetings at the highest levels even if they don’t directly pertain to our operations immediately, simply to be aware and serve as an advisor. MoC might not always have something to say, but better to be there than not. Euro has been too stovepiped, in my opinion. When a president appoints a minister, that should be done with full trust and confidence not only in technical ability, but also ability to keep things confidential when necessary (sensitive discussions about FA, military, etc.) A president should appoint the MoC minister with enough trust to bring that comms advisor into any meeting without hesitation.
Common-Sense Politics said:
Mousebumples said:
I remember back when WL and Calvin (in Interior and FA, and in Culture and Comm prior) would put out weekly, "Here's what I've been up to!" posts during the term. I don't want to detract from other jobs within a given Ministry but perhaps that's something worth looking at for the last few weeks of the term?
Yeah, and Calvin's were bloody awful and told us nothing.

"I've been doin' stuff this week, you guys. Great stuff, all the best stuff is being done. Nobody does stuff like we do stuff. See ya' next week!"

I hate all of you with the burning, white hot passion of a thousand burning suns.
They were long enough ago that you could very well be right, and I've just idealized them as being useful and informative when they weren't. :ph43r: