Liberal Democratic Pary

Oh no, the rebirth of the liberals! :p
Liberalism, in this case, refers to the ideals of Freedom, Civic Responsibility, and Personal Excellence.

Don't make the mistake of assuming "liberal" means "socialist" :p
I am relatively positive he was referencing the ELP. ;)
I'm actually unfamiliar with the ELP :p
You would know it better as the Reformist Party. :p
I can't believe I was once a liberal. -_-
The leader of the Reformist Party is now the VP candidate of the Conservative Party.
... who was previously the Chairman and former Presidential candidate of the Europeian Liberal Party, which stood on exactly what you just said your party stands on, and the ELP became the New Libertarian Party and then the Reformist Party. :p
Holy shit that banner is like Neopets meets Lion King on acid.

Plus you need a smaller version, that can't be the banner, lol