ENN Election Night


New member
I want to invite everyone to join ENN tonight on IRC in the Europeian channel for first responses to the election, enjoyable chat, a whole lot of fun. The election starts at midnight EDT! Get out and vote!
All the cool people have IRC.

And me...


Umm, yeah, its fairly easy, but not so easy I can just explain in a couple of lines. Perhaps someone can link GOB to instructions for IRC, or make a step-by-step guide?
An online client is the easiest way.
We're almost twelve hours after the opening of ballots, and there's no commentary :(
You guys suck. :p
Rape's not funny. -_-
Everything is fair game in love and comedy.
Not particularly. Repeatedly sending "RAPE" on the IRC channel isn't funny.
Yeah. Fort, that's..really not funny at all. You know for every 200 people that you make a rape joke to, statistically you've just reminded 33 people of something atrocious that's happened to them.

Let me quote something, real fast.
To all those who don’t think the rape joke was a problem, or rape jokes are a problem.

I get it, you’re a decent guy. I can even believe it. You’ve never raped anybody. You would NEVER rape anybody. You’re upset that all these feminists are trying to accuse you of doing something or connect you to doing something that, as far as you’re concerned, you’ve never done and would never condone.

And they’ve told you about triggers and PTSD, and how one in six women is a survivor, and you get it. You do. But you can’t let every time someone gets all upset get in the way of you having a good time, right?

So fine. If all those arguments aren’t going anything for you, let me tell you this. And I tell you this because I genuinely believe you mean it when you say you don’t want to hurt anybody, and you don’t see the harm, and that it’s important to you to do your best to be a decent and good person. And I genuinely believe you when you say you would never associate with a rapist and you think rape really is a very bad thing.

Because this is why I refuse to take rape jokes sitting down-

6% of college age men, slightly over 1 in 20, will admit to raping someone in anonymous surveys, as long as the word “rape” isn’t used in the description of the act.

6% of Penny Arcade’s target demographic will admit to actually being rapists when asked.

A lot of people accuse feminists of thinking that all men are rapists. That’s not true. But do you know who think all men are rapists?

Rapists do.

They really do. In psychological study, the profiling, the studies, it comes out again and again.

Virtually all rapists genuinely believe that all men rape, and other men just keep it hushed up better. And more, these people who really are rapists are constantly reaffirmed in their belief about the rest of mankind being rapists like them by things like rape jokes, that dismiss and normalize the idea of rape.

If one in twenty guys is a real and true rapist, and you have any amount of social activity with other guys like yourself, really cool guy, then it is almost a statistical certainty that one time hanging out with friends and their friends, playing Halo with a bunch of guys online, in a WoW guild, or elsewhere, you were talking to a rapist. Not your fault. You can’t tell a rapist apart any better than anyone else can. It’s not like they announce themselves.

But, here’s the thing. It’s very likely that in some of these interactions with these guys, at some point or another someone told a rape joke. You, decent guy that you are, understood that they didn’t mean it, and it was just a joke. And so you laughed.

And, decent guy who would never condone rape, who would step in and stop rape if he saw it, who understands that rape is awful and wrong and bad, when you laughed?

That rapist who was in the group with you, that rapist thought that you were on his side. That rapist knew that you were a rapist like him. And he felt validated, and he felt he was among his comrades.

You. The rapist’s comrade.

And if that doesn’t make you feel sick to your stomach, if that doesn’t make you want to throw up, if that doesn’t disturb you or bother you or make you feel like maybe you should at least consider not participating in that kind of humor anymore…

Well, maybe you aren’t as opposed to rapists as you claim.
I don't care, doubt the source or whatever. Maybe it's just me, but that's more than enough to make me open my mouth when I hear a rape joke.

And if you think that just because this is the internet that it's alright, or that no one here has experienced that. You're wrong.
We're almost twelve hours after the opening of ballots, and there's no commentary :(
Well, there are MSN logs that'll say that I predicted thusly:

1) Sopo wins on the first ballot, but with a margin of 51-55%, not as high as polling predicted (currently on the way to being true).

2) Swakistek does better than the polling expected (currently on the way to being true).

3) Ogastien tanks, as those who are opposed to the idea of Sopo find their solace in Swakistek or a protest vote (Blumenwitz... and currently Blumenwitz is beating Ogastein 4-3).

It's not precisely the best commentary but I am feeling a bit prescient at the moment. :p
Earthie is right. I think there's some leeway, and if a woman (or man) can't bear to hear the lightest joke about rape they probably need to get some help (I'm not blaming them or anything; it's a traumatic experience and they got traumatized, that's all there is to it) but I do try to avoid them, especially after I found out a couple years ago that my best friend had been raped when she 12.
Earthie is right. I think there's some leeway, and if a woman (or man) can't bear to hear the lightest joke about rape they probably need to get some help (I'm not blaming them or anything; it's a traumatic experience and they got traumatized, that's all there is to it) but I do try to avoid them, especially after I found out a couple years ago that my best friend had been raped when she 12.
Nope, there's no leeway. Rape's not funny. Period.