An Interview with HEM

I sat down with outgoing Supreme Chancellor HEM yesterday, for an interview. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed speaking with him.

Mousebumples: HEM, thank you so much for agreeing do this interview!

HEM: It's great to be here!

Mousebumples: First off, can you start by giving everyone a little bit of history? (You know how much I love your historifying!) How did the Supreme Chancellor position originate in Europeia?

HEM: The position, honestly, was created as an honorific for me after stepping down from the monarchy. It was right after my Presidential term, and it was a political manifestation of the "founder" position. Basically, the post was in charge of administering elections and serving as a sorta guardian for the region.

Mousebumples: That makes so much sense. Did you have any Vice Chancellors back then, or was it just you running the show?

HEM: The position of Vice Chancellor materialized after Lethen served a stint as interim Chancellor when I was inactive for two weeks in November 2007 (the position was created that August, for reference). After my return, we institutionalized the idea of having a second person serve in the Chancellery with a Vice Chancellor position!

Mousebumples: Speaking from personal experience, it's great to have a few other people to coordinate speeches for announcing the start of Standing and opening polls and stuff!

Mousebumples: Can you explain for us how Lethen came to join you as a Supreme Chancellor?

HEM: Lethen was always incredibly dedicated to the region (that is, after he resigned in April 2007, saying the region was doomed to failure because of my shortcomings :p ) But after his return a few weeks later, he always believed in the scrappy region. He eventually cast off all his other NS commitments to focus on Europeia.

In 2012, when I began to see the likelihood of Europeia outlasting my NS career (which is truly nothing I ever anticipated) I thought it was time to expand the institution into something more enduring. And understanding Lethen's role in our history, that at many times resembled that of a co-founder, I knew he was the only choice.

Mousebumples: Well, I think we're all happy that you made Lethen see reason despite his doom-and-gloom prophecy not quite 10 years ago!

HEM: I didn't make him see reason, he just couldn't resist :p

Mousebumples: Were you modeling jorts already back then? :creepy:

Mousebumples: And now, you've decided to step down as Supreme Chancellor. You alluded to your reasons in your recent [speech, but can you elaborate on that a bit more for us, here?

HEM: The speech was almost two-thousand words because nailing down the precise reasons is a difficult task. I think, though, the most relevant thing is ensuring that Europeia can outlast me, and outlast any single person. Being able to see a transition of this institution is the first step to ensuring that is possible. Furthermore, I think the position — one that in many ways resembles a monarchial post — made me lazy and less motivated to contribute. I really want to be able to enjoy this game, and I wasn't in the same old job day-to-day, and so I needed a change.

Mousebumples: To clarify, though, you're not planning to leave Europeia anytime soon, though, right? This is a "just in case" move? This is a "I need to reinvigorate my passion for this region" move?

HEM: Oh yeah, I mean, this is looking long-term

HEM: But I think that it's important to be like, ya know, within 2 years my life and career could be in a place where there is absolutely zero time for NS. And I would like to see a transition BEFORE we get to that place

Mousebumples: That's completely reasonable, but I think I speak for almost all Europeians when I say I hope that doesn't happen. Even if you take the Lexus retirement approach and just visit us on the weekends, hopefully you will at least be somewhat around sometimes.

Mousebumples: What will you miss most about being Supreme Chancellor?

HEM: I'll miss having that perpetual microphone. That special forum where I can speak to people, and try to remind people why their work is so important. About why our community is so important. I think there are days I will miss the pomp, and ceremony of the office. But I think being able to move beyond that, and craft a different legacy in the region is important. And there are endless ways to contribute, afterall.

Mousebumples: That is a very good point, HEM, and one that I hope all Europeians will take to heart. It's easy to get caught up in the ceremony and titles of certain positions, but even if you aren't a Minister or Senator or [position title], there's still so much that can be done in this region to get involved and make a difference.
Mousebumples: Any particular "least favorite things" that you are glad to leave behind, now that you're exiting the Chancellery?

HEM: I think I won't fully know until I leave the office, in some ways. I would LOVE to say, not having my every action reflect on Europeia. There have been a number of times where I've done something outside the region, and Europeia has been tagged with it. But I suspect that that may ALWAYS be the case, as I am still founder :p

HEM: I think being responsible for important minutia, like opening elections and closing them at precise times will be something I am glad to leave in the past. Very important stuff to be sure, but people are always badgering you, and people always know when you've made a mistake!

Mousebumples: Clearly, you need to be better at making puppets that can't be tied to you. We'll have to send you off to ERN training to have Writinglegend train you up! ;)

HEM: I already have a puppet in Europeia — his name is Lethen! :p

Mousebumples: Not to throw the train of the tracks, but the Nethel account is yours, correct?

HEM: Correct!

Mousebumples: Anyhow, back on target, can you think of any one thing that was a part of your gig as SC that you don't think the average citizen realizes or fully understands?

HEM: I think the sheer difficulty of being in politics while holding the role goes over people's head. You are held to a different standard — a much higher one. And I'm not saying that's right or wrong, but it is the way it is. People always notice your activity levels, you can't peace out for a week without people taking note. Part of the reason for the drama in 2011 (i.e. "Resignation-gate") was because, as Supreme Chancellor, I was combating certain ideas very forcefully in the region, and people used that as a symbol of our region's problems. People basically said, "Look at HEM! This is what Europeia believes and it's awful!" The stress that comes with that level of scrutiny is unbelievable at times — though our culture has surely mellowed out (perhaps a bit too much...) since then.

Mousebumples: Very true. It's difficult to try to run for office while serving in the Chancellery. I've admired your willingness to put yourself forward for your previous Senate and Vice Presidential runs, for example, but I hope that you will find an easier path going forward in that regard.

Mousebumples: I think this interview is winding down on my end, HEM. Are there any final statements you'd like to make, or questions you'd like to pose to the public as a whole?

HEM: Have fun, enjoy the game for what it is — an awesome game. But part of the game should be leaving your mark and making us all better. Don't be afraid to step up and out of your comfort zone. Don't be afraid to fight for what you believe in. That's how you win Nationstates.

Mousebumples: That's a great message, HEM, and hopefully one that everyone will take to heart. Thanks again for your time.

HEM: My pleasure
My thanks again to HEM for allowing me to conduct the interview, and also to him for his time and efforts serving as a steward and founder of Europeia. I can quite honestly say that this region would not be what it is - and, frankly, would not even exist - without him.
An excellent interview, Mouse and HEM! Thank you both for doing this! :clap:
All this time...I thought the Nethel account was Lethen's...
shufordbrian said:
All this time...I thought the Nethel account was Lethen's...
You're not alone. :ph43r:

But then again, I knew Jesus was Leth's, so I was wondering why he (presumably) had three accounts :p
Good interview, though...

HEM: I already have a puppet in Europeia — his name is Lethen! :p
Hardee-har-har :rolleyes: and...

Mousebumples: Not to throw the train of the tracks, but the Nethel account is yours, correct?

HEM: Correct!
...incorrect. Jesus and Nethel are both mine. :gentleman:
Wait....if Lethen is HEM's puppet and Lethen's telling us both Jesus and Nethel are his.....that means Jesus is HEM's puppet too! *dramatic chipmunk stare*
Elizabeth II Windsor said:
I enjoied reading :D
But not spelling, apparently

Lethen said:
Good interview, though...

HEM: I already have a puppet in Europeia — his name is Lethen! :p
Hardee-har-har :rolleyes: and...

Mousebumples: Not to throw the train of the tracks, but the Nethel account is yours, correct?

HEM: Correct!
...incorrect. Jesus and Nethel are both mine. :gentleman:
*pulls marionette strings*

Hush there, Leafen. :ph43r: