A Taste of Skizz #10

Note: This edition first appeared in The New Inquisition during Culturefest March 2011.

Hi. I’m Skizzy mother—king Grey.

I’m off drugs, off my meds (klonopin withdrawal, day six) and f—king crazier than ever.

I’m a Christian who likes to say f—k. I believe Jesus Christ will judge the world in righteousness, but in the meantime, I push papers across a desk in my finely appointed office in a suburban office park. I criticize the largesse of others but tip the scales at 300 pounds myself.

I care little for my personal appearance as I rub conditioner into my professionally styled hair each morning. I toss around phrases like “hammer like a porn star” that would make my ex-girlfriends (probably) and my wife (most definitely) fall down laughing. I project a defiant, devil-may-care image to people who know I’m defined by a child I’d sell my soul to save.

I humbly say I’m sorry, then arrogantly presume my opinion is the best one. I defer to others, but never presume that my words won’t be taken seriously.

I live the dialectical tension of life. For better and for worse.

Nice to meet you.
Not as good as your other work, but still better than most people's work :p