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  1. Yuri R. Somerset

    The Wire

    Would anyone be interested in updating the wire during rhe week? My work schedule has been insane lately and looks to be so through thebend of the month.
  2. Yuri R. Somerset

    The EBC Sunday Times,

    1st Edition, 1st Volume 1 June 2014 Letter From The Editor This marks the first printing of the EBC Sunday Times. While my tenure as editor and minister of communications has been short, I hope that I will be able to continue to be active and make this publication into a weekly printing that...
  3. Yuri R. Somerset

    Attention Artists

    The EBC is looking for comics submissions for the sunday edition. ideally, these comics will be no more than 8 panes. They may be on just about anything, although nationstates content would be preferred, I won't turn down a comic strip that originated from a Europeian unless it has serious issues.
  4. Yuri R. Somerset

    EBC Sunday Times Discussion

    This thread will be the place to discuss articles seen in the EBC Sunday edition. I'd like to know what all sections everyone would be interested in seeing in the paper. I'll lay out what we plan to cover at the moment, and hopefully we can gain some new ideas for this thread. 1. People 2...
  5. Yuri R. Somerset

    ForUp - Election Edition

    Below is the first half of the update for the election, this is a rough draft and by no means near completion. I just wanted to get it posted for discussion as I'm currently waiting to hear back from Anumia with his list of things he would like covered. Also, Kraken, what would you like to see...
  6. Yuri R. Somerset

    The EBC Sunday TImes

    This will be the working thread for the EBC Sunday edition. The name is not set in stone though, so hopefully once I can figure out how to get everyone masked in we can start this and get a paper out next sunday. As it stands right now, I would like for all writers to have their submissions...
  7. Yuri R. Somerset

    Office of Dispatches

    This will function as the work area for the Office of Dispatches.
  8. Yuri R. Somerset


    As part of the EBC Sunday Times, I plan to run an opinion section and will select one or two pieces to be featured each week assuming I have enough submissions. Feel free to pm them to me or post them in the editing room if you have EBC masking.
  9. Yuri R. Somerset

    Coming to Europeia Interviews: CassyStyles

    An Interview with CassyStyles Dr. Yuri Razhtigr: Hello, and welcome to the first edition of my Coming to Europeia interview series, today, I'm here with CassyStyles, a newcomer to Europeia, an up and coming military mind and future chief justice. Thanks for joining me CassyStyles, its a...