WWIE #3: Malashaan

The Ministry of Interior and EBC are proud to present...


Sopo: Welcome to another edition of Who's Who in Europeia! I'm joined today by President Malashaan, who is completing his term in the Goldenblock. Thanks for joining me!

Malashaan: You're welcome, it's a pleasure to be here.

Sopo: Tell us a little about your background in the game. How did you get into NationStates, and how long have you been playing?

Malashaan: I can't remember exactly when I started playing, but I believe it was some time in 2005. I quickly ended up in Democrats - I'm not sure why as I was living in England at the time and had no interest in US politics - but as it turned out, it really wasn't a US politics themed region anyway. I worked on their first constitution and was heavily involved for many years. In 2011 I started to tire of some toxic politics there and started looking for another home. I co-founded a couple of regions, but they didn't come to much, and I eventually stumbled in Europeia.

Sopo: What about Europeia appealed to you?

Malashaan: I searched for regions with the "regional government" tag. After reviewing Europeia's laws, I was impressed with the quality and depth. I also remembered being told that Europeia had a great legal system a few months earlier, so it seemed like a good place to try

Sopo: Well, we're certainly glad you ended up here. What part of the region did you get involved with first after joining?

Malashaan: I briefly dabbled in the City Council (the predecessor of the Citizens' Assembly) and very quickly needed up in the Senate.

Sopo: Most Europeians are aware of your prodigeous Senate career. How many terms did you serve in the Senate?

Malashaan: I believe it was 8, in two chunks. Although one of them was cut short by a recall of the entire Senate.

Sopo: I remember that, though it's a bit blurry now. I think I may have been involved. What was your favorite part about being a Senator?

Malashaan: I enjoy the collaborative problem solving - working with a group of intelligent people to find the precise words that precisely define what we want the law to be is highly rewarding. It's still my favorite aspect of the game.

Sopo: Do you see yourself returning to the Senate when your time in the Executive is over?

Malashaan: Honestly, that was my originally my plan when I decided not to stand for a second term, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to be Mouse's running mate - I think she will make a great President, either next term or in future.

Sopo: Speaking of that, what drove you to run for President last term?

Malashaan: There were a number of factors. One of the significant ones was that I had been involved in early discussions about the possibilities of using mixlr, and I wanted to make sure that that happened. I also had been around Europeia a long time and never run for President. I had a lot of ideas that ran across the spectrum of Ministries, and it felt like being President would be the best way to implement them - it felt like the right time to take that step.

Sopo: Do you feel like you were able to accomplish everything you set out to do as president?

Malashaan: No, but I achieved most of it, and I achieved a whole bunch of stuff that wasn't in my initial plan but came up through the term. With the stuff that hasn't progressed as much as I had hoped, I am still relatively content - I feel I've set the stage for my successor to pick up the baton.

Sopo: What would you say your greatest accomplishment has been?

Malashaan: Right now I am most proud of the success of the Winter Ball. Right up until the launch I was concerned that no one would show up and it would be a flop. The fact that people came to Europeia from so many regions and really enjoyed themselves (and were impressed with the party we hosted) is really good for our reputation - I hope future Presidents will follow my suggestion and make it an annual event.

Sopo: It certainly did go well, and some of those diplomats have regularly poked about our forums since. If your ticket is elected, how do you see your role in government changing once you and Mouse are inaugurated again, but in reverse? or perhaps a better question, what about your role will stay the same?

Malashaan: I think a lot of the "invisible" stuff will remain the same - helping out with planning events and discussing strategy in cabinet meetings, etc. However, a lot less of my time will be spent making final executive decisions and dealing with crises, which will free me up to focus on more implementing projects. For example, I am hoping to spend a lot more time ensuring newcomers can find meaningful work within the government.

Sopo: Do you have any advice for the newcomer aspiring Europeian politician?

Malashaan: Don't be afraid to get involved early, and take the opportunity to learn from the more epxerienced members. We have an amazing number of talented people and you can really develop rapidly if you find one or more good mentors. In my case, I learned from Swakistek in my early days, and I will always be grateful for that.

Sopo: Thank you very much for joining me, and good luck with the last days of your term!

Malashaan: Thank you, I really appreciate the effort you put into these interviews.

Sopo: Of course. It's my pleasure.

Who should be the next Who's Who? Let me know in the comments below.
Wait, I have to deal with crises as President? Crap. Hey, Mal ... uh ... want to switch the ticket back again? ;)

I kid, I kid. It's been an honor to work with President Malashaan this term, and I look forward to continuing our hard work in the term to come! :D
Was it just me, or did that seem a lot more focused on the recent stuff than the others? I liked it, just something I felt. Regardless, good interview, you two. :D
When Swak first got here, he started off as my Senate aide when I was a Senator and then my judicial clerk when I was Chief Justice. I'm glad to see he passed the torch forward and mentored the next generation of Europeian leaders.
I think it was more current events focused - that's just how the conversation developed.
I'd love to do one of these, Sopo.