Wildcard Submission #1

I'm glad CSP convinced me to give Culture a try, because it was certainly an educational experience, but I can't say I enjoyed it. I like law from the legislative and judicial side, and have got good at recruiting over the years (because it's pretty much essential to a region's success, especially in smaller regions where everyone needs to chip in to stand a chance), but Culture is a totally different beast.

i have no idea who is going to run, but they are going to face a big challenge with regards to the lowered activity levels of late.
The trick is to not let it get you down.

When I was taking Ancient Greek 111 and 112, Initially I had trouble translating the 20,25,30, 35 lines we were assigned for homework, letting myself get overwhelmed by the immensity of the task. I managed to get past that problem by breaking it into chunks.

There are insurmountable problems in this world, but many 'insurmountable problems' look much, much easier if you break them down into pieces.

Moreover, if we have a term of sparse activity, that might give whoever the new President is room to enact structural reforms, because they'll have the time.
I am sure Europeia will overcome the obstacles, it always does.
Just clone me. Problem solved.
Skizzy Grey said:
And obviously, veterans like Rachel, Swak, NES and PASD aren't active enough anymore to mount a serious candidacy.


The guy who intrigues me is Cerian. People dismiss him because of his brusque style and commitments to other regions, but he's the only citizen who might be willing to serve who has demonstrated a willingness to work as hard for this region as a President must work to be successful.

I have never had any doubts about Cerian's ability to do work and get the job done, and I don't regret choosing him to be my Minister of Foreign Affairs.
The guy on the right is the best candidate by far!
He's too new!