Which Honoured Citizen Has Been the Most Awarded Post-Conferral?

Calvin Coolidge

Forum Administrator
Honoured Citizen
This article is part of a series on Honoured Citizens. Check out parts one, two, three, and four.

In the last installment of this series, we took a look at how many medals the average Honoured Citizen had before they were given HC status. However, while I was collecting the data for that I also took the time to collect all the medal data for our Honoured Citizens, because I grew curious about another question. Which Honoured Citizen has been awarded the most medals after being awarded honoured citizenship? This question intrigued me because there are a few different ways that people are given this status, and that would drastically alter their results for this question. Sometimes a citizen is on their way out, retiring from the game, and they are awarded an Ovation as a thank you for their years of service. Other times, they are in the midst of their prime when given the award, and they continue to contribute for many more years afterwards. Then, there are those somewhere in between who aren't quite retired, but also are no longer at peak activity, and may contribute from time to time.

Every single one of our twenty-six Honoured Citizens is worthy of their status, that's not up for debate. But some have honestly racked up enough accolades to earn a second Ovation or Triumph! Let's dig into the data to see how things break down. Before we do, however, a brief disclaimer that, like always, Pineapleboy is excluded from this analysis because although he is an Honoured Citizen he was not awarded an Ovation or Triumph, and is therefore not eligible for this analysis. Further, since the last installment of this series there is a new Honoured Citizen, Mousebumples, who will now be included in the data. And lastly, I will continue to include Anumia, hyanygo, and Oliver Grey in this analysis, as I usually do, even though their awards were later revoked. Last note before I present the chart, this count will include every medal earned starting with the Order of Republica and/or Order of Courage that was received alongside their Honoured Citizenship. So, almost everyone will have at least one medal in this count. I say almost everyone because... well, you'll see. Here's the chart!

Post Medals Asc.jpg
Medals Earned
NameMedals Earned From Conferral OnwardTotal Number of Medals Today
Oliver Grey04
Pope Lexus X19
Skizzy Grey48
Calvin Coolidge713
Lots of interesting stuff to get into here! To get the weird numbers out of the way first, everyone who had their awards stripped after it was conferred to them had that award removed from their count here. That's why Oliver Grey has 0, despite everyone else having at least one award. He earned his Triumph, basically retired, then trashed Europeia abroad, and becomes the HC with the least successful retirement ever. Anumia and hy had earned other awards, so they avoid this fate.

Getting into the other numbers, you can see the average number of medals earned after conferall is 3.12. This is definitely brought down by the number of HCs who either retired shortly after their conferral, or had a conferral incredibly recently, but it does shed a little light on how those groups I mentioned earlier break down. This group contains 9 out of our 26 earning 1 or fewer medals after their conferral. The next group, those who stuck around, but weren't the most active, earning 2 or 3 medals, has 8 out of 26. And lastly, those who continued to contribute for many years at peak or near peak activity, earning 4 or more medals, contains 9 out of 26. So, they actually break down into these three groups pretty evenly. So, you have an equal chance of entering all three of these groups if you ever become an Honoured Citizen!

So, in these groups are there any that are worth highlighting? Yes, of course! I think in that first group, we mostly see citizens near the bottom in terms of overall medal count for HCs (which is 7 or 8, as determined in our last article), so those with a lot of medals (Asianatic and hy) and those with even less than that (Oliver) are notable. In the next group we see a good amount in the middle the medal count, but once again the standouts are those with a lot (CSP) and a little (NES). In our last group, most of them are on the higher end of medals, which makes sense. That means the standouts here are those with relatively less (Kraken).

These standouts all basically make sense if you look at our previous article and see how many medals they had, where they were in their careers, and how much more they "had to prove" in the relative scheme of things. Of course, what goes into who gets medals in certain stages of their career is heavily dependent on what presidents people serve under, and those presidents' philosophies on medal giving, so you can take all of this with a huge grain of salt. I just am glad to have this data out here so we can learn more about the careers of Europeia's best and brightest, to further learn and use as better examples to enhance our current region. Until next time, this is Calvin Coolidge, mixing some colors together.​
It might seem a little strange to mention, but I sometimes forget how much someone like Lethen has contributed to the region outside of the Chancellery, so seeing a whopping 16 medals earned by him was somewhat surprising, although clearly deserved. Love the analysis though Cal, very interesting!
This is quite interesting Calvin! There are so many factors that could play into this that it’s kinda hard to wrap my brain around them.
This is some interesting info on an area I'd never even thought about before. It's quite fascinating actually to compare the differences between some of the names on this last. Thanks for doing this Calvin!
It might seem a little strange to mention, but I sometimes forget how much someone like Lethen has contributed to the region outside of the Chancellery, so seeing a whopping 16 medals earned by him was somewhat surprising, although clearly deserved. Love the analysis though Cal, very interesting!
I'm a strange one with a lot of these categories, honestly.
pretty graph, fun thoughts, happy koala

I love this series though. Here goes me rereading all the other articles in case I missed anything
where are all my medals