Vol. III: October 2024 Presidential Election Preliminary Polling


we are so back
Vice President

Vol. III / Monday, September 3oth / 1 Jortcoin

October 2024 Presidential Election Preliminary Polling

by Sincluda

UPC/GK Administration Satisfaction

  • Very confident and competent adminstration.​
  • exceptional work​
  • none​
  • I think GK has done a wonderful job but at this point, I’d like a new administration rather then the current one as I believe their steam is running out.​
  • Rivals Gleg for best presidency of all time.​

What if President UPC runs for a fourth consecutive term?

  • 4 terms in a row from anyone might kill this region
  • I like UPC, not sure I like the feel of four straight terms. Will need to see who the opposition is - I wouldn't automatically vote against UPC but if the opposition is competent I'd be more likely to take a chance on them given the length of UPC's current tenure.
  • Would be a long time for a President to serve. Concerned about succession planning and energy getting stale
  • I'd love to see UPC pursue another term, but it's important to avoid burnout so i'd understand if they didn't want to!
  • I was not really into the idea for a while, but UPC does not seem to be slowing down
  • Would be nice to see him do so.
  • Please do not.
  • I am open to it, but certainly would have concerns about crowding out other interested players. If anyone has earned it, though, he has.

Election Issues, Interests, and Vote Influencers

  • Government involvement, balance of social players with players doing the work (seems a disproportionate as ever)
  • none
  • I’d say new people in the administration rather than the same group of them.
  • Their position on reform - I don't like most of the really big reform ideas, so a more cautious candidate is more likely to get my vote.
  • tech stuff i guess, but upc has that covered

Who should run for President?

Note: This section only received 27 responses, as opposed to 28 like the others. Any citizen who received less than 30% (8 or less votes) is not included in the table below.

RankCitizen%Prev. RankPrev. %Rank Δ
1Grea Kriopia63%167.9%--4.6%
6Calvin Coolidge44.4%946.4%+3-2%
6Cordova I44.4%2128.6%+15+15.8%
17Pland Adanna33.3%946.4%-8-13.1%

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This graph is so fascinating to me. It took a moment to get my head around, but it helped to try to visualise the bars as slopes - if the slope is highest on the left and lowest on the right, the issue is prioritised more and vice versa. You can see this best demonstrated by the Activity bars - its bars are highest on the left hand side, and lowest on the right, declining each step of the way (roughly).

It seems the respondents to this poll are somewhat bipolar (not the mental condition) with respect to FA & the Navy. Those two components easily beat all of the other (combinations of) Ministries in terms of what voters prioritise most (as seen in #1), and FA/Navy falls to fourth and fifth place in #2 and #3 respectively. No respondents put FA/Navy at #4, but 7 - about half of those that put it #1 - placed FA/Navy at #5. So the two poles I'd identify would be a larger group of Europeians who do care about FA/Navy, and care about it rather strongly, and a second smaller group who do not care about it at all.

Though it doesn't surprise me, it does sadden me a little to see Culture behave in the opposite way to activity, with it receiving the joint lowest #1 votes and the highest #5 votes. Comms/Radio and Gameside/Outreach seem to be middle-of-the-road priorities which also is not surprising and I'd argue is a pretty reasonable and justified ranking.

Using the same principle to interpret this graph, it seems personal relationship and new blood seems to be pretty irrelevant to most voters. Experience, activity and platform seem to be the main priorities with a slight focus on the first two.

Super interesting stuff!
This was really interesting stuff