Unibot, Cerian and Hyanygo!

Unibot Returns!

Unibot returned to Europeia to remind the region why he is universally disliked. He had this to say: “I felt it was my moral duty to end the sympathy towards myself and my organization. It was dishonest, the way people thought I might not be that bad”. Europeians were amazed and shocked, Theodore Fletcher had this to say from the Europeian capital “You know, you hear what people say about him and it’s like whoa, that’s not cool. It’s almost embarrassing until you actually hear him talk. Once that happens, it all makes sense and I find myself thinking ‘why are people so reasonable towards him?’”.

Cerian Agrees with Hyanygo

The region was very disappointed with Cerian after he agreed with Hyanygo. “It doesn’t matter to me who was right or wrong, I just wanted to see a vicious fight” said Bruce. “I saw that Cerian had replied to Hyanygo and thought ‘Please use the chair!!’ so they really let me down. Are we here to move forward? Please. We want our entertainment and if Hyanygo doesn’t viciously change his mind on the issue, I think we need to find new people to fight. Whatever happened to NES vs. Skizzy? Those were the days. Next thing you’ll know, the government will be attacking our right to a convoluted law index”.

(Note: this is satire)
Unibot Returns!

Unibot returned to Europeia to remind the region why he is universally disliked. He had this to say: “I felt it was my moral duty to end the sympathy towards myself and my organization. It was dishonest, the way people thought I might not be that bad”. Europeians were amazed and shocked, Theodore Fletcher had this to say from the Europeian capital “You know, you hear what people say about him and it’s like whoa, that’s not cool. It’s almost embarrassing until you actually hear him talk. Once that happens, it all makes sense and I find myself thinking ‘why are people so reasonable towards him?’”.

Cerian Agrees with Hyanygo

The region was very disappointed with Cerian after he agreed with Hyanygo. “It doesn’t matter to me who was right or wrong, I just wanted to see a vicious fight” said Bruce. “I saw that Cerian had replied to Hyanygo and thought ‘Please use the chair!!’ so they really let me down. Are we here to move forward? Please. We want our entertainment and if Hyanygo doesn’t viciously change his mind on the issue, I think we need to find new people to fight. Whatever happened to NES vs. Skizzy? Those were the days. Next thing you’ll know, the government will be attacking our right to a convoluted law index”.

(Note: this is satire)
I feel sorry for the people who wouldn't have understood this was satire without the note at the bottom.
Obvious satire is obvious.