Tiny Annoyance

Seven Deaths

Somebody That You Used to Know
There might not even be a fix for this and I apologize if someone has already brought this up. When viewing a topic, the date it shows someone posts is weird. For example..

Clearly in the picture it says "Today at 7:36 PM" but that's not considered today for me when it is 2:59 am. I made sure my time setting was right and I have noticed other ZB boards doing the same thing. Is there no fixing that? it just throws me off when I try to figure out how late I am in posting in a thread.
The default board timezone is GMT, but this can be changed by user preference.

If you go to this page, underneath 'change timezone' it says what your current time should be according to your board settings - is that correct?
Yes that time is correct. As I'm looking at other topics, I'm noticing that it's marking anything posted yesterday as today and anything the day before that as yesterday.
Well, that's just RIDICULOUS. :p

Maybe it only updates the day when the servers update or something weird like that. Either way, sadly, nothing more I can really do to help.

Works fine for me

Maybeyou have to believe it will work. Like Peter Pan and Tink, you have to believe in fairies

My one annoyance would be that there isn't a tick-box on the fast-reply feature that allows you to not show your signature. I think we used to have that on IF
Tough titties, lads.
Vinage said:
Really? There's no fancy pants add on that gives us that feature?
Da fuq should I know? :emb: