The Future of Communications

The Future of Communications

In recent months, mixlr has risen from its technological depths to the center of the show, and has been used for the benefit of Europeia in a multitude of ways. Whether it is being used for a cultural game, talk show, or a foreign interview it comes with a variety of benefits that makes it stand out from regular text articles. Some have recently complained that we are focusing too much on mixlr, and it can sometimes negate the participation of those who cannot, or do not, speak on air. During a recent review of the past term, current Minister of Communications Notolecta and President Mousebumples compared and contrasted mixlr to written articles.

The History of Mixlr

Mixlr first came into the spotlight during the Malashaan term where he used it as a large tool. That term, we saw it being used for greater governmental connection with government officials going on-air for question-and-answer sessions. It was also used as a large cultural platform for games such as ‘Skeptic or Believer’, ‘Moth Radio Hour’, and ‘Two Truths and a Lie’ during the Winter Ball. We also saw interviews with foreign officials such as LKE Prime Minister Josh Sebastian, which positively progressed our global standing.

During the Mousebumples term, Communications really began creating the connection between mixlr and text articles, and the supplementary material that could be created from such a technological platform. Director hyango has made it his life (really, you should see the effort he puts into his work) to further the relationship between the two. Even more recently, we’ve seen great progress in this area with four articles being released in the past four days.

So, we do know that mixlr can be effective for the creation of written materials. The history of mixlr is an interesting one, and its future is even more-so, but what makes it stand out?


Minister of Communications Notolecta and President Mousebumples both addressed one thing that really made mixlr stand out from written work, and that is how easy it is. You can get on mixlr and speak in five minutes; having an hour conversation is something we do everyday, so it shouldn’t be difficult to go on for an hour and have a conversation. Right?

Director hyanygo pointed out in Mixlr Chat the fact that it takes him a couple of hours to create a decent article for public consumption. This is an obvious fault in written material; time.

But is time going to become the downfall of written material, or could it possibly be its benefactor? While some people don’t have the capabilities to get on air for mixlr, some have the time to write supplementary material. It works hand-and-hand to get people involved whether they are a pro-mixlr or pro-writing.

Notolecta Discusses Time and Mixlr (17 Seconds, Youtube)


What is the benefit of taking advantage of technology to further our communication efforts? This technology, mixlr, creates article ideas, creates a world of possible supplementary materials that can be used for a surplus of articles, activity, and communication. Not only that, but mixlr is another possible outlet for citizen involvement, it opens a realm of possibilities for newcomers to discuss, listen, and learn.

Currently, we have a bunch of possibilities for the future in terms of education and knowledge. We have discussions with foreign officials to help citizens learn about other regions, learn about their community rather than our own. We also have discussions about internal happenings, such as elections or the latest controversy. In the future, when people join the region and see the showreel full of items from a year or two ago, they can listen to history.


I’m sure all of us can agree that going through the archives can sometimes give us a headache, but what’s better than just listening to history unfold rather than reading it? What’s better than listening to the emotion people have in stressful situations, the joy people have as they announce an on-air promotion, the seriousness they have when discussing their policies? Reading simple posts can not and will not give us this emotion, and may even lead us to the wrong conclusion.

This is the beauty of mixlr. Rather than sounding like robots in one-another’s ears when we write out a post, we sounds like actual humans. We have that emotion that makes us who we are and what we are, and we sound real.


With that in mind, Mixlr is not perfect. Let us not forget that not everyone has the capabilities or even the self-esteem to go on-air and speak to a bunch of people whom they don’t know. This, of course, is where text articles have the advantage. Anyone can write an article given they know how to write, but not everyone can or wants to go on mixlr.

We must also remember that mixlr is currently being paid for in order to get more advantages, like longer boradcasts. However, will we always have a paid version? It’s something that must seriously be considered in the future to create a unique communications system adaptable to possible changes. We may not always have mixlr, and we must be ready for that day. We may not always have people wanting to write articles, and we must be ready for that day.

Mutual Symbiosis

Notolecta and Mousebumples Talk About a Mutual Symbiosis Relationship (1 Minute, YouTube)

This is the greatness of the dynamic communications system we can create, a relationship between mixlr and writing that can create an almost constant feed of materials to discuss or write. With an adaptable system to future hurdles, we can create one of the most, if not the most, unique communications system in NationStates. Something we can brag about, something we can use to recruit, something we can use to encourage more activity.

This is where the future of Europeia’s communications lays, in a truly dynamic system between mixlr and writing. Mutual symbiosis is the relationship we need to strive for. Mixlr must be a rhino and written material must be an oxpecker. Just like the relationship between these two species in which the oxpecker lands on the back of the rhino to get food off of it, but also works as a pest control to clean the rhino, written material must pick the food off of mixlr to create a truly constant stream of text articles. If we create this relationship of mutual symbiosis in which either platform can become adaptable and switch roles in times of need, then our communications system can and will flourish.

Written by Writinglegend
Edited by Calvin Coolidge
Videos by hyanygo

Unfortunately, I'm usually too busy listening to music (to fuel my writing) or binge-watching whatever TV show I'm on right now to keep up with Mixlr, which leaves me personally with mixed feelings - I don't want to have to radically alter my norms, but I'm one man and my semi-objection isn't a substantive one. Besides, It does have its significant advantages.
Interesting read, but I think you've missed out a few faults such as:

Ability to listen - typically I do this at work, while either waiting between shifts or being on-call. However, that doesn't

Need for feedback - Need a better term for this, but after listening to a few shows last night there seemed to be no flow. No radio broadcasting plan and there were some sections that were either dead air, or didn't lead to anything. Taking from yesterday's Notty Chat, there was 5+ min period where Notolecta and Mousebumples had an argument about something and why she was there. Really it should have cut to music, the two talk to each other privately, and then come back on air in a song or two. Better professionalism in my eyes

Show timings - While listening to the showreel is great, listening live is better. Yesterday's Notty Chat was the first opportunity I got, since my own show, to listen live. It was fun to engage with the discussions, however the Mixlr app doesn't update the chat feed without restarting it each time. Not a fault on our side, but difficult to engage with the discussions unless sat behind a laptop screen. It seems more of the shows are at GMT+5 friendly times, than GMT. I don't mind listening to the shows a few days later, but I'm not sure that's the case for everyone.

Mixing it up - Personally it seems to becoming a bit clique-like now, same guests. Same people involved in it. In the discussions etc. I worry that this might make it stale quickly and put off those on the outside who are not part of the inner circle. 3 times I have offered to be on a show, stated the times available, and yet my inbox remains empty of a date when it'll be set up.

I'm also curious of it's legal status, I know the Europeia Skype chat isn't privy to our laws - but is the Mixlr? It is State-sponsored after all so, could it be determined as being an extension of our region? Could I go on air and say something like, "I think HEM is a Nazi who should not be given any Government position ever because of this" without legal consequence?
2. In general, the production has got better and as Anumia and Lethen will tell you, I'm already on the ball regarding this. But we should only incrementally expect improvement to the listening experience as it is wholly unfair to expect otherwise.

3. One person's gmt friendly, is another's bed time. Notty Talk occurs at the same time as Newsnight I believe or the flagship news slot of the 10 o'clock news. There are more gmt friendly shows on the horizon though and when I start doing a show perhaps moreso.

4. You've asked me once but as I've replied, right now I am exhausted and rather just do rl work atm. Please speak to Noto for the time being and let me know of developments. Furthermore, the stat show that those who are active on the forums tend to be active in listening to the radio either live or recorded. Given that we're pulling in 20+listeners either way and 20 being almost our entire active base. Almost everyone that I consider active has at one point either listened live, on the showreel or participated.

5. No comment.
2. Oh completely agree. It's not going to be perfect from day 1, and there are some improvements. My worry would be that, by the time improvements come in, it might be too late, perhaps.

3. Again, I agree. Although I'm not often awake for Newsnight and have to catch up in the morning before work. But I'm a difficult case since I'm a shift worker who attempts to maintain a social life on top of it

4. I'd say there is a difference between being a participant and listening. But, yes, they do engage those on the forum to listen.

5. Didn't think you'd be able to. Guess it's a question for the Attorney General to either answer or ask the Courts
Mixlr is great, and the shows + supplements coming out of the EBC the past couple weeks (especially the past few days) have been phenomenal, and I hope we're able to keep it up. However, it also takes a lot less time to read an article than listen to a mixlr show, so that's another advantage to the written format.
I just had Notty Chat on in the background whilst I was doing my work. And doubtless I'll be listening to something on the ride to work.