The Concerning Rise of Defenderism
Written by Lime
Written by Lime
The South Pacific was once an ally and friend of Europeia before then President Writinglegend cut ties due to The South Pacific’s present preference for Defenderism. Since then, they have edged closer to the Defender ideology before declaring themselves as Defenders in July of 2019. However, just how sharply and utterly The South Pacific has become a full believer in Defenderism within the last 18 months, and how closely it has placed it at the heart of government policy has come as a surprise to many.
As I wrote for NationStates Today when covering The South Pacific’s Cabinet Elections in October, Defenderism dominated their entire election, with even a candidate for Minister of Culture discussing the region’s future as a Defender-aligned region. And as I covered in my last article for NationStates Today, the recent diplomatic spat between The South Pacific and The North Pacific is a clear reminder of The South Pacific’s steadfast Defender beliefs. Not only were they opposing an operation conducted by their ally, but when requested to cease their opposition by The North Pacifc, The South Pacific chose to continue their counter-operation against the quorum raids - conducted as part of The North Pacific’s anti-fascist operation.
However, The South Pacific has gone further than just making Defenderism their foreign policy objective, they have completely embedded it within the region’s culture. The South Pacific now celebrates “Defender Day” on July 17 to mark the day the region officially became Defenders, while the state run newspaper, The Southern Journal, has frequently released articles praising and promoting Defenderisim, and The South Pacific’s embrace of it. One article in particular, titled “In Defense of a New Defender Moralism '' is interesting in part due to the dramatic increase in the use of “Moralism” as an argument to promote defenderisim across NationStates. It argues the R/D spectrum has nothing to do with The South Pacific’s embrace of Defenderisim, but rather it is their belief in self-determination, and duty to defend innocent regions that drives this new Defender culture within The South Pacific. At the very least, the article is kind enough to say “raiders aren’t bad people” they just “do bad things.” However, The South Pacific’s recent actions on the world stage would suggest their actions are driven far more by politics and traditional R/D interests, than a pure desire to ‘protect the weak.’
Aside from the use of their military in purely defensive operations, and the recent dispute with The North Pacific which undoubtedly caused a severe cooldown in relations between the two regions, the most significant development of South Pacific foreign policy is the recently announced Partnership for Sovereignty between 10000 Islands, The Rejected Realms, The South Pacific, and now the Union of Democratic States. Initially announced as a World Assembly voting bloc between 10000 Islands, The Rejected Realms and The South Pacific, the bloc united arguably the three most powerful Defender regions in NationStates, and its charter made clear that the bloc would be used to promote the ideology of Defenderism within the World Assembly and beyond. It’s creation is significant not just because it unites the three most powerful Defender regions and not just because it further reflects 10000 Islands becoming increasingly less isolationist, but because presents a powerful and united front from Defenders and represents a real challenge to those opposed to Defenderism.
The acquisition of the Union of Democratic States into the Partnership is the most glaring example of this challenge. Long seen as an up and coming UCR, the Union of Democratic States has seen multiple regions from across the political spectrum attempt to pull it into their sphere of influence. While for the most part they have been able to avoid any specific “label”, the region has slowly started to embrace more alliances with defender aligned regions, despite relations with independent aligned regions. These alignments include significant regions such as Europeia, with whom the Union of Democratic States is a treaty ally. While some might argue that the Union of Democratic States admission into the Partnership for Sovereignty was an inevitability, it is nonetheless disappointing and concerning. While they may not be a fully defender region, they are certainly far closer to the defender sphere of influence now, and it is an undeniable success for defenders attempting to increase their numbers of allies.
The South Pacific, alongside their Defender allies, are clearly attempting to use the Partnership as well as general influence to reshape the gameplay sphere. After their success in pulling the Union of Democratic States within their sphere of influence, we should not be surprised to see Defenders become more aggressive in their attempts to pull more regions into their sphere. The partnership is likely to be used both symbolically and practically, in attempts to improve Defender standing while discrediting and weakening those who are not Defenders. We have already seen a symbolic and political use of the Partnership in the recent Commend HEM proposal in the Security Council. While they knew they would be unable to defeat the proposal, The South Pacific along with the Partnership, engaged in a forceful disinformation campaign attempting to brand independence as imperialism and cast HEM as the creator of an imperialist military that had raided and destroyed countless regions. The question is, how will the non-defender world respond to this emboldened Defender bloc, and how will we in Europeia seek to continue to promote independence?