Temporary Discord Ban - Vor


Trust me.
Forum Administrator
Deputy Minister
Honoured Citizen
I don't give a flying fuck.
All —

Vor will be banned from Europeia’s discord server for a period of six months. He will still be permitted to participate on the forums during this time.

Vor has repeatedly broken multiple Europeian Discord Rules, including 3, 6, and 7. He has also shown hostility towards the moderators enforcing these rules and, in many situations, has not shown remorse or demonstrated an understanding as to why the moderators took action. This ban follows a previous one-week ban implemented by the Mod Team and additional rule violations by Vor.

Europeia is a community that welcomes players from all walks of life. We will not tolerate “edgy” jokes, memes, or behavior at the expense of specific groups or players. We do not take such action lightly and hope that this final warning will encourage Vor to reconsider his behavior and its impact on the community.

Sopo, Darcness, Lethen, Kuramia, and Malashaan
HEM's signature is unavailable because of his LOA
Very disappointed to hear this, but hopefully Vor will clean up his act in the meantime.
I never saw any of this, but like I said in chat, admins are cracking down on Discord and my ban should have been a warning that their not afraid to exert their power for the benefit of the greater community.

Also, wtf Vor. Of all people.