Staff Meeting

Okay, so far from the staff roll-call and recent publications we have:

Skizzy Grey

I'd like for you guys to come up with:

Content Title:
Content Description:
Publication Type (how often you'd come up with an article):

The goal is quality while also being methodical in getting them out.
Content Title: Catching Up
Content Description: I will be interview both elected officials and other prominent citizens to allow the public to get to know them better. Questions asked will be both NS related as well as personal.
Publication Type (how often you'd come up with an article): Weekly. Maybe more frequently to start out. But at least Weekly.
Which day would you like to do them on?

I'll do:

Content Title: One Little Bird
Content Description: Little Blurbs on Regional Events
Publication Type: Multiple Weekly: Sunday, Thursday

Content Title: Analysis
Content Description: Analysis of an issue facing Europeia
Publication Type (how often you'd come up with an article): Weekly to Bi-Weekly, Tuesday.

It would be nice to commit to a weekly "Skizz" piece, but experience has taught me that my writing is fickle -- sometimes I am not inspired; other times RL demands don't afford time to write something of quality.

I hope that my long-standing commitment to producing quality work (I hope) for the EBC redeems my inability to churn out work on a predictable schedule.
I can't believe I forgot to post this.... oh well!

Content Title: World Assembly Round-Up
Content Description: Round up of the issues, debates and discussions on the World Assembly stage
Publication Type (how often you'd come up with an article): Weekly - Bi-Weekly. We'll have to see how much 'action' goes on in those hallowed halls.