So, About Renaming the Forums for Honoured Citizens...

Calvin Coolidge

Forum Administrator
Honoured Citizen
For many years, the admin team has had an informal tradition of paying tribute to our Honoured Citizens by renaming a subforum in an area related to their legacy in their honor. The recent nomination of another potential Honoured Citizen started a discussion amongst the admins about what subforums to rename in honor of which Honoured Citizens as we play catch-up over the last batch of honorees. However, as we started going through the process, it was raised that we're really running out of relevant subforums for our awardees. Adding to this, with all the Executive reorganization over the years, we'll sometimes have to archive a named subforum, and move that name elsewhere, creating further scarcity and making the fit less than ideal. This tradition might have run its course. Before we made any final decisions, though, we wanted to open it up to the broader public and ask for your input. We can't continue to rename our subforums after each individual HC anymore. There's about to be 30 of them, and their resumes and accomplishments overlap too much to really differentiate where we can place them. We can either:
  • End the tradition, and have no special names on subforums
  • Revert all subforums to their original names and rename something like Pinkerton Way into "Honoured Citizens' Way"
  • Or some other third thing that would be a good tribute to these citizens???
What do we think, Europeia? Is there something to be done? How do we view this tradition going forward, if at all?
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I think we should keep the current subforum names (not that I'm biased at all, teehee) and going forward stop renaming things and just have a section in the Library that is dedicated to Honored Citizens with a brief breakdown of their accomplishments, etc.
and just have a section in the Library that is dedicated to Honored Citizens with a brief breakdown of their accomplishments, etc.
I'm really surprised we don't already have this...or at least don't have something like this in the works.
I think we did? Maybe? I feel like it was one of those pet projects someone had that fell to the wayside. Probably something that the Executive Branch should more generally, ie through Culture or something, be keeping up to date?
Perhaps we could revive the Europeian Hall of Fame for this purpose and put the ovation and triumph celebrations into that forum.
The Hall of Fame was separate and predates Ovations, and I'm also not sure how that addresses the original question of the thread. Unless you're suggesting we do away with the policy and simply move the Ovations archive to the Pine-Euro main page so it takes the place of the Hall of Fame?

EDIT: I may just do this anyway because it doesn't make much sense for the Hall of Fame to have that slot but not ovations and triumphs
Unless you're suggesting we do away with the policy and simply move the Ovations archive to the Pine-Euro main page so it takes the place of the Hall of Fame?
Yes, that is what I meant.
I think we can probably start combining names too, like maybe the KazaNES EAAC
Could it also potentially be on a case by case basis? If there is an Ovated citizen where it is obvious what subforum could be named after them and there is space for it, it could be done. But if it is not clear or there is not space, it doesn’t happen.
I think we can probably start combining names too, like maybe the KazaNES EAAC
I also endorse this idea especially for the latter scenario.
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I think we can probably start combining names too, like maybe the KazaNES EAAC
This may be hella awkward to read. I mean LethoMonarchy pre-dated Ovations/Triumphs and it just kind of works together but I don't think other portmanteaus would necessarily work. And they'd be a bit messy :p
I think we can probably start combining names too, like maybe the KazaNES EAAC
This may be hella awkward to read. I mean LethoMonarchy pre-dated Ovations/Triumphs and it just kind of works together but I don't think other portmanteaus would necessarily work. And they'd be a bit messy :p
Oh yea cause Malashaan Office of the Speaker just rolls right off the tongue :p
I think we can probably start combining names too, like maybe the KazaNES EAAC
This may be hella awkward to read. I mean LethoMonarchy pre-dated Ovations/Triumphs and it just kind of works together but I don't think other portmanteaus would necessarily work. And they'd be a bit messy :p
Oh yea cause Malashaan Office of the Speaker just rolls right off the tongue :p
But your original argument was for the portmanteaus. Not the same as a singular name.
I think we can probably start combining names too, like maybe the KazaNES EAAC
This may be hella awkward to read. I mean LethoMonarchy pre-dated Ovations/Triumphs and it just kind of works together but I don't think other portmanteaus would necessarily work. And they'd be a bit messy :p
Oh yea cause Malashaan Office of the Speaker just rolls right off the tongue :p
But your original argument was for the portmanteaus. Not the same as a singular name.
My argument that your argument about "hella awkward to read" is moot.
Wow, I see how it is :(
Honestly, I'm a bit sad. I feel like this is a cool tradition. So, is the concern we'll run out of forums? I feel like we could cross that bridge when we get to it, and we're probably just going through a short phase of increased Honorings.

Some ideas for Kaz:
  • Kazaman Office of Foreign Diplomats (relevant to both his FA, security, and abroad experience)
  • Kazaman Foreign Affairs Leadership Centre
Also, any of the ERN subforum would work for either Kaz or Vor.