Smokin' Poll

Common-Sense Politics

Audentes Fortuna Juvat
Deputy Minister
Honoured Citizen

Another seventy days, another general election to fill our esteemed Senate. With a large field comprised of old, new, and comeback candidates Europeians are perhaps excited about a Senate election for the first time in a while. Don't feel like sifting through all the platforms? Not to worry, we've done it for you.


Good old 'Nums is probably the most non-continuously tenured senator in Europeian history and a former speaker. The primary theme of his platform is opposition to structural reform of the Senate and promotion of a commitment to bolstering and expanding activity within its current constitutional definitions. A detailed agenda is lacking however his rhetoric oozes substance. Voters will have to decide whether or not diverting his attentions from his position as Minister of Foreign Affairs is advisable.


As of posting, the former senator is yet to post a platform thread. We haven't heard much from Apollo lately. We expect he will need to provide a blockbuster platform to impress those younger members who might not be familiar with him to pull off a win.


To this generation of Europeians, the longest serving speaker ever is the Senate. His platform is more of a resume and statement of good intent than an agenda or manifesto but we expect it won't matter. He'll be a top vote getter.


The beloved founder of Europeia re-enters elective politics? Anybody want to bet against him? Me neither. Putting forth one of the better platforms we've seen thus far, the former four-time speaker advocates for a new approach to Senate committees that will aid in key areas of executive governance rather than solely exercise oversight. Oddly enough, his ideas mirror the Anumian philosophy of keeping the Senate as is structurally when he's been a longtime advocate for fundamental reform of our legislative body.


Imperium is the greenest of those who have stood to this point and we congratulate him for having the courage to do so. The Assemblyman focuses mostly on reforms to the judicial system but also on an intervention for what he and others perceive to be a languishing CSO. He's proven to be friendly, enthusiastic, even passionate in his short time here. He may not be as much of a long shot as one would expect at first glance.

Matthew Vinage

One of Europeia's workerbees and a former deputy speaker, Matthew has been largely absent for some time and the platform he's put together is, in a word, disappointing. It states he will return to full activity in "mid-July" (two plus weeks into the term) and as his only agenda point discusses a specific area in which non-senators are to discuss legislative business when the CA and Grand Hall are reliably used for such discussions and always have been. Matthew's a hard worker and overall good egg. This just wasn't one of his better moments here and we expect the vote to reflect that.


An incumbent senator by virtue of his unopposed victory in the latest special election, the rough around the edges MS we've all come to know and tolerate love is running to retain his seat. He's focused on the completion of the Criminal Code overhaul and even subtly calls out his colleagues for their inattention on the issue. We expect a strong run for MS who will easily win re-election.


Okay, so a third of his agenda isn't technically allowed for by the law. Shit happens, I guess. He also plans to strike the obscenity clause from the Criminal Code and investigate the failings of the CSO. Without a lackluster platform, PASD will have to hope for a reputation vote and he may not be quite active enough to acquire a substantial enough of one to get in.


The former speaker is a smart cookie, no question. He also happens to have the most impressive platform in this contest, perhaps better than any senatorial platform we've seen in some time. With specific plans for the Criminal Code overhaul, ideas about the self execution of treaty law, and a focus on relations with the CA he frankly puts himself in another class of candidate. He does disclose an expected leave of absence for the first week of the term and his arrangements for a substitute. If the electorate can be convinced that his activity will be satisfactory, he is a very strong frontrunner.

Raging Zen Master

Senator RZM is yet to put forth a platform at the time of posting. He has been a quiet senator, to put it mildly, usually nodding ascent and nothing more. We view him as the most vulnerable incumbent seeking re-election.

Zenny Anumia

Also yet to post a platform, Zenny has the potential to be a reasonably safe bet in this contest as she remains popular among newer members and her work as Minister of Culture is near universally commended. However her appeal amongst more seasoned voters may be waning with the constant pity party she is throwing for herself. We'll see. Tough love is still love.
Common-Sense Politics said:

The beloved founder of Europeia re-enters elective politics? Anybody want to bet against him? Me neither. Putting forth one of the better platforms we've seen thus far, the former four-time speaker advocates for a new approach to Senate committees that will aid in key areas of executive governance rather than solely exercise oversight. Oddly enough, his ideas mirror the Anumian philosophy of keeping the Senate as is structurally when he's been a longtime advocate for fundamental reform of our legislative body.
For the record, HEM and I have discussed our plans in this regard (before either of us posted platforms), and would probably indeed be working together if we are both elected. :)
Anumia said:
Common-Sense Politics said:

The beloved founder of Europeia re-enters elective politics? Anybody want to bet against him? Me neither. Putting forth one of the better platforms we've seen thus far, the former four-time speaker advocates for a new approach to Senate committees that will aid in key areas of executive governance rather than solely exercise oversight. Oddly enough, his ideas mirror the Anumian philosophy of keeping the Senate as is structurally when he's been a longtime advocate for fundamental reform of our legislative body.
For the record, HEM and I have discussed our plans in this regard (before either of us posted platforms), and would probably indeed be working together if we are both elected. :)
^This is true!

I still have a true soft spot for more fundamental reforms, but I think we can accomplish some of the same things with more moderate tinkering.