- Pronouns
- He/Him
Over the weekend 31 Europeians responded to this poll regarding their preferences germane to the upcoming election for President of Europeia. Here are the results. Trends from our most recent applicable poll (last year) might be periodically shown in parentheses. We will put on an accompanying broadcast tonight on EBC Radio, complete with a full analysis, if the folks we need to do so are around!
How long have you been active in Europeia?
2 to 5 years - 41.9% (+16.9)
5+ years - 38.7% (+13.7)
Less than 6 months - 9.7% (-11.7)
1 to 2 years - 9.7% (-1)
6 months to 1 year - 0% (-17.9)
Is Europeia aging? There isn't enough data to draw any real conclusions but this data indicates it's something worth looking into more closely.
Which of these statements best describes you as a player?
I am substantially more interested in political gameplay than social gameplay - 32.3% (+14.4)
I am slightly more interested in political gameplay than social gameplay - 29% (-6.7)
I am slightly more interested in social gameplay than political gameplay - 19.4% (+12.3)
My interest in political gameplay and social gameplay is equal - 16.1% (-16)
I am substantially more interested in social gameplay than political gameplay - 3.2% (-3.9)
Who would have thought it would be possible for Europeia to be more political than it was a year ago? Dear me.
As a result of Europeia becoming a Frontier region, I feel...
Very satisfied - 41.9%
Somewhat satisfied - 29%
Unsure - 19.4%
Somewhat unsatisfied - 3.2%
Very unsatisfied - 6.5%
Had Europeia chose to be a Stronghold region instead, I probably would have felt...
Very satisfied - 16.1%
Somewhat satisfied - 9.7%
Unsure - 29%
Somewhat unsatisfied - 32.3%
Very unsatisfied - 12.9%
How satisfied are you with Rand's performance as President?
Very satisfied - 38.7%
Somewhat satisfied - 48.4%
Unsure - 6.5%
Somewhat unsatisfied - 6.5%
Very unsatisfied - 0%
-Rand is really showing how much a determined President can get done in one term. I don't agree with a lot of his choices, but he's better than most Presidents because he actually gets things done and communicates his reasoning along the way.
- He's been very proactive in making decisions, helping out in different areas, and actually leading the Cabinet and the region. His Cabinet has been pretty great across the board as well.
- Has done a good job, could do more to boost WAD endorsements though
- He's been very proactive in making decisions, helping out in different areas, and actually leading the Cabinet and the region. His Cabinet has been pretty great across the board as well.
- Has done a good job, could do more to boost WAD endorsements though
How satisfied are you with Writinglegend's performance as Vice President?
Very satisfied - 19.4%
Somewhat satisfied - 51.6%
Unsure - 16.1%
Somewhat unsatisfied - 12.9%
Very unsatisfied - 0%
- I believe Gleg has been very important to the admin. Perhaps a bit more visibility would be nice but its clear he has played an important role.
- His midterm address made it clear he has been doing important work
- His midterm address made it clear he has been doing important work
How satisfied are you with the quality of the President's executive and judicial appointments?
Very satisfied - 64.5%
Somewhat satisfied - 25.8%
Unsure - 3.2%
Somewhat unsatisfied - 3.2%
Very unsatisfied - 3.2%
Is Europeia on the right track?
Yes - 90.3%
No - 6.5%
Unsure - 3.2%
What is most important to you when considering a candidate for President? Please rank your choices from 1 (most important) to 5 (least important).
Which policy area do you view to be most important when choosing a President? Please rank your choices from 1 (most important) to 5 (least important).
Would you consider voting for someone in a presidential election with whom you did not have an existing social relationship?
Yes - 74.2%
Unsure - 19.4%
No - 6.5%
- I've done it before and will do it again.
- I rarely have substantial relationships with presidential candidates.
- There are many people in Europeia that I only really talk to for ministry work etc so saying "No" on this one would arbitrarily exclude a lot of people!
- I guess it depends on how you define personal relationship - there are many players that I know and respect but do not talk to regularly in an OOC or IC sense outside of eurochat. I'd certainly consider voting for them. I can't really think of an example of someone that I have 0 personal relationship with after so many years here...
- I rarely have substantial relationships with presidential candidates.
- There are many people in Europeia that I only really talk to for ministry work etc so saying "No" on this one would arbitrarily exclude a lot of people!
- I guess it depends on how you define personal relationship - there are many players that I know and respect but do not talk to regularly in an OOC or IC sense outside of eurochat. I'd certainly consider voting for them. I can't really think of an example of someone that I have 0 personal relationship with after so many years here...
In your view, what should the primary functions of a Vice President be?
- A super assistant minister and one of the President's main advisors, if not the main advisor.
- I feel the VP should be either A. Focused on a specific Big Project or B. Helping in each of the ministries ensuring the Presidents agenda is being completed.
- Basically a super-Minister, covers whatever gaps the President can't
- Don’t disappear
- Coordination and stepping up to assist as needed
- Being active in areas that the president isn't that active in. Stepping up if the President is unavailable
- I think it depends on the individual, they should play to their strengths to help the President & overall government the best way they can
- Whatever the president wants them to be
- Variable by term and P/VP dynamic, BUT I do think the VP should *always* be doing things like citizen spotlights to recognize rising stars alongside sapphire stars at end of term, plus filling gaps in the Cabinet when needed. VP in many ways is the administration and the region's cheerleader on top of whatever else they need to do. That's how they stay visible. And we know from polling that visibility is important to people in their leadership.
- Delegation of executive wide tasks, stepping in where needed in ministries, sometimes FA stuff if pres isn't FA oriented
- Assisting the President
- I feel the VP should be either A. Focused on a specific Big Project or B. Helping in each of the ministries ensuring the Presidents agenda is being completed.
- Basically a super-Minister, covers whatever gaps the President can't
- Don’t disappear
- Coordination and stepping up to assist as needed
- Being active in areas that the president isn't that active in. Stepping up if the President is unavailable
- I think it depends on the individual, they should play to their strengths to help the President & overall government the best way they can
- Whatever the president wants them to be
- Variable by term and P/VP dynamic, BUT I do think the VP should *always* be doing things like citizen spotlights to recognize rising stars alongside sapphire stars at end of term, plus filling gaps in the Cabinet when needed. VP in many ways is the administration and the region's cheerleader on top of whatever else they need to do. That's how they stay visible. And we know from polling that visibility is important to people in their leadership.
- Delegation of executive wide tasks, stepping in where needed in ministries, sometimes FA stuff if pres isn't FA oriented
- Assisting the President
Which individual(s) would you encourage to run for President?
These numbers don't tell us who is most likely to win the presidential election. They do give us a solid indication of the level of initial support these potential candidates could expect before we know anything about running mates or their policy platforms.
You can't sit with them. The elephant in the room here is that despite extremely strong approval ratings, Rand is on the incorrect (from his perspective) side of this graphic. A strong but ultimately vulnerable incumbent should invite a substantive challenge. Any combination of the other names above would represent a dynamic, compelling, and competitive alternative for voters to consider in the upcoming election.
They're almost as cool as they think they are. I'm kidding! We all love these folks. Three of the more competent Europeians to ever do it find themselves in this group alongside the only relative newcomer, current Minister Pland Adanna. This is definitely a category from which a candidate could express more interest in running and see their numbers go up more or less without doing anything else. They could also (for the most part) be looked at as solid, safe but uninspired VP picks.
The most apt category title for the people who find themselves in it, I think. We never quite know what these fellows are up to, do we? There's a lot of experience, a lot of political clout, a lot of real-life pre-occupation in this group. I have no idea. If you have tea, spill it below.
Oddballs and non-conformists unite! An insurgent candidacy could very well emerge from this group of dark horses! McEntire did just lose a bid for the speakership and could very well be feeling squirrelly.
This polling and subsequent analysis does not seek to disqualify any potential candidates, included or not. I used my own personal judgement and included anyone I viewed to be a serious candidate based on a number of factors.