Senate Inactivity Leaves Legislative and Executive Branches in the Lurch

Senate Inactivity Leaves Legislative and Executive Branches in the Lurch
By Deepest House

(Europeia – July 11, 2017) - The citizens of Europeia removed three senators in a historic referendum July 10-11. McEntire, Drexlore Greyjoy, and XIV were removed from the Senate for unacceptable activity levels. In addition to serving as senator, McEntire also served as Speaker of the Senate. Vice Chancellor Drecq called for the referendum in a speech given in the Grand Hall on July 7.

“In order for the Senate to become even minimally functional again before their term ends at least one inactive Senator needs to be removed from the Senate, since that way a majority of Senators will once again be active, which allows the Senate to elect a new Speaker and once again hold votes on stuff,” the vice chancellor said. “I hereby petition for the removal from Office of Senators McEntire, XIV, and Drexlore Greyjoy.”

The removal of these three senators from office brings the total number of Senators who began but did not complete the term to four. Senator Verteger resigned his seat in the Senate shortly after the term began. Only Senators Leo, Punchwood, and Kylia Quilor remain. The removal of these senators will allow the remaining body to carry on the minimal duties until the next senate election.

Citizens in Europeia have expressed dismay and frustration at the impotence of the Senate this term. Europeia’s founder and former Supreme Chancellor HEM proposed a dissolution of the entire Senate, arguing that is incumbent on the people to take action to resurrect political institutions when the politicians themselves fail. “Our Senate has failed us this term,” he said. “The inactivity of our Most Noble Senate has brought one of our oldest institutions to her knees. There is no way to “salvage” this term. This term needs to end.” HEM’s proposal met resistance from many in the region as redundant given the concurrent referendum to remove the inactive senators and the delay that would result in ministerial confirmations.

“This dissolve would, effectively, bog down both the Executive and Legislative branches rather than simply the Legislative,” said President Writinglegend in opposition.

The inability of the Senate to conducts its business has harmed the current administration’s efforts to move forward after a slew of executive resignations slowed the progress made at the start of the term. There are currently four cabinet nominations waiting to be considered by the Senate, but unable to advance through the process. The lack of a speaker has particularly harmed the administration’s efforts to continue advancing its agenda this term, as the Senate has been unable to maneuver without the legislative body’s leadership in place. In addition to his removal from the Speakership, President Writinglegend took decisive action prior to the public referendum on the Senate and terminated McEntire from his position as the region’s Attorney General.

The strong nominations proposed by President Writinglegend for consideration by the Senate present an opportunity for the remaining senators to demonstrate their timeliness and effectiveness, and will allow the administration to continue to work successfully toward its stated goals. The current nominations before the Senate include Jahka to replace McEntire as Attorney General, Common-Sense Politics to replace XIV as World Assembly Minister, Calvin Coolidge to replace Cat as Minister of Radio, and Le Libertia to replace Coherbia as Minister of Interior. Only Minister of Communications Rach, Minister of Culture Rand, Minister of Foreign Affairs Darcness, and Grand Admiral Kylia have remained in their posts. All have continued their strong work within their departments this term. However, with the Senate leaving the administration without a functional cabinet for an extended period of time, progress has so far been limited. Common-Sense Politics, Jahka, and Calvin Coolidge are all proven citizens from prior terms, while Le Libertia brings in a fresh mindset and perspective to the cabinet which will add value.

“I’m really happy Le Libertia was nominated,” said Minister of Communications Rach. “He’s been really dedicated but not yet had his time in the sun. So this will be a good opportunity for him and well deserved.” Aditya Republic also joined in praising the nominations. “All the nominees are very good people,” he said.

The Senate implosion seen this term rivals the Senate of the previous winter as the worst in recent history in Europeia. The winter senate term lost three senators, including its speaker, Notolecta. At the time, Notolecta disappeared from duty without a word to anyone and, derelict in his duties, abandoned the Senate to flounder and fall apart. Notolecta faced a petition to potentially remove him from office for his poor performance and lack of leadership, however he reappeared before a potential referendum only to resign from his position as Senator and Speaker. His resignation came through a long-winded, rambling, and profanity-laced angry rant in the Grand Hall. In his outburst, Notolecta made clear his disdain for Europeia, its leaders, and the community at large. He then retired from the region, and while he attempted a brief return, remains absent from Europeia with his political future and reputation in ruins.

With their removal from office, the political futures of McEntire, Drexlore Greyjoy, and XIV are uncertain. This is the second time this year that XIV has abruptly disappeared from the region, abandoning his Senate responsibilities. McEntire had only recently returned to the region following a long hiatus, and left two posts vacant. Drexlore Greyjoy had also recently renewed his political career. Any political rebound for these individuals will face an uphill battle.

The Senate’s lone accomplishment this term was the passage of a bill removing Senate speaking rights for honored citizens.