Senate Debates Removal of Senator Grizzli

Senate Debates Removal of Senator Grizzli
By Deepest House

(Europeia – April 18, 2017) – The Senate today began debating the removal of Senator Grizzli from his post due to inactivity. A discussion started in the Grand Hall by Sopo led to Speaker of the Senate Malashaan starting the debate in the legislative body.

“As of now, Grizzli meets the definition of inactive under the [Senate Protocol Act],” Malashaan said as he began the discussion on the Senate floor. “Given the relatively short amount of time left in the term, we should consider a removal vote sooner rather than later so he can be replaced with someone active,” he added, while noting his discomfort with removing someone without that person having a chance to speak for themselves.

“I've tried reaching out to him on discord at least 3 times now and he hasn't responded once,” noted Senator JayDee. “I hope he's doing okay in his [real life], but for the greater good of the Senate, I have to support a vote of removal.”

The Senate Protocol Act allows the Senate to remove a member by majority vote if the member has been inactive for five or more days. If a removal were to happen, it would represent a rapid fall from grace for Grizzli, who had quickly risen to the Senate after making a name for himself in the Citizens’ Assembly.

If the Senate removes Grizzli for inactivity, it would be the second consecutive term in which the Senate had a member removed for inactivity. Last term, the citizens removed Possibly this for the same reason via referendum.

Note: the original version of this story stated that the Senate removed Possibly this, however he was removed via referendum.
Just to clarify, PT was removed by referenda of the citizens, not he Senate.
I am glad the Senate is being proactive.