- Pronouns
- He/Him
30th April, 2020
SENATE BUILDING, ARNHELM- The Senate has passed a bill that states all Deputy Ministers are to be granted the honorific "The Left Honourable". This new bill awaits the People's Assent by the First Minister and the Chief of State.
When one Deputy Minister was asked about this new honorific, he said, "It's great, but can we get a raise here?" Another Deputy Minister commented, " 'The Dishonourable' sounds so much better, why couldn't we choose that? In fact, why not let us choose our own honorific? If I had the chance, I would definitely choose '[CENSORED]'!".
In other news, the Senate is debating bills on giving criminals the honorific of "The Dishonourable", Australians "The Downright Honourable", and the executive re-re-re-re-re-merge, in preparation for 2057.
This is a satirical piece. If you want to join A Real Newspaper, please contact me.
SENATE BUILDING, ARNHELM- The Senate has passed a bill that states all Deputy Ministers are to be granted the honorific "The Left Honourable". This new bill awaits the People's Assent by the First Minister and the Chief of State.
When one Deputy Minister was asked about this new honorific, he said, "It's great, but can we get a raise here?" Another Deputy Minister commented, " 'The Dishonourable' sounds so much better, why couldn't we choose that? In fact, why not let us choose our own honorific? If I had the chance, I would definitely choose '[CENSORED]'!".
In other news, the Senate is debating bills on giving criminals the honorific of "The Dishonourable", Australians "The Downright Honourable", and the executive re-re-re-re-re-merge, in preparation for 2057.
This is a satirical piece. If you want to join A Real Newspaper, please contact me.