Q&A with the World Assembly Delegate

Q&A with the World Assembly Delegate
Le Libertie on Europeia, Endorsements, and Gameside Engagement

Interview Conducted by Maowi, Edited by PhDre

As an initiative for the World Assembly Expo, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs reached out to resident turtle lover and all-round legend Le Libertie to hear his thoughts on the role of the delegate in Europeia.

Q: What does the role of World Assembly Delegate [WAD] involve on a day-to-day basis?

Le Libertie: The role of WAD is usually pretty simple. On a day-to-day basis, I endotart nations, check the WA subforums for recent votes & discussions, and answer telegram responses. More occasionally, I’ll coordinate with the WA minister and/or president to communicate about proposals or coordinate a vote, engage in RMB moderation as one of the more active forum members on the gameside, and update the endocap based on my endorsement levels.

Q: What skills or qualities are important as Delegate?

Le Libertie: I think the most important qualities for Delegate are consistency, communication, and patience. Maintaining high endorsement levels requires consistent endotarting, which I do daily by endorsing and telegramming nations. Since many newcomers tend to fall inactive quickly, it’s important to engage them as soon as possible, which is why consistency is so important. Communication also has an important role, given that delegates are reached out too often about proposals and vote requests. Since the delegate is a high-profile gameside role, having patience is also important because many nations reach out, often with…varying maturity levels.

Q: How does the Delegate role fit, intersect, or interact with Europeian government ministries such as World Assembly Affairs [WAA], Interior, and Foreign Affairs [FA]?

Le Libertie: Overall, I view the Delegate position as that of a representative and liaison of the Europeian government and forum community, so it definitely ends up interacting and intersecting with the ministries you mentioned. For Interior, the role of Delegate, as one of the most prominent gameside positions and the designated sender of multiple government telegrams, creates prime opportunities for integration. Because of this, I’m often answering telegrams and providing some assistance to newcomers and in general just trying to be a friendly face and representative of our forum community. For the WAA and FA, I’m more in the liaison role, relaying messages, communicating with the WA minister, and closely observing WA votes and proposals.

Q: How do you think the role of Delegate might change if the Frontier/Stronghold update gets implemented?

Le Libertie: I think right now the Delegacy can be described as a fairly marginal role when it comes to Europeian politics, but the F/S update could absolutely change that. The Delegacy would have important security implications, and there would be even more of an emphasis on vetting candidates and ensuring that they are trusted members of our community.

Q: What are your favorite and least favorite aspects of the role?

Le Libertie: I think my favorite and least favorite aspects of the role are both tied to one thing: the Delegate’s prominent role on the gameside. On one hand, I really enjoy being a highly visible nation other residents easily can reach out to. I remember that when I was a newcomer to Europeia and only on the gameside, it was really hard for me to connect with active nations who were also members of the Europeian government. So in a way, I try to give nations something that I partially lacked by being available to gameside nations as a government official. On the other hand, my prominence also makes it common for me to interact with trolls and other interesting characters that can be a real nuisance. But overall, I really enjoy serving as Delegate.

Q: If the time comes for your tenure to be over, will you coup Europeia on your last day as Delegate?

Le Libertie: I can’t say I’ve never been tempted by my inner Palpatine, but I think that I will be able to hand over the reins of power without issue when my tenure is over. But I guess only time will tell! :p