Post CoS Election Poll: Results Show A Divided but Satisfied Electorate
poll conducted and analyzed by United Vietussia
Election Polling
We first asked respondents if they were Senators. 20% of them (6 total) responded that they are, and we have no reason to believe that this number is not accurate after comparing responses from these individuals to the Senate vote total.
Our poll shows that half of respondents would have voted for HEM/Pichtonia, which seemed largely reflected in the posted rationales by Senators when voting. This was a very close election, but in the end, many Senators that were purportedly on the fence ended up breaking for HEM's campaign for the most part. Removing Senate votes changes very little, as HEM's vote share stays the same and JayDee only gains about a percentage point.
When forced to answer, HEM ekes out a very slim majority over JayDee, but the electorate still seems largely divided. Undecideds tended to break a bit more for JayDee than HEM, but HEM still had a slight majority. When Senators were factored out, HEM's majority barely increased by about a percentage point. If put to a general populace vote, it's reasonable to believe that this might have been a close election, but it's likely that HEM would have probably still pulled it out in the end.
(means are rounded to the nearest hundredth when necessary)
Mode: 5
Mean: 4.37
Median: 3.5
Mode: 4
Mean: 3.37
Median: 3
Mode: 3
Mean: 3.07
Median: 3
Mode: 3
Mean: 3.27
Council Rankings
1. Foreign Affairs - 4.37
2. Navy - 3.37
3. External Communications - 3.27
4. World Assembly - 3.07
Foreign Affairs is still king in the realm of Chief of State, and by quite a large margin. Perhaps most surprising is the still in infancy realm of External Communications ending up ahead of the World Assembly, a Council which has raised concerns of citizen apathy in the past few days, with articles being published to help get citizens interested in joining the Council of World Assembly Affairs and a plan set out by HEM to try to drum up interest in this area.
We're seeing a not insignificant portion of our respondents not feeling personally represented in the Chief of State election, but almost all respondents overwhelmingly believe that the Senate represents the general interests of Europeia when voting for Chief of State. It's an interesting delineation that may merit further discussion, as some individual voters have indicated that they don't feel personally represented but that they also feel like the Senators are effectively representing the general population.
Over two-thirds of respondents support the current Chief of State voting system, but of those two-thirds, one-third indicated that they had some form of reservation when supporting the system. A sizable minority also indicated that they did not support the current voting system, but of that minority, about a third also indicated that they had some form of reservation. By and large, the current Chief of State voting system still maintains strong support and satisfaction from citizens, but there is still some opposition within Europeia.
Further Comments
I feel like there was more support for JayDee outside the Senate than there was inside
Jaydee was not a good councilor. He started strong then stopped caring. I assume his energy went to running for chief of state. I wish his ticket had been reversed.
I'm not sure Senate election is the best process, but I believe it is better than an election of the full citizenry and I haven't seen a better proposal yet
idk, it was a real hard choice, too hard too decide
Jaydee was not a good councilor. He started strong then stopped caring. I assume his energy went to running for chief of state. I wish his ticket had been reversed.
I'm not sure Senate election is the best process, but I believe it is better than an election of the full citizenry and I haven't seen a better proposal yet
idk, it was a real hard choice, too hard too decide
That wraps up our analysis for this poll. Thank you to the respondents who took the time to make their voice heard, and we hope that this analysis helps provide a clearer picture of the state of Europeian politics.