[Poll Results] Frontier/Stronghold and Europeia


Exposing #REF!
Frontier/Stronghold and Europeia

By @Comfed

On Monday, I opened a poll on the Frontier/Stronghold update to measure the region's pulse after the election. These are the results and the analysis.

F/S In General
Forms response chart. Question title: What is your position on Europeia’s path forward in the Frontier/Stronghold update?. Number of responses: 35 responses.
Forms response chart. Question title: Has your opinion changed since you first learned of the update?. Number of responses: 35 responses.
I feel like Stronghold will actually help us to have a stronger regional security then if we were becoming a Frontier. But, the benefits of Frontier is still something to note in the decision making.
Europeia should take a 3rd option, construct a super mega space station and all the Euro nations go occupy that instead.
its whack as a whole
frontier/stronghold update in my opinion shouldn't exist
My favor of Stronghold has strengthened
Frontier commands a plurality here, but still doesn't hold the majority support it has had in the past. Many respondents are unsure, which may be due to several pieces of media from Stronghold supporters criticising the benefits of the Frontier option. Most people report not having changed their mind, although a large number of people report having changed their minds from Stronghold to Frontier, which probably comes from all the people who changed their minds since the update first came out and Frontier enjoyed less than 1/4 support.

Europeian Elections
Forms response chart. Question title: Are you a member of the party “Forward Europeia”?. Number of responses: 35 responses.
Forms response chart. Question title: Who did you vote for in the last Presidential election?. Number of responses: 32 responses.
Forms response chart. Question title: Who did you vote for in the runoff?. Number of responses: 32 responses.
Forms response chart. Question title: How important was F/S as an election issue to you?. Number of responses: 34 responses.
(1 = not important, 5 = extremely important)
Sky was robbed.
The points on the discussion on F/S was really good and I generally feel with the pool of candidates that we had, I felt safe Europeia will be in good hands with any candidate.
F/S can certainly be said to be a very important issue last election, although not necessarily an issue of paramount importance. The pro-frontier "Forward Europeia!" party, which campaigned heavily for SkyGreen24 in the election, fails to command even a majority of Frontier supporters, but nonetheless an impressive 20% of respondents reported being in the party. Interestingly, a majority of respondents reported voting for SkyGreen24 in the Presidential runoff. Overall, it is safe to say that while F/S was probably a very important issue this election, it was not the deciding factor for many voters (Much to the chagrin of Forward Europeia!).

Governmental Response
Forms response chart. Question title: Do you support the “Frontier Act” as written?. Number of responses: 35 responses.
Forms response chart. Question title: Does the Senate play enough of a role in the government’s response to the update?. Number of responses: 32 responses.
do whats best for the region
Super Mega Space Station
The Government's response on the F/S update was quite well done by telling us the process they were currently doing on getting the Frontier Act out there.
There seem to be mixed feelings over the government's response to the update. Although many people support support the ideas put forward in the "Frontier Act", most people say it needs to be improved and many people seem unsure about the bill. Most people support the current role the Senate is playing, and there is certainly no denying that the 82nd Senate is proactively involving itself in the government's process here. Ultimately, people (obviously) just want the government to do what is best for the region, but what is best for the region has yet to be seen.

Support in a Referendum
Forms response chart. Question title: If the referendum on Frontier/Stronghold were held today, how would you vote?. Number of responses: 35 responses.
In the end, when made to choose between one or the other, the majority of people still pick Frontier. The margin is so close, though, that it is anyone's guess what public opinion will be by the update.
Thanks for this very thorough and detailed poll, it really serves to show how difficult the decision around this issue is
Honestly, if the region is literally divided in half, I think the safest bet would be to remain a stronghold. If we jump into being a Frontier on a slim vote, there could easily be a shift in sentiment, a referendum, and possible effort to switch back to stronghold -- we should be more certain of becoming a Frontier than just a 51-49 referendum, it's too critical of a change to just jump in on a slim majority, imo. There's no impending doom if we don't immediately become a Frontier, we can always wait for the update to come out and then weigh our options more diligently at that point. With this uncertainty in the region, we should be having a much more robust discussion on this before making a quick decision.
When people are uncertain or unsure they tend to vote for the status quo rather than the unknown. By the time we reach a referendum I think we will have a far better idea about what a Frontier or Stronghold Europeia will look like and would be more willing to vote for the unknown option.

Good job on this poll Comfed, very in-depth polling and some good analysis as well.
This was super interesting!! I would also guess that Stronghold was slightly underrepresented here given the disproportional amount of Sky voters (but maybe I'm wrong).
Very informative results, I really appreciate the way this poll was structured.
This was super interesting!! I would also guess that Stronghold was slightly underrepresented here given the disproportional amount of Sky voters (but maybe I'm wrong).
Would just like to mention here that based on some of the people I've GOTVed, I definitely did have a few stronghold leaning folk among my voters, so it doesn't necessarily mean this poll has a frontier bias.

Would still like to add that due to the size of our citizenry, all polls should be taken with a grain of salt.

Nonetheless, great job Comfed!
A lot of good info here. I wonder if the results shift significantly if there is a referendum, than a private media poll, like how our election polls only can predict a little bit of the final outcome.
Honestly, if the region is literally divided in half, I think the safest bet would be to remain a stronghold. If we jump into being a Frontier on a slim vote, there could easily be a shift in sentiment, a referendum, and possible effort to switch back to stronghold -- we should be more certain of becoming a Frontier than just a 51-49 referendum, it's too critical of a change to just jump in on a slim majority, imo. There's no impending doom if we don't immediately become a Frontier, we can always wait for the update to come out and then weigh our options more diligently at that point. With this uncertainty in the region, we should be having a much more robust discussion on this before making a quick decision.
I definitely agree with this as one of those players who is truly undecided on the issue. There's too much we still don't know to make a firm decision one way or the other, imo.
I think this is a great poll and commend Comfed for running it. Looking at the polls in aggregate over the last month, clearly stronghold has regained some momentum but not enough to take the advantage over Frontier. More citizens support Frontier -- they have for a while -- and I don't see a ton of evidence that people's minds are changing en masse.