[Poll Analysis] Executive Mid-Term Satisfaction Poll February 2024

Executive Mid-Term Satisfaction Poll February 2024
Results and Analysis

Written by ICH

The Executive Mid-Term Satisfaction Poll:

Definitely active, even as things drop in certain areas they seem to pick right back up
Seems to be chugging along smoothly, even with changes in cabinet!
Doing great work!
Good enough
I think we should have more changes starting at the top.
In a positive development for the Executive, 81.8% of citizens are pleased with the Executive's work, up from 68% at the end of last term. While the percentage of people "satisfied" rose marginally from 52% to 54.5%, there was a significant uptick in the percentage of people "very satisfied" with the Executive from 16% to 27.3%. This could be attributed to the improved levels of activity witnessed across the Executive coupled with the adaptability of the Cabinet even despite the changes in Ministers.

President JayDee:
Tough to keep outstanding activity while he's been going through things, but I'm glad for his presence and what he's been doing.
Doesn’t seem as active but a lot of stuff has been happening and I assume he has something to do with it
This is his last term in office and he doesn't have much incentive to try harder. He's not running for reelection. His performance It's good enough
JayDee is a president.
third time is not the charm
While President JayDee registered a drop in their approval ratings from 84% at the end of last term to 77.3%, achieving a 70%+ approval rating even despite three consecutive terms is no mean feat and President JayDee would undoubtedly be pleased with this number. In another positive development for the President, the percentage of people dissatisfied dropped from 16% to 9%. Respondents were quick to note that even though JayDee is not running for re-election, his activity and presence have been commendable.

Vice-President Vor:
Definitely present everywhere and helping things stay on track
One of the Vory best VPs ever
Vor is Brazilian, he has my support🫡
In comparison to Vice-President Rand's numbers at the end of last term, Vice-President Vor's approval rating has increased by an impressive 22.9% as the Vice President has reaped the rewards of being "present everywhere and helping things stay on track" according to the respondents!

Minister of Communications ICH:
Energetic and lovely at organizing! good job :D
MinComms is just pumping out articles left and right!
He's been doing a great job keeping the publican formed on all events in the ministry of communications
ICH has been stunning this term. Best the EBC has looked in a long time.
He's doing a good job.
ICH has received the joint-highest approval rating of 90.9%, a number which is a bit higher than the 88% approval rating enjoyed by his predecessor McEntire at the end of last term. The percentage of people "very satisfied" with the Communications Minister have almost doubled from 32% at the end of last term to 63.6% this term. Commentators have praised the Minister's organisation skill this term and have also appreciated the increase in the number of articles published at this point in the term, with one respondent noting that this is the "best the EBC has looked in a long time."

Culture Minister Ellenburg:
Ellenburg is a strong hands-on leader, would be a great president.
Another excellent minister. He has been focused on setting up lots of festivals and it really shows the hard work you've been putting into it
Valentine's Day festival was really well done - great work.
Cultural events are being fun.
Culture Minister Ellenburg has also registered a substantial increase when it comes to the percentage of citizens satisfied with his work, as he got a mark of approval from 77.3% of the citizens this time in comparison to the 56% he got at the end of last term. The successful hosting of the Valentine's Festival and other cultural events has had an extremely positive effect on the opinion of Ellenburg's performance, judging by the feedback received from our respondents.

Foreign Minister Rand:
Classic FA: what's happening?
FA handled a lot of curveballs really well
He resigned...
While the approval numbers haven’t changed much with now-former Foreign Minister Rand’s satisfaction dropping marginally in comparison to his predecessor Kazaman’s approval rating from 56% to 54.6%, the increase in dissatisfaction rating from 12% to 18.2% is definitely not something Rand would be pleased with. Taking a look at the comments, it seems the Foreign Ministry under Rand has continued to struggle with the same issue that also plagued his predecessor’s term: lack of visibility.

Minister of Outreach Sincluda:
Love the game they organized for the Triumph, very unique
killing it
No comments.
The Outreach has continued its impressive streak, this time under Minister Sincluda with Sincluda registering a fabulous 86.4% approval rating in comparison to his predecessor ICH’s approval rating of 72% at the end of last term. Respondents praised the game the Outreach has organised this term, noting that it was a unique idea.

Attorney General Calvin Coolidge:
Gotten the LAs done, involved Law Clerks
No crimes yet, keep up the good work!
really great work
The Attorney General’s performance has been rated less positively by the citizenry in comparison to the end of last term, with Calvin’s performance being approved by 59.1% of the citizenry, a drop by 8.9% from the end of last term. This drop in percentage of people approving is surprising considering the feedback received from our respondents with most of the respondents praising his great work and observing that he has got the Legislative Assessments done while involving the Law Clerks

Minister of Gameside Pudimlland:
Room for improvement, but looking strong. Weekly update quality is very high.
Jumped into the role and has been doing solid work
I'm him, I shouldn't comment
Gameside Minister Pudimlland has continued to impress citizens with his solid work this term, as 77.3% of the poll respondents are satisfied with the Minister in comparison to the 64% approving of his predecessor Prov’s performance last term. Citizens have noted the high quality of the weekly update the Gameside Ministry is publishing and have also appreciated Pudimlland’s quick adaptability to the demands of the position.

Grand Admiral Darcness:
Newer sailors need training but everything else is fantastic.
Good job.
While the respondents have largely approved of Darc’s performance with a 68.1% satisfaction rating, Darc has however failed to match the 100% satisfaction rating attained by Vor last term. The respondents have suggested the ERN to launch more training initiatives for the newer recruits and should the Grand Admiral work on that, his approval ratings are expected to increase from here

Minister of Radio Grea Kriopia:

Holy workhorse GK, loving these shows!!
the radio shows have been AWESOME sauce
This minister has been doing lot to revitalize the languishing of Ministry of radio. She was only recently confirmed but did a great job in lifting up the ministry. It's been very active recently with a spate of radio shows
It started recently but I like what I see so far
Despite Grea Kriopia’s late induction into the Cabinet after August’s resignation as the Minister of Radio, she has managed to change the people’s perspective of the Radio Ministry drastically within the last few weeks as a whooping 90.9% of the citizens have expressed their satisfaction with her performance, a massive increase of 58.9% from her predecessor John Lauren’s numbers and the joint-highest satisfaction percentage in this poll. This surge in approval rating could be attributed to the highly increased frequency and quality of radio shows conducted by Minister Grea Kriopia as soon as she got confirmed to the position.

Minister of World Assembly Affairs John Laurens:
Doing well and learning quickly.
Could be a bit more on top of things and proactive, but if the goal is to set up for the next term, then perhaps I'm not seeing something
Keeping things on schedule and coming into his own as a Minister
He just doesn't seem very active. Even if he is active, the perception of activity is important too
I don't see much but I believe he's at least doing something.
The performance of the World Assembly Affairs has taken a turn for the worse in comparison to the last term with the approval rating of John Laurens more than halved from the 92% satisfaction rate enjoyed by his predecessor UPC to 45.5%. Respondents have identified activity issues as one of the factors that led to their dissatisfaction with the Minister this term.

Press Secretary UPC:

Just goes to show the position was unnecessary, since things are (mostly) being communicated fine anyways.
He's been working behind the scenes. So while it might seem that he is not doing much, he is actually from what I heard proofreading all the president speeches. It would help a lot if the administration credited him and all the speeches that were proofread by him
Unsure what he did
While UPC's performance as Press Security is approved by 59.1% of the citizenry, which is lower than the percentage of people satisfied with the Executive, respondents' comments suggested that it is their disagreement with the creation of this position, rather than UPC's performance, that has led to them rating the performance of the Press Secretary lower than the Executive.

Who would you like to see run in the next presidential election?


Which cabinet members would you like to see return next term?
Grea Kriopia and ICH's high approval ratings have helped them earn the trust of the citizenry to serve another term in the Cabinet, securing the first and second highest number of votes in favour respectively. While UPC's approval rating as Press Secretary was lower than that of the Executive, 68.2% of the respondents want him back in the Cabinet, indicating that the citizens still have trust in UPC's abilities. Sincluda's and Pudimlland's positive approval ratings have also endeared them to the public, with 15 out of the 22 respondents expressing their wish to see them return to the Cabinet. Despite Ellenburg being approved by more than 75% of the citizens, only 54.5% of the citizens want him back in the Cabinet, which could be due to the greater number of alternative candidates who can helm the Culture Ministry. John Lauren's poor approval ratings mean the public is not convinced that JL deserves a place in the next Cabinet.

Who else would you like to see in the next Cabinet and in what position?


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Just goes to show the position was unnecessary, since things are (mostly) being communicated fine anyways.
Xandilliones must know about the relationship between cause and effect.
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Thank you to everyone who took the poll! I’ll admit I wasn’t expecting myself to get such high results, but the whole government has been working really hard to deliver on promises and I’m glad it’s paying off.

There are still areas for improvement though. We’ll keep working hard to end this term on a strong note :)
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Any idea on how many people took the poll? It's been really dead on the forums so I'm not sure where this activity is coming from
Any idea on how many people took the poll? It's been really dead on the forums so I'm not sure where this activity is coming from
It's as if we have an entire separate communications server to drum up interest in things using pings and frequent reminders, even from people who are more active there than here 👀
Any idea on how many people took the poll? It's been really dead on the forums so I'm not sure where this activity is coming from
It's as if we have an entire separate communications server to drum up interest in things using pings and frequent reminders, even from people who are more active there than here 👀

O rly I've never heard of this place, can I come see it