[NON-SATIRE] Executive Re-Merge Poll Results


europeia's 2nd best satirist
7th May, 2020

Yesterday, I did a poll asking Europeians if they supported the executive re-merge. I received 22 responses, which was an acceptable response rate, I guess. Of the 22 respondents, only 3 said they were part of the Senate, so this doesn’t really represent the Senate. However, this may be interesting for knowing what the public opinion is on this.

So anyway, let’s get to the results. First, we have the big question: Do you support the Executive Re-Merge? Well, good news for the re-merge movement: Over 70% of respondents support the re-merge in some form or another. Of this, approximately one-third of respondents would support it under a new system, just under one-quarter would support it under the pre-split system, and under one-fifths would support it in any form. 18.2% of respondents are against this in any shape or form, and 9.1% are undecided. Interestingly, two of three Senators responded that they would support the split with a new system, while one was against it in any shape or form.

Then, we had respondents who responded that they would support the merge with a new system explain their system briefly. Here’s what we got:

There aren’t really any discernable patterns to this, and not all respondents who answered they would support it with a new system answered this question.

Next, we had our respondents tell us how long they’ve been in Europeia. A plurality of the respondents had been in Euro for 2-5 years, just under one-fourths had been in Euro for more than 5 years, and equal amounts of people (13.9%) had been in Euro for 3 months or less, 6-12 months, or 1-2 years. There was no discernable pattern between time in Euro and preference on the merge, except interestingly the only respondent who had been in Euro for 3-6 months was against the merge in any form. This, of course, could and probably is a coincidence.

Then, we had respondents answer who they would like to see become Euro’s first President and Vice President. @Malashaan had the most nominations (2 of 12 responses), but this is by no means a clear representation of who will be Euro’s first post-merge President. There was no clear pattern to the Vice President nominations, except notably it includes some less-experienced players. (I promise I didn’t rig this, but the people were @United Vietussia and yours truly.)
There were no extra comments.

Overall, this poll was interesting. It confirmed that most Europeians are supportive of the re-merge at this current stage, and in the event of a referendum the re-merge is likely to pass. If anyone has any other insight or analysis of this, please comment below!
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Interesting data and great analysis - mostly seems to be in line with other polls we'e seen.