Mass-telegramming using the regional client key


Honoured Citizen
As you may be aware, under the current Telegram API rules, each region is provided with a client key that its members may use for all regional business, including recruitment or other mass-TG needs.

Our client key is currently under continuous and automated deployment for various jobs related to immigration. However, there are several scenaria where the key could be used for other mass-tg jobs, say endotarting campaigns by the Delegate or targeted announcements by our various Ministries.

To provide for this, I have created the following locked website:

This allows members to submit mass-tg jobs (in the form of a telegram and list of recipient nations), which are then queued and executed automatically using our client key. The system automatically takes care of multiple members simultaneously submitting jobs, and syncing with our immigration scripts. Specifically, mass-tg jobs submitted by our members are queued in a first-come-first-served fashion, and immigration scripts are paused for the duration of the execution of queued jobs. That way, we can make effective use of the regional client key, without having to go through me all the time.

For access, contact the President or the Cabinet.
Right now yes, though it is easy to add a functionality to telegram some prespecified groups (all of region, WAs in the region, WA delegates).

Having said the above, if you plan to telegram all of the region, you should try to do it through the founder's mass-tg capability, which is free and (as far as I know) has no bandwidth restrictions. The mass-tg page is much better for targetted campaigns.
I was thinking along the lines of campaigns to join the Navy, things like that, which would be blanket campaigns. If I decide to go that route, I'll harangue HEM :p
I made a small update to the mass-tg page. It now also provides some standard recipient lists: all nations, WA nations, and delegates; in any region or in the entire NS world.
Thank you - that might be a small change, but it represents a huge increase in value :)