Interview with National Reform Party Founder: Peace Republic

Interview with National Reform Party (NRP) Founder: Peace Republic​

The cameras turn toward Peace Republic.

Writinglegend: Hello, Peace Republic. Welcome to the EBC! Today we will be discussing your party, the National Reformist Party.

Peace Republic: Happy to be here.

Writinglegend: Why did you originally create the National Reformist Party (NRP)? Was there a specific reason that made you want to create the party?

Peace Republic: Well first let me thank you for the question I really appreciate you taking the time to talk with me today! When I set out to form a political party I had no idea it would become as big as it has in the past few days. Originally the party was created as an outlet to help newcomers and innovators and give them a party they could be happy to be part of. However as I sit here now the entire picture of the party has changed massively.

Among the reasons that led me to create the party in the first place was to have a place to engage in a political setting with those who shared the view points that many have within euro. More than that though it was an attempt to revitalize politics in euro and I believe it has worked.

Writinglegend: What makes you believe it worked in revitalizing politics in Euro? Why do you think it needed to be revitalized?

Peace Republic: Well first let me answer the back end of this question. Political parties in Euro for the most part were non existent with the exception of the EAAC. So I felt that it would be great as a whole to try and bring some of that political spirit back. Secondly all you have to do to answer the question of if it worked is look at the facts. In less than three days the NRP has gained 11 members not only that everywhere you look on the forums the NRP is being discussed in some way even if it is in passing or as a side note. More than that though is the result in the most recent election.

I feel that the NRP made a statement in this past election by not only showing up to the polls but the way in which it was done. In a matter of less than 48 hours the NRP endorsed a candidate and when the polls rolled around we showed people we were serious. So to answer the question directly I feel that it was more than successful and that there is still much more to come.

Writinglegend: You note the fact that you gained eleven members in three days, which is an impressive number. Other prior parties have, arguably, gone through similar surges when they were first created. How will you keep your members while bringing new ones in?

Peace Republic: Well as has been the case from the very start of this party we have picked up new members each day. One of the things that makes our party different than any other in the past is our ability to appeal to all people. We have a very big mix of young/newcomers while also maintaining a very big number of older members.

Along with, that unlike other parties, we have a set plan in place to recruit and intend to do just that. As far as keeping the members already here, when they joined the party it was a sign that they wanted change and that they were willing to express it even if it wasn't the most popular idea. That being said we have great morale within the party and everyone's ideas are welcomed so i feel that member retention should not be a problem.

Writinglegend: This was slightly answered already, but what makes your party attractive to new and old member alike? Why do you feel they join?

Peace Republic: Well as was stated before I feel the NRP offers something for everyone. We don't focus on a members age or how long they have been in the region but rather their ideas and their ability to innovate and I feel this appeals to everyone. One of the things we stress in the NRP is that there are no borders and we truly mean that. As for the older members I feel that they are joining because they also want to see change and feel that this is the best way to do it.

Writinglegend: What separates your party from the Euro AAC?

Peace Republic: What makes our party different, is the variety of our goals. The ideas about the Citizens' Assembly are noticeably different. We're also different in how we view the function of several ministries.

Writinglegend: Some people have been discussing the thoughts on voting laid out in your platform. For people that do not know, it was discussed about taking voting from citizens who do not vote in two simultaneous elections. What made you want to pursue such a policy? Will you be looking for an amendment to the Charter of Rights Act? What are the pros and cons to this strategy?

Peace Republic: We were waiting to announce this but I guess this is a good time we have learned that it is actually not possible to see who voted so we as a party have taken that policy out of our platform. Rather we will work to improve voter turnout in other ways that are attainable given the website.

Writinglegend: In your party platform one policy is focusing more on domestic affairs rather than foreign affairs. What are the pros and cons of this strategy? What, ultimately, made you want to put this policy in your platform? Do you feel we are currently focusing too much on foreign affairs and too little on domestic affairs? What makes you feel that way?

Peace Republic: Well to be honest with you when we published that "platform" it wasnt meant to be a platform but rather a very brief set of ideologies the party believes in. I have been keeping it under wraps but as of this moment a new and improved platform will be coming out representing the views of the NRP. This new platform will be much longer and much more detailed.

I would also like to clarify a note about our domestic policy views What that was meant to say was that we could always use improvement on our own home soil. The party does not wish to take away any of the focus from foreign affairs. Rather we just want to help domestic affairs become a priority as well.

I think when people read that it caused sort of a shock factor if you will of like "hey this guy is crazy" but rather as i spend more time in the region myself and the party are constantly adapting and growing. So in no way do we want less focus on FA just more focus on domestic.

Writinglegend: You said, "Rather we just want to help domestic affairs become a priority as well." So do you feel domestic affairs isn't already a priority? Why do you feel this way?

Peace Republic: In regards to your question regarding domestic affairs I feel I should point out that I am not questioning the priority of either domestic or foreign affairs. Rather I just want to improve upon what is already there by making more strides towards domestic improvements. As for why I feel this way it is never a bad thing to improve the region in which one lives.

Writinglegend: What role would you like to see the CA take on?

Peace Republic: See this is another one of those questions that can't really be 100% answered. While I would love to see the CA take on a more active role in the government I realize that this may not be 100% possible. However at this current time the CA is a entity that I feel could always use improvement. I know this isn't exactly what you were looking for but other than that I would point people to be on the lookout for our new platform regarding the parties stance on the CA

Writinglegend: So the NRP is an ever-changing party? Are there certain policies that the party will never change stance on?

Peace Republic: Well I think all political parties should be ever changing. In order to be the best party you have to realize when you're wrong and change it. You have to accept when your policies are failing and accept that and change them for the better. We are such a new party it is hard for me to tell you if we have any hardcore set policies. However we do have some very set beliefs.

We believe that everyone should be treated fairly and with respect regardless of how new they are or their ideas (regardless how radical or how out there). We also believe that everyone should be allowed to innovate and by that I mean just because you are new doesn't mean you shouldn't be allowed to suggest ideas. Lastly, we believe highly in respect towards others even those who don't share our goals. This includes on the forums and on the RMB.

Writinglegend: What did you envision the party becoming when you first created it?

Peace Republic: You know I would love to sit here and tell you that I thought we would be this big when I launched the idea to start this party but that would be a lie and that's not who I am. Rather I will tell you that when I reached out to a few people with similar ideas and suggest we found a party together they gave me their full support 100% of the way. I would be remiss if i didn't mention Rose Peak and Prometheus for getting behind me and my crazy ideas from the start.

Now that I have credited them I would like to point out that this party would mean nothing and we wouldn't even be having this interview if the people of europeia didn't speak up and join on their own regard. To all of the party members who were willing to take a stand I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It is because of you i can sit here today and say that the party has far exceed my initial expectations.

So to put it bluntly, no I had no idea we would take off as fast as we did but I couldn't have done this on my own and thankfully I didn't have too.

Writinglegend: Shifting to Presidential Elections, what impact do you feel you had? What statement did this make?

Peace Republic: Well, Writing, this is a question that is very hard for myself to answer. When we gave Calvin an endorsement of 8-0 we had no idea if it would help, or for that matter, hurt his chances. Rather, we just wanted to show that there was enthusiasm from newcomers and old-timers alike.

Now it would be very unprofessional for us to say we helped make the election as close as it was; in reality, Calvin was the one running for president not the NRP and Calvin ran a great campaign. If Calvin hadn't run as good of a campaign as he had then it wouldn't of mattered what we did to support him. Calvin should be the one who gets the credit for keeping it close because in the end it was Calvin who people were voting for and Calvin’s policies that ultimately made it close in the end.

Writinglegend: What do you foresee the NRP being like in a year? How will the party be faring? What goals will it surpass?

Peace Republic: Well, again, no one can guess the future except for maybe that psychic that lives down the street from me although what makes you feel that way not sure about her yet...Anyways back on topic I would foresee the NRP being a strong political party in Euro a year from now I think we have the passion the fire and the commitment to make that happen.

More than that however I feel we have the drive and the perseverance to keep going even if we arent the most "loved" party in the region. So I think a year from now the NRP will be stronger than they are today! As for the goals we will surpass its hard to say I mean every victory no matter how small is a goal that was accomplished. So I feel that the NRP will have done a lot of good in the region a year from today and that is always good.

Writinglegend: Alright. That's all I have today. I would like to thank you for allowing me to interview you, and I wish the best of luck to you and your party moving forward.
An interesting interview with an up-and-coming player.