[Inside Government] Midterm Executive Satisfaction Poll Analysis

Midterm Executive Satisfaction Poll Analysis
Results and Analysis

Written by Sanjurika

With the recent Senate elections concluding and the executive midterms passing by, the Europeian Broadcasting Corporation (EBC) conducted a poll to judge the region's thoughts on the current president and his administration. The poll opened on June 6 and ran until June 9 , receiving a total of 33 responses. It should be noted that this poll was accepting responses when some controversy regarding the Europeian Republican Navy (ERN) took place, so it is possible that some responses may have been affected by this controversy, while others have not.

President, Vice President, and Overall Satisfaction

Overall Executive - 57.6%

Bit of a quiet term, though I see that more as a result of general activity, rather than a problem with the executive itself
One brings it down!
Overall a great term with solid activity across all the areas I've been in. I'm obviously upset about the reason Dak drama but I think in such early stages it would be unfair to let that have any impact. Also ily GC xoxo
Kazaman has made some confusing changes and I don't know if they've produced the results that were wanted or just did nothing.

The executive this term earned an overall rating of 57.6% satisfaction, which is a significant drop from the previous administrations ratings (Midterm: 78.6%, End-of-Term: 91.3%). The comments may help to provide an understanding as to why, with some providing criticism of the administration. One respondent noted the recent events regarding Dakota's ERN membership, and another took note that “Kazaman has made some confusing changes and I don't know if they've produced the results that were wanted or just did nothing." A total of 7 respondents gave a 'neutral' rating, and 6 responded either 'dissatisfied' (4) or 'very dissatisfied' (2). Finally, only one respondent was unsure of their opinions on the administration.

President Kazaman - 51.5%

Kaz is a superstar
Was originally satisfied, but then the Dakota fiasco has severely impacted my view of this administration. I am disappointed in the President's handling of this situation.
Mishandled the Dak situation very badly. Would either consider an apology or standing downx
Was dissatisfied before the Dakota situation ftr
Been very involved with his staff and super active, can't really complain about the recent drama yet as mentioned before. Very solid term and I hope it continues to be so.
This term has been fine, but there have been some perplexing changes at times.
He can be pretty hard-headed about his ideas. I appreciate his drive to push through with them, but it feels like questions and concerns are being brushed aside. Of course I'd be remiss not to mention the Dak affair has been mishandled. I feel like something could have been done. It feels like a reaction and not an action was taken.

With a rating of 51.5%, the president falls a few percentage points below the overall executive rating. However, a larger number of respondents either responded 'dissatisfied' (7) or 'very dissatisfied' (7). Again, the cause of this increase in disapproval likely stems from the ERN controversy. One commenter even noting that they “would either consider an apology or standing down,” and another claiming that “it feels like a reaction and not an action was taken." Not all commenters disapproved however, with one saying that “Kaz is a superstar." These numbers fall significantly short of President Calvin’s final approval rating at the end of his term (82.6%).

Vice President UPC - 60.6%

UPC is always on top of things, always engaged and always supportive
Not seeing him anywhere
Doesn't seem very visible at times.

The Vice President received slightly higher marks than the overall executive, with a total satisfaction of 60.6%. Interestingly, a larger number of respondents marked 'very satisfied' compared to 'satisfied'. No respondents were unsure about their opinions, but 4 people were neutral in their opinions. Although this is a considerable drop compared to Vice President Istillian’s rating of 91.3%, a majority still approved of the Vice President’s work. Comments were fewer this time around, with two commenters noting a lack of visibility.

Ministries Satisfaction: Ministries are listed in order of performance, and alphabetically when ties occur

Ministry of Culture - 81.8%
Minister of Culture Rotasu - 72.7%

EuroPride ROCKS
Especially EuroPride is so well organised
the weekend games thingy could've been handled better, but otherwise good job
Rotasu seems very engaged
There were some missteps at the beginning, but EuroPride seems to be a success so far!
EuroPride has been great so far!

The Ministry of Culture sported the highest approval rating of all the ministries, with a rating of 81.8%. The minister in charge follows close behind, with a rating of 72.7%. Interestingly, more respondents gave a 'very satisfied' rating to the minister than to the ministry as a whole. These results likely stem from a successful ongoing EuroPride event that was put together in the wake of former Minister Monkey’s resignation. In fact, all but one comment mentions EuroPride by name, with many noting the strong organization and engagement by Minister Rotasu.

Europeian Republican Navy - 78.8%
Grand Admiral Istillian - 87.9%

Ist has been so great this term honestly.
The Genua raid was an absolute Highlight
Sorry to see Ist go, hope he will return again some day
Great term with lots of fun activities and much more planned! Sad to see him resign obviously but I'm absolutely certain UPC will do a great job taking over.
Good frequency of operations, would be nice to see some newer people get trained up and appear on operations.
Ist was wonderful as GA and it's a shame he resigned.

Despite a controversy regarding the ERN and Dakota, the ministry and the former Grand Admiral didn’t seem to be affected. The former Grand Admiral earned slightly more 'very satisfied' ratings than 'satisfied', and the comments show a possible reason. The decision by the mods to crack down on fascist themed nations led quickly to a successful Genua raid that the ERN took part in. These two events have shifted the Raiding/Defending environment in favor of anti-fascist forces. As a final point, during the running of this poll Istillian resigned. The only criticism in the comments were a note that “[it] would be nice to see some newer people get trained up and appear on operations."

Ministry of Interior - 75.8%
Minister of Interior GrandfatherClock - 81.8%

GC's hard work has finally paid off as the population of our region steadily increases. Great job and keep it up!
Population is starting to tick back up.
GC is working hard as always, and I'll never feel like we have an uninterested MinInt when he's on board.
Great numbers this term!

Minister GrandfatherClock continued his success within the Ministry of Interior this term, and the region's population even began to see an uptick in new members. Despite not having the highest overall rating, Minister GrandfatherClock was the only minister to receive a majority of 'very satisfied' respondents. The ministry overall received two less 'satisfied' and 'very satisfied' votes compared to the minister, which contributed to the slightly lower score of the ministry itself. Comments were all positive, with many noting the spike in population, and one noting that “GC is working hard as always, and I'll never feel like we have an uninterested MinInt when he's on board."

Ministry of World Assembly Affairs - 75.8%
Minister of World Assembly Affairs Pland Adanna - 78.8%

If there's anyone that deserves a Very Satisfied this term, it has absolutely got to be PA
PA has been spectacular!
PA has been doing very well
PA's passion about this position has allowed him to shine through. Well done
Not much to say here, MoWAA is running as normal, but I'm excited to see what changes that were promised are delivered in the second half of the term.
Pland is doing great as a first time minister.

Headed by first time Minister Pland Adanna, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs boasted impressive numbers as well. Just as with the ERN, Ministry of Interior, and Ministry of Culture, the Minister received a greater percentage of “very satisfied” than the overall rating of the ministry. Commenters noted that Pland Adanna runs a smooth sailing ship, with one comment saying “PA's passion about this position has allowed him to shine through." Another commenter hoped that things would ramp up in the final half of the term, writing “...I'm excited to see what changes that were promised are delivered in the second half of the term."

Ministry of Justice - 66.7%
Attorney General Malashaan - 66.7

I think Mal has tried but there's not much engagement
Doesn’t seem to be living up to the Lloenflys standard.
I'm excited to see more projects being brought out, but Malashaan seems to be quite busy in real life.

The Ministry of Justice ratings tend to follow the activity of the Senate, and that seems to be the case here as well. For both Minister and Ministry, the majority of respondents answered 'satisfied', with the next most popular option being 'neutral'. Comments were mixed, with many pointing to a lack of activity or enthusiasm within the ministry itself. The Attorney General has brought up discussions with law clerks, with varied interaction and the comments reflect that, saying “I think Mal has tried but there's not much engagement."

Gameside Coordinator Le Libertie - 66.6%

Gameside is rightfully put back into focus and it is going well
Unsure what's happening with this position
Still unsure why this is a role.
Massive kudos to everyone involved in getting the dispatch updates done, LL really deserves this position.
Haven't heard much on this. How is it going?

The newest position to the cabinet, the Gameside Coordinator was created with the aim of bringing more engagement with the community gameside. Le Libertie spearheads this initiative, scoring a rating about the same as the Ministry of Justice and attorney general. Comments however were mixed, with one saying “Unsure what's happening with this position,” and another saying, “Still unsure why this is a role." This may be reflected in the chart with almost a quarter of respondents marking their opinion as 'neutral'. Perhaps because of the recent dispatch overhaul, a large number of respondents also responded with 'very satisfied'.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - 63.7%
Minister of Foreign Affairs Peeps - 57.6%

I trust that there are good things going on behind the scenes but maybe not so visible from the front end
I liked the switch with staff, but I would have preferred to see another replacement activity to supplement forum activity for foreign affairs staff. Is everyone else in the ministry just expected to participate on discord only?
I like the new organization to FA. I have enjoyed Peeps leading the charge.

Following an overhaul of the internal ministry structure, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sports a slightly higher rating than Minister Peeps himself. Comments all pointed to the overhaul and a lack of visibility, saying, “I liked the switch with staff, but I would have preferred to see another replacement activity to supplement forum activity for foreign affairs staff,” and, “I trust that there are good things going on behind the scenes but maybe not so visible from the front end." This is also the first ministry to see more than one person respond with 'very dissatisfied' in regards to the performance of Minister Peeps. 9.1% (3) respondents gave a 'very dissatisfied' rating.

Ministry of Communications - 60.6%
Minister of Communications Lime - 61.6%

Made a good run of it for this term quite honestly
Can't expect much when Communications didn't even get a a section in the Kazaman/UPC platform.
There have been some great articles coming out of the ministry this term. I'm glad the minister acknowledged some shortcomings with visibility in his midterm address.
I'm just not feeling enthused. Lime mentioned there were issues, but I don't see a push past those issues. It feels like Comms is running itself.

Interestingly, despite Minister Lime receiving a lower score than the overall ministry, he received a greater percentage of 'very satisfied' reviews, along with a larger portion of 'dissatisfied' and 'very dissatisfied'. Minister Lime recently released a critical midterm address, along with promises to do better and increase his own activity. Comments echoed these sentiments, with one commenter saying “I'm glad the minister acknowledged some shortcomings with visibility in his midterm address." Another respondent noted that “it feels like Comms is running itself."

Ministry of Radio - 48.5%
Minister of Radio SkyGreen24 - 42.5%

Seems a little slow
The Morvo show was a wonderful addition to the repertoire, adding a couple of fun shows like “two truths and one lie” in addition to the more political shows would be fun
Radio seems a bit quiet at times
Sky has shown that he was not the right choice for the job and does not know how to manage this ministry.
This is why Ministers should "earn" their position by showing interest and activity in the Ministry they want to lead and not just given a job because they want one.
Radio seems fine, although the latest shows haven't really captured my interest.
I'm not seeing a lot of show planning going on. Sky mentioned failings but didn't specify what they were or how they would be remedied.

Rounding out the ministries is the Ministry of Radio with a rating of 48.5%. Results were very mixed, with 'satisfied' (27.3%), 'neutral' (24.2%), and 'dissatisfied' (24.2%) all coming close together. This is the first time that Sky has managed the radio ministry, and comments seem to be in agreement about the reduced activity. One commenter saying “...the latest shows haven't really captured my interest,” and another saying, “I'm not seeing a lot of show planning going on." The release of a handful of new shows seem to have seen some success though, with a third comment saying, “The Morvo show was a wonderful addition to the repertoire, adding a couple of fun shows like 'two truths and one lie' in addition to the more political shows would be fun."

Next Term’s Cabinet

Which Ministers Should Return

Four cabinet members received a majority of respondents indicating support for their return. Ministers Pland Adanna (72.7%), GrandfatherClock (72.7%), and Rotasu (54.5%) along with Grand Admiral Istillian (75.8%) all received a majority of support for a return. Although the other ministers trailed behind, none received less than 10 votes. It also should be noted that three (9.1%) respondents did not want any cabinet members to return.

Other Potential Ministers

Another question in the poll asked which Europeians not currently in the cabinet should be given a position. There were 7 different responses, with the results below:

Interior: Calvin (2), Le Libertie (1), and Monkey (1)
Culture: Sanjurika (2), Forilian (1), and Icarus (1)
Radio: Lime (2), Darkslayer (1), Icarus (1), GrandfatherClock (1)
Communications: Klatonia (2), Istillian (1), Kuramia (1), Monkey (1)
Foreign Affairs: Monkey (2), UPC(1), Prim (1), Kuramia (1), Darkslayer (1), Lime (1)
Justice: No suggestions
World Assembly Affairs: Maowi (1)
Europeian Republican Navy (Grand Admiral): Vor (2)

A total of 15 individuals were named, with two suggestions for a specific ministry the most anyone received. Monkey received the most total suggestions, being named for Interior, Communications, and Foreign Affairs. Another confused respondent listed Pland Adanna as someone who they’d like to see in World Assembly Affairs but as they are currently the minister, this suggestion was removed. Finally, another respondent said “Honestly I'd like to see a lot of people return, but in different roles” suggesting a possible re-shuffle of current cabinet members in the coming term.

The Upcoming Election

President Kazaman

A plurality of respondents said that they would not vote for the President in a re-election bid, with 11 being strongly against the possibility. A significant portion of respondents were undecided, with 8 (24.2%) choosing that option. This could indicate a competitive election, regardless of if the President chooses to run for a second term.

Other Potential Candidates

There are many other names floating on the tongues of Europeians for a possible presidential bid. The poll also asked who they would like to see in the next presidential election. 9 respondents answered with the results shown below:

UPC (4)
Monkey (3)
HEM (3)
Calvin (2)
Darkslayer (2)
Istillian (2)
Lime (2)
Peeps (2)
GrandfatherClock (1)
Kuramia (1)
Lloenflys (1)
Malashaan (1)
Maowi (1)
Pland Adanna (1)
Prim (1)
Seva (1)
Sopo (1)

Vice President UPC received the most votes with four, followed closely by Monkey and HEM. The names of many cabinet members were also thrown around, such as Lime, Peeps, GrandfatherClock, Malashaan, and Pland Adanna.

Just ONE PERSON wants to institute the era of Hitchcock … erm, the Dominion of the Birbs …. Erm …. Uhh … the … bright and fluffy happy duckling for everyone in Euro reign of President Lloenflys!?! *one!*
Yikes some of those approval numbers...