[Inside Government] An Interview with Senator Peeps

An Interview with Senator Peeps
A Look Into Leadership Pathways

Written by Xecrio

Peeps, formerly known as TheNationofThePeople, serves in Europeia’s Senate, residing at a time in the legislative chamber which has resulted in many a discussion, as Senators debate the future of the region. Peeps also serves in the Council of State in the newly created Council of Coordination. On Saturday, May 23, the Europeian Broadcasting Corporation (EBC) had the luxury of interviewing Senator Peeps on the topic of leadership.

The EBC wanted to quiz the interviewee on leadership pathways primarily but also aimed at taking a small look at how the councillor behind the Council of Coordination views the controversial position. Often, Europeians find themselves aiming for leadership that requires experience, take First Minister for an example. In our interview with Senator Peeps we posed this question to him, and subsequently “I think we have a lot of leadership opportunities and ladders to climb. I think the two most major ones are the Civil Service for Executive leadership and Arnhelm for Senatorial leadership.” Peeps replied.

This reaffirms that the two main leadership pathways are executive and legislative. Yet, there is little mention of a judicial pathway. Perhaps this is something that requires some extra knowledge and experience, making it harder for new, aspiring Europeians to move up this sort of ladder.
Europeia is in no doubt a successful region. Having made a name for itself on the NationStates world stage. Hence, it perhaps incumbent on such a region to provide for its citizens, a means of success. After all, joining a region, putting in hours of work only to not have it recognised does not resemble that of a happy citizen. The EBC also wanted to explore if Senator Peeps felt that it is easy to become successful in Europeia. There are many “famous” names in Europeia who have made names for themselves via various means. Indeed, this may show that due to the significant number of successful Europeians, that it is easy to become successful. Senator Peeps had this to say in this regard; “I think it is relatively easy, there is certainly not a leadership role that anyone can just hop into and be successful. But if you are willing to put in the time and effort, there is not much stopping you.”

GraVandius recently released an article which shows “every minister ever.” Analysing the data shows that some ministries are perhaps more friendly toward newcomers. The Ministry of Communications could potentially be labelled as such. The current minister of communications Hezekon ascended to this position for the first two months after he joined Europeia in March 2019. The same can be said for former ministers of communications Maowi and Xecrio, who had only joined shortly before they assumed this role. “Well, in different ways a lot of ministries are friendly to newcomers. I would say it is pretty easy to jump into Interior or Culture, with Culture and Communications being the ones that attract more newcomers to the Minister position.” Senator Peeps had this to say, reaffirming the point that the ministry of communications is likely the “newcomers ministry.” However, this opens another question. Is the ministry of the interior, and the ministry of radio too hard for a relative newcomer to ease into? Secondly, does this again suggest that newcomers are automatically drawn toward the domestic side, whilst foreign affairs are left to the experienced citizens? More recently, we have seen the latter become less true. In the council of World Assembly Affairs, a wide variety of citizens, and predominantly newcomers, have begun writing Information for Voters (IVF).

Moving in in the interview, the EBC wanted to hear about Council of Coordinator Peeps’ time in the Council of State. Having entered at an uncertain time, and also entering into a role which was met with heated controversy in the Grand Hall debate, has left the EBC wondering how he has managed to get on in a role which many are still unsure about. “When Malashaan approached me about the role I did come by a bit of a surprise.” This response implies that even Peeps had his concerns, not surprising given the nature of the new role. However, despite these initial concerns, there is some consensus that the Council of Coordination has done well, especially with its newly integrated region of the week program.

As the interview came to an end, the EBC was curious to see which leadership paths Senator Peeps could see himself taking in the future. Having labelled the executive and the legislative branches as the major pathways for success, it was of little surprise to hear the response, “I would, of course, love to be the head executive.”
Great article, I'm loving reading about how Europeia works. For me foreign affairs still feels harder than domestic though
The best thing is, the article made me think and that's the point of journalism
Great to hear from Peeps! Nicely written, Nate.
This was a really well done interview Nate! I love hearing about the ambitions people have, and the roads that lead us to success. For what it's worth, I hope you get your goal to lead the executive one day peeps, I know you'd do well.