First Minister Election - Juicy Stats


Europeia's Resident Psychic

Now that the First Minister election has concluded, 4000 words are going to provide some juicy stats, courtesy of me, Xecrio, the loser. I have two lots of data to discuss with you, so let's jump into it.

The first section concerns polling over time. I took the results of all polls conducted, plus two results from the Chasing Gold model. Xecrio maintains a strong lead up until the first minister election debate, at which point his support plummets. He regains some ground in the first round of voting, and again in the run-off to finish with 47.7% Peeps starts off with a decently high level of support, but this swiftly begins to decline and eventually stops as he drops out. McEntire positioned himself in second place for much of the election, until the debates, at which point he overtakes Xecrio by a sizeable margin, and maintains in first place right through to the outcome of the election.


The second half of these statistics, concern how each candidate polled on average. It is important to note that Xecrio has an unfair advantage as he is the only candidate to have recived a result in every poll. Xecrio polled at an averge of 44.9 percent, while McEntire polled on average at 38.0 percent. The remaining 17.1 percent accounts for Peeps. This further shows us how close the election was, and shows how even though Xecrio didn't win, he maintained a significant status as a secondary frontrunner.

I concur with Lloen, the squiggliness of that line is astonishing satisfying.