Europeia's Weekly Update (August 25, 2019)

August 25 Update
Returns, Raids and Write-Ups

Written by Istillian

Ongoing and Done
Minister of Culture DictatorAnna10 (DAX) announced the official closing of the Million Post Palooza festival on August 19, despite the original closing date being August 15. The fun and festivities have continued a few days longer than expected, particularly in light of the still ongoing Europeia vs. Holy Ekaj Monarchy mock trial. Honourable mentions, winners and participants were positively summarised in the closing speech and DAX cheerfully reported that; "it's wonderful to have both been a part of reaching the millionth post, and to have hosted this festival."

Stunning Victory for Recruitment
On August 20, Minister of Recruitment Brí Shakespeare announced incredible recruitment numbers totalling a whopping 4596 for the week, topping the last weeks numbers by 521 - an absolutely fantastic result that the department should be commended for.

First Minister's Consistent Content
On August 20, First Minister Pichtonia released the sixth Weekly Wrap-Up of the term, providing a detailed account of the regional changes and updates.

On August 14, Pichtonia also wrote an intriguing speech included in the Million Post Palooza Speeches and Stories forum providing some discourse on the use of Discord as an instant messaging tool as opposed to the use of Europeia's forum for discussion - a thought provoking write-up worthy of attention.

Weekend Warriors
Grand Admiral HEM recently ignited some naval spirit over the weekend, with reports of another region titling themselves as the "Continent of Europia" - and thanks to HEM, Lieutenant Prim and Rachael, Europia has now been commandeered by the Europeian Republican Navy (ERN). As recounted by HEM, the ERN defended Europeia's honour and "disposed of the second-raters with ease."

Watch out, Wake Up
On August 21, Associate Justice Lloenflys announced the return of "Lloenflys's Gavel,"; described as; "a review of legal and legislative happenings in the United States ... and beyond."

The next issue is expected to be officially released this Saturday, but Lloenflys provided a sneak peek of what we can expect in the upcoming paper by detailing what exactly a "faithless elector" is and why it matters.

On August 22, Lloenflys published an On This Day in History article that provides an analysis on some fascinating topics; Lloenflys ends the article with confidence for future coverage of historical days by asking the reader, "What do you think of my selection? Is there something else you would go with?"

Noticing Non-Compliance
On August 22, Deputy Minister of Recruitment Maowi thoroughly covered non-compliance in the General Assembly (GA), a background of the GA and how it relates to World Assembly nations, and the consequences for non-compliance. An in-depth and well written investigative analysis that is certainly worthy of further attention.
Thank you for another great weekly update! I love the way you work with links.
Yeah, great job on this update! :giggle: A nice, clear summary of what's been going on this week
Thanks to all of you! It's great to be given the opportunity! I'm glad you like the format, I'm certainly getting a lot of ideas from other writers here too.