EuroNews - Late Show 2


Jorts Connoisseur
Honoured Citizen
he / him / his
*Entrance Music*

Judy Fleck: Welcome everyone to tonight's edition of the Euro Late Show. I am Judy Fleck filling in for HEM as Head Anchor

Robert Grenlen: And I am Robert Grenlen filling in as Assistance Anchorman

Judy Fleck: The top story tonight is of course HEM's news article involving the President. HEM received a summons to the Goldenblock just at 8:30 PM EST tonight and it currently in the capital now. We have not received only word that Pineapleboy remains deeply insulted at the recent edition. While HEM says he was speaking the truth. Now live with Newsman Clark Manners to the Euro HQ

*Screen Flashes to outside the EuroNews HQ*

Clark Manners: Thank you Judy. As yo have heard there is a riot going outside the Headquarters. Which ones are protesting free speech and others respect are hard to tell the difference. HEM has been under fire lately for many choices and he currently only holds one of his formerly many elected/appointed titles which of course is Mayor. The fire being directed from the Goldenblock has been severe and many questions are yet to be answered. I am now on the scene speaking to long time resident Mrs. Warner. Hello Mrs. Warner, how do you feel about this incident?

Mrs. Warner I feel HEM has as much tact as a dull nail. Pine is clearly doing his best at his job and the population remains over 100.

Clark Manners:Thank you very much Mrs. Warner I will now speak to John Bobson.

Bob Bobson: Sir, I feel the freedom of the press is very important to Europeia and what HEM said was completely true so it should be acceptable.

Clark Manners: Thank you sir. Now back to the newsdesk

*Screen Flashes back to Newsdesk*

Robert Grenlen: Thank you Clark. Now on to or next story. The power void in the Navy is large and from what we have heard there is already one applicant for the job and that is Revengerous. What do you think Judy?

Judy Fleck: Councilor Rev has been known to be rash but he certainly has the expertize. The position is questionably the third most powerful in the region. Is he ready? Thats for the President to decide...We will be back after a fast commercial break

*extro music*

I will enter a contest to get my Danoix! woo! Silly Rabitt...
House: On at 8:00 PM

*intro music*

Judy Fleck: This just in. We are going to be joining Fred Welton at the Goldenblock where HEM is said to be making a statement.

*screen flashes to outside Goldenblock*

Fred Welton: Thanks Judy, it would seem HEM is about to make a statement. Let's watch:

*camera shifts to HEM*

HEM: Thank you all for coming here. I would like to sincerely thank my supporters who have upheld free speech these last few hours (hour) however, it is possible for me to be wrong...occasionally *laughs in background*. I feel I made a mistake publishing article 17 of the EuroTimes. I feel I hurt Pine who has stuck by me with this conflict with EA and I am truly sorry. I am upset he ignored my hints about appointments but what I said was wrong. Or at the very least the joke at the end was. I want to wish you all a good night and will now return to the Palatium. Thank you.

*camera shifts back to Fred*

Fred Welton: Well you heard it folks here and only from the EuroNews. Wow...Back to you Judy.

*Screen Flashes Back to News Desk*

Judy Fleck: Very interesting there eh Robert?

Robert Grenlen: I would say so. Pine has had HEM's back for several conflicts and it must hurt to have been hit so bad by HEM. Still the Chancellor seems to have made amends. However, or worst fear is Pine may side with Zeck due to this incident. Only time will tell what price HEM's harsh words may have cased.

Judy Fleck: And thats how it is and was on November 1st 2007 at 9:00 PM EST. Thanks for watching

*Finale Extro Music*
Must resist urge to steal idea. baghead.gif