ENN November Presidential Debate Liveblog


i did a thing on march 6 2007 and now we are here
Assembly Chair
Honoured Citizen
Jorts Connoisseur
he / him / his
"ENN Presidential Debate Liveblog"

HEM @ 5:00pm ET: Do kids even know what liveblogs are anymore?!?

HEM @ 5:06pm ET: For those just joining us, this debate will be different in that the candidates were given the questions beforehand to reduce typing type and hopefully allow the moderator to tease out more differences between the candidates. Prepare for lots of pre-scripted walls of text.

HEM @ 5:08pm ET: First question dives into whether or not we should merge the Ministry of Radio and Ministry of Comms. OD is the only one to say no, and he gives a pretty convincing answer backed by numbers.

HEM @ 5:10pm ET: Icarus didn't...really answer the question in addressing workload of a merged Ministry and just pivoted to Project Athena. Pland Adanna insisted the merger wouldn't add work, but OD's number based answer was a lot more convincing.

HEM @ 5:11pm ET: Icarus returns in the rebuttal to make a convincing argument for merging the Ministries to reduce bureaucracy in the divide between the two staffs. But also doubles down on Project Athena as a silver bullet for the content creation program -- will project Athena be the Europeian Heroes Program of this campaign?

HEM @ 5:15pm ET: Okay, moving on to activity and the controversial proposal from Icarus to stimulate activity with an economy.

OD answers first again (wow, he is fast on the trigger) and leans on his experience with an economy from twenty nine years ago. Icarus piles on by saying that she thinks an economy takes away from Icarus' goal of reducing burnout.

PA's defense of the economy is a whole lot of waffle, defending the economy as needed, while insisting their ticket is not pursuing big ticket programs, and concluding that the economy is apart of the platform because it is key for communication and accountability (??)

HEM @ 5:20pm ET: Oh god, separating out "critical tasks" from other tasks and deciding which earn SopoBucks or not sounds like a living nightmare.

HEM @ 5:24pm ET: So far 50% of this debate has been PA eagerly explaining that their economy idea isn't actually an economy.

HEM @ 5:30pm ET: woah, ENN gets featured in a question: "ENN says ur integration platforms suck -- why is that?!?"

PA: My integration platform is that we get rid of the forums and stop asking our new members to read

Icarus: My integration platform is that other regions are doing a ton better than us so we should try this novel idea I just heard of recently...recruiting

OD: My integration platform does suck but who is fuckin asking?!?

HEM @ 5:31pm ET: The back and forth here is a little muted. OD openly boasting about abolishing integration (or at least the welcoming committee) and loudly proclaiming we don't have anyone to do anything while PA stands out with a first person testimonial about how they first got involved.

HEM @ 5:35pm ET: Okay, now we are talking about recruitment and OD's proposal to require Ministers to recruit. Icarus pipes up with the interesting idea of having gameside nations recruit (not sure how it would work but). PA seems convinced that asking folks to send two recruitment telegrams a day would result in massive burnout.

HEM @ 5:42pm ET: I do wonder what the divide is between not overburdening Ministers and also infantilizing them. I'm not saying mandatory recruitment is the answer (Icarus makes a fair point about the potential ROI of minimal telegrams being low...so what's the point) but PA and Icarus seem genuinely convinced that our precious, delicate, Minister candidates would drop dead with a stroke at pressing two buttons a day.

HEM @ 5:49pm ET: Bit of a miss for OD on the Navy question. He openly pines for the days where the Grand Admiral and senior staff DMed him personally for missions, and Icarus assures OD that DMS do, in fact, go out to people on the regular.

HEM @ 5:56pm ET: Things definitely getting a little more heated now as we draw toward the conclusion of this debate.

HEM @ 5:57pm ET: PA keeps attacking other tickets for proposing ideas too big, bold, and time intensive despite proposing the biggest project of all: the economy. PA justifies this by saying that their ticket's "big idea" aims to rejuvenate activity while the other ticket's big ideas are intersectional or serve other goals.

HEM @ 6:05pm ET: OK i missed most of the WAA section because I was deciding what I wanted for dinner. Some barbs between Icarus and PA on whether it's possible to have Ministers build up infrastructure to decrease workload in the long-term.

HEM @ 6:10pm ET: This next question poses an FA scenario (an ally working with BoM and what we would do). Interestingly, PA suggests we would "cut off diplomatic relations, including embassies and ambassadors" before repealing a treaty. I suspect cutting off diplomatic relations would probably cause this theoretical ally to repeal the treaty!

HEM @ 6:15pm ET: OK, summing up closing statements that answer the question of WHY voters should vote for them over their opponents:

OD: With me and Lime, you have a ticket with more experience being scrutinized, opposed, and recalled than any other duo in Europeian politics!
PA: I will do and accomplish absolutely everything you could ever imagine (please forget about the activity/staffing problems)
Icarus: I love you all god dammit!!!!!!
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Prepare for lots of pre-scripted walls of text.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."
The Europeian Heroes Project has clearly succeeded. Continued mentions by HEM! I put this down as a great success and I know that @Darkslayer agrees.
PA seems convinced that asking folks to send two recruitment telegrams a day would result in massive burnout.
And yet getting HEM to do one thing a day is massive burnout..
I shall take such high praise and honor with pleasure.
if SopoBucks is the actual currency of PA's economy i will vote for him
I think this was a richer debate for content, thanks to the preparation the candidates had, and the room that gave for questioning. Maybe it would have been more fun if the answers had been a little less prepared sometimes, but fun should maybe not be the primary objective of a Presidential debate. I think there was by and large no total disaster. It showed a little more or less when candidates were familiar with an area or not, but that's normal.
This has already started shifting me towards some tickets over others, but I'll need to read the actual debate to see what my impressions are
As always, quality content from the ENN.