EBC Poll: The Term So Far....

The Term So Far....

The Results

The results will be broken into two separate sections, Executive Government and then the Legislative with the Judiciary as well as comments written by a nameless citizen


Overall Admin Approval

Department Approval Ratings

Navy Approval
Mode - Above- Average - 7 Times
Mean - 3.4 [Average]

Foreign Affairs Approval
Mode - Average - 10 times
Mean - 3.1 [Average]

Welcoming Approval
Mode - Above Average - 13 Times
Mean - 4 [Above Average]

Culture Approval
Mode - Above Average - 8 Times
Mean - 3.7 [Average]

Media Approval
Mode - Above-Average - 8 Times
Mean - 4.11 [Above Average]

Attorney General Approval
Mode - Excellent - 7 Times
Mean - 3.6 [Average]

Cabinet Choices
Mode - Above-Average - 9 Times
Mean - 4 [Above-Average]

Individual Approval Ratings

President Skizzy-Grey
Mode - 80-89 - 6 Times
Mean - 85%

Vice-President Common-Sense Politics
Mode - 80-89 - 5 Times
Mean - 79%

Grand Admiral Apollo
Mode - 80-90 - 6 Times
Mean - 72%

Former Foreign Minister North East Somerset
Mode - 0-9 - 5 Times
Mean - 50%

Minister of Culture Lethen
Mode - 60-69 - 5 Times
Mean - 77%

Minister of Welcoming Abbey Anumia
Mode - 70-79 - 8 Times
Mean - 85%

Minister of Media Vinage
Mode - 90-100 - 7 Times
Mean - 86%

Attorney General Hyanygo
Mode - 70-79 - 7 Times
Mean - 77%

Overall Senate Approval

Individual Senator Ratings

Speaker malashaan
Mode - 90-100 - 8 Times
Mean - 86%

Cerian Quilor
Mode - 70-79 - 5 Times
Mean - 60%

Peaceful Llamas
Mode - 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, All 3 times
Mean - 60%

Mode - 70-79 - 4 Times
Mean - 60%

Mode - 70-79 - 5 Times
Mean - 50%

the Gratz
Mode - 70-79 - 4 Times
Mean - 68%

Thomas Matterson
Mode - 60-69 - 4 Times
Mean - 65%

City Council

Overall City Council Approval


Overall Judiciary Approval

Survey Size = 19
Private Citizen Commentary

So what is the first thing I notice from these results? Well for one it seems the consensus is that all three branches of the Government are in good health and doing well. There is no obvious weak branch, though the Senate seems to have come off worse off on the individual polls.

The Executive Government under Skizzy can look up with some high heads. The resignation of North East Somerset doesn't come as too much of a surprise, especially after seeing these results. Seems activity is a big thing in deciding which Minister has performed and who is under performing. Pleased about Abbey's, especially after the pressure she faced during the elections, also a bit disappointed Hy's isn't higher. He deserves it.

Now that the Law Reforms are done, what will the Senate do next? No excuses for a lack of activity and nothing to hide behind any more. Speaker malashaan's stock seems to keep on rising and, here, there's no surprise he comes out as the top dog. The rest of them? Disappointing so far and their ratings show for the general lack of commentary. Seems Cerian Quilor's come out a bit better off after some really poor poll ratings before the General Election - though they've got to watch out. 0-9 was a close second for the most often picked. The City Council? Well the lack of activity is hitting their results hard - surprised this isn't lower to be honest! Finally we have the Judiciary which, as always, does well. Generally have Onder' to thank for that one.

In conclusion then, activity is the big thing here. It is early doors so there will be room for improvement. Those who have come off well have been active - those who are quiet have done poorly.
So, Europeia, what do you personally think about the results? Do you think Citizen X has hit the nail that activity is the main thing here or is there something else for some results?

Who's polls have surprised you?
Why no median? I mean you have mode which is pretty much useless, but not median.

Because the median would have been 50/5/Average for nearly everyone since nearly everyone had a 0-9/Poor/0 and a 90-100/Excellent/10 rating. I'd respectfully disagree that the mode is useless - it shows which one was the most commonly picked. Apply a bit of common-sense and you can see that the Ministry of Welcoming was consistently picked as performing Above-Average

Yes. These results are a little bit wierd, and confusing, I can understand them, but they could probably be organized in a more informative way.

Feel free to do your own version in your own media outlet ^_^
Yes. These results are a little bit wierd, and confusing, I can understand them, but they could probably be organized in a more informative way.

Feel free to do your own version in your own media outlet ^_^
I'm planning to once we get a little closer to the halfway mark. It was just a bit of advice. ^_^
Why no median? I mean you have mode which is pretty much useless, but not median.

Because the median would have been 50/5/Average for nearly everyone since nearly everyone had a 0-9/Poor/0 and a 90-100/Excellent/10 rating. I'd respectfully disagree that the mode is useless - it shows which one was the most commonly picked. Apply a bit of common-sense and you can see that the Ministry of Welcoming was consistently picked as performing Above-Average

Yes. These results are a little bit wierd, and confusing, I can understand them, but they could probably be organized in a more informative way.

Feel free to do your own version in your own media outlet ^_^
just because the got one of both the highest and lowest doesn't mean the median will be 50/5/average. Would you mind sending me a list of all the answers for each person because what you've given doesn't satisfy my need for statistics.
The mode of presentation is curious -- illuminating in some instances (e.g., Hy gets terrific marks from most, but his average is dragged down by a few haters), but obscuring in others (e.g., no clarity why Noto and Graz are so far apart, despite the same mode). I haven't seen the raw data, so I can't say if a different presentation would be more illuminating.

Vinage is too modest to point it out, but he deservedly got some awesome ratings here.
Not surprising that I'm consistently ranked in the 60-69 range. I expected as much.