EBC Poll: Low Approval Plagues Executive, Senate

EBC Poll: Low Approval Plagues Executive, Senate
Bright spots remain, and respondents favor Constitutional Convention

Written by @McEntire and @ICH

In this polling release, we are trying something new - alas, necessity is the mother of invention! We will be releasing raw results, allowing you to be the ultimate analyst. So please, put on your punditry hats, because with the exception of some of the issue questions, we are releasing only the raw results. What results were surprising to you, which ones were not what you expected, and what do you want to see from the Executive and Senate going forward?

This poll was run for 36 hours, and saw 25 respondents.


Senate Approval Ratings
Forms response chart. Question title: How satisfied are you with the overall performance of the Senate?. Number of responses: 25 responses.
Overall approval - Senate: 36% (+12%)

I have a feeling they’ll get a poor rating compared to the previous Senate even though they were always active. It’s just there wasn’t much to discuss other than President JayDee’s wars and nomination.

Pretty quiet, but performed satisfactorily

They have done good so far and now that the election is today I am excited to see how it goes
Forms response chart. Question title: How satisfied are you with the performance of Senate Speaker Elio?. Number of responses: 25 responses.
Senate Speaker Elio approval: 80% (+72%)

Elio is a gem

Is a second term Senator and first time Speaker but performed admirably even compared to more seasoned Speakers.

A little rushed when they should be slow,a little slow when they should rush. First time speaker things!

He made many efforts to engage in the discussions, he did his job well


Elio has done an amazing job this senate term and I look forward to elio continuing being speaker!
Forms response chart. Question title: How satisfied are you with the performance of Senator Lloenflys?. Number of responses: 25 responses.
Senator Lloenflys approval: 84% (+80%)

Very happy to see Senator Lloenflys instead of Speaker Lloenflys

The Sensitive Redaction Amendment was a great bill.

Lloen has done an amazing job like the rest of the other senators and his courage and leadership has done greatly!

Forms response chart. Question title: How satisfied are you with the performance of Senator PhDre?. Number of responses: 25 responses.

Senator PhDre approval: 64% (+44%)

Controversial takes but he stuck to his platform and inspired debate

I'm not a fan of his bill, but he has been pretty engaging.

With the Weight voting amendment and answering everyone’s questions, I have no doubt that he is doing good

Forms response chart. Question title: How satisfied are you with the performance of Senator Ellenburg?. Number of responses: 25 responses.

Senator Ellenburg approval: 24% (-20%)

He's been somewhat quiet this term. Would like to see more activity from him.
Ellenburg has done an amazing job maintaining being a cabinet member and a senator very well and they have done an amazing job this term.

Forms response chart. Question title: How satisfied were you with the performance of Senator Forilian?. Number of responses: 25 responses.

Senator Forilian approval: 56% (+44%)

Forillian has been on the active side and has been a good Senator in General.

I don't want to read senators commenting on the Senate floor about considering poll results before moving forward. Have your own thoughts, make your own arguments, do things. What is the purpose of electing you otherwise?

Forilian has done a good job as I knew Forilian could and I am a proud Forilian voter

Forms response chart. Question title: How satisfied are you with the Senate's level of activity?. Number of responses: 25 responses.

Senate Activity approval: 40% (+4%)

Good enough.

All senators have been active and overall done a good job this term!

Senate Election & Issue Polling

Forms response chart. Question title: How satisfied are you with the current field of Senate candidates?. Number of responses: 25 responses.

Senate Field satisfaction: 32% (-12%)

The citizenry’s dis-satisfaction with the current Senate Election field is hardly surprising, with several concerned citizens publicly urging more candidates to run since the beginning of the standing period. A whooping 44% of the citizenry are dis-satisfied or very dis-satisfied with the current field. This is unlikely to change as the voting day approaches unless there emerges a sudden surge in candidacy announcement in the next few days.

Gem, Prim, Charoskania

I would like to see more Senators run for re-election, mainly Forillian, and Lloens


Ellenburg, UPC, Prim

There is a good mix of experienced candidates and less experienced ones. I would appreciate a greater diversity of thoughts and priorities but overall a decent group, I think.

Me (guess who that is)


There have been a lot of faces the citizenry wants to see in the upcoming Senate election. Former Senators Prim, UPC, Ellenburg, Forillian, and Gem have all been mentioned as the candidates the citizens want to see and at the time of writing, atleast one of their wishes has been fulfilled as Gem has announced a run for the Senate. Charoskania’s name also has been mentioned as a possible candidate, indicating that a significant proportion also wants to see newer faces jump into the race.

Forms response chart. Question title: Would you favor the opening of a Constitutional Convention?. Number of responses: 25 responses.

Constitutional Convention favorability: 56% (+28%)

Forms response chart. Question title: Are you supportive or opposed to the Weighted Voting Amendment (2023)?. Number of responses: 25 responses.

Weighted Voting Amendment favorability: 32% (-24%)

One Senator, one vote

We shouldn't be afraid to try new things

One Senator, One Vote. This bill goes against that Principle.

we should try it

This just seems to favor the senators who have experience and makes the senators who get less votes make their vote mean less.

The answers to the two questions display a contrasting picture as the citizenry are in favour of opening a Constitutional Convention by a large margin, 56 to 28, while being opposed at the same time to the Weighted Voting Amendment (2023) by the same margin, 60 to 32. With almost the half of the citizenry expressing a strong feeling against the Weighted Voting Amendment, it is expected to occupy a significant space in the political debates leading up the voting day. The opinion in favour or against the Weighted Voting Amendment is more polarised with 64% of the citizens expressing a strong position in comparison to the issue of Constitutional Convention with just 44% of the citizens expressing a strong position on it. This indicates that a significant chunk of citizenry can still change their mind about the Constitutional Convention issue.

Forms response chart. Question title: Are you supportive or opposed to the Constitutional Convention Act (2023)?. Number of responses: 25 responses.

Constitutional Convention Act favorability: 68% (+52%)

It improves the function of Constitutional Conventions - I like it.

Don't care.

We don’t need one at all as we have enough going on.

The citizenry’s opinion on this legislation is largely reflective of their opinion on the opening of the Constitutional Convention at this time, with their opinion of the legislation slightly more positive. It could be down to a small chunk of the citizenry thinking that while they may be personally opposed to a Constitutional Convention being opposed at this time, they would still want the people’s representatives, the Senate, to take the final call on this issue, as mentioned in the legislation.

Forms response chart. Question title: Are you supportive or opposed to the Redaction of Sensitive Information Amendment (2023)?. Number of responses: 25 responses.

Redaction of Sensitive Information Act favorability: 60% (+52%)

Pretty good bill.

Haven't read it.

This is much needed to protect classified information

There seems to be a strong consensus among the citizenry about the necessity of this bill, with over 60% of the citizens expressing a positive view about this proposed legislation, with just 8% opposed to this bill. Majority of the comments have re-affirmed the overall citizenry’s positive opinion of this legislation with one commenting that this is a good bill and another commenting that it’s much needed to protect classified information.

Executive Approval Ratings
Forms response chart. Question title: How satisfied are you with the performance of the Executive?. Number of responses: 25 responses.

Overall Executive Approval: 44% (+8%)

I admit, it has been somewhat deprived of activity. I was hoping for more from some of the Cabinet.

It has done an amazing job and I look forward to it being like that

Forms response chart. Question title: How satisfied are you with the performance of President JayDee?. Number of responses: 25 responses.

President JayDee Approval: 36% (+/- 0%)

Not as strong as last term, but he is doing his best. I'd like to see how he approaches the activity issue.

He's fading fast, it seems. His ministers are not developing their skills or their departments or their staffs as far as I can tell. We are not adequately broadcasting progress in his wars. The region nor its government are not currently improving under his leadership. The region might benefit from letting Rand take over for the second half of the term.

Despite the many resignations last term he made it through and even now he continues to manage and find the right people to do the job!

Forms response chart. Question title: How satisfied are you with the performance of Vice President Rand?. Number of responses: 25 responses.

Vice President Rand Approval: 40% (+12%)

He's doing his job adequately.

He's holding things together

Rand has been doing a good job even with how much of a roller coaster of a term this has been and has been helping a lot behind the scenes!

Forms response chart. Question title: How satisfied are you with the performance of Grand Admiral Vor?. Number of responses: 25 responses.

Grand Admiral Vor Approval: 96% (+96%)

Vor has been good as always.

Vor has done a great job soliciting participation for ops this term.

too many pings, otherwise amazing

Vor has done an amazing job and I honor this a lot and look forward to see how the ERN continues to do

Forms response chart. Question title: How satisfied are you with the performance of Gameside Minister Pichtonia?. Number of responses: 25 responses.

Gameside Minister Pichtonia Approval: 56% (+52%)

I'm not active Gameside, but from what I've seen Pichto has been consistent.

It has been good working with Pichtonia and it’s more impressive that I have been a Deputy Minister in the Gameside Ministry since its creation so I look forward to the next minister and term!

Communications Minister Westinor Approval: 44% (+8%)

Forms response chart. Question title: How satisfied are you with the performance of Communications Minister Westinor?. Number of responses: 25 responses.

Communications has been good, but nothing special. I'd like to see more of West in here though. I know what she can do.

Comms and Radio have seemed to struggle mightily of late.

Strong start, but I haven't heard from her in a while

West did an amazing job despite their recent resignation and I’m glad they got the chance to be in the cabinet

WA Minister Lime Approval: 32% (+16%)

Forms response chart. Question title: How satisfied are you with the performance of World Assembly Affairs Minister Lime?. Number of responses: 25 responses.

Unfair to judge

This guy just took office, I can't give him a fair assessment yet.

Haven't seen much.

I am picking Avery satisfy because Josi really ran this ministry before lime which both are amazing picks and they both have been amazing



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Due to lack of comments I'm not sure completely where the dissatisfied votes for JayDee are coming from, but at least from the perspective of the ERN: JayDee is very much responsible for our success through direct participation and organisation, overarching guidance, diplomatic negotiations with our foreign partners, and constant engagement with me on how we can keep on doing better. I know of course that being President concerns more than that, but I just want to be clear that the ERN has and continues to depend for a significant part on JayDee's strong leadership!
(Additional poll results were cut off)
Forms response chart. Question title: How satisfied are you with the performance of Foreign Affairs Minister Kazaman?. Number of responses: 25 responses.

FA Minister Kazaman Approval: 72% (+60%)
Not his fault, but the Ovation has been pretty quiet.

Kazaman knows what he is doing.

Kaz does good work

Has gotten the assignments out very fast and made sure everyone did it and has been an amazing minister to be involved with and work with!

Forms response chart. Question title: How satisfied are you with the performance of Culture Minister Ellenburg?. Number of responses: 25 responses.

Culture Minister Ellenburg Approval: 44% (+12%)
He did organize a few festivals, which was nice. I would like him to build from here.

Bare minimum.

As I said in his comments in the senator section, being a senator and minister can be hard and tough but ellenburg has managed!

Forms response chart. Question title: How satisfied are you with the performance of Radio Minister Chipoli?. Number of responses: 25 responses.

Radio Minister Chipoli Approval: 48% (+24%)
Where are the radio shows? Specifically in Spotify

Chipoli has been good, but I know he can be great. Still one of the better ministers this term.

EBC Radio has been enjoyable, though a bit dry

My successor has done an amazing job this term despite the recent lack of shows that take time and such but overall it has been amazing working with Chipolio and Elio!

Forms response chart. Question title: How satisfied are you with the performance of Minister of Outreach ICH?. Number of responses: 25 responses.

Outreach Minister ICH Approval: 68% (+60%)
ICH has been doing his thing, that is all.

Haven't heard much.

Very active in helping staffers

ICH continues to do an amazing job like last term despite my criticism but overall it has been amazing working with ICH and has been a motivating force in the ministry!

Forms response chart. Question title: How satisfied are you with the performance of Attorney General Calvin Coolidge?. Number of responses: 25 responses.

Attorney General Calvin Coolidge Approval: 76% (+76%)
I like the work Calvin has done, I hope he keeps it up.

Haven’t seen much and it comes with the job as much of their work is behind the scenes so that is why I am picking neutral
I'm...surprised by the results. All I'll say is these results would be very different if people could see how much work the Cabinet has been putting in. My door is open if anyone would like to speak with me, I'd like to hear your thoughts on what I can do to improve the region :pride_heart:
we stan vor in this household

everyone else is kinda cool too
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Mac, I think your methodology is slightly flawed in that it counts neutrals as disapproval. I would suggest the following formula: (% Approval + % Strong Approval) / (100 - % Neutral). This leads me to:

Senate Overall: 60% Net Approval
Elio: 91%
Lloenflys: 95%
PhDre: 76%
Ellenburg: 35%
Forilian: 82%

Executive Overall: 55%
JayDee: 50%
Rand: 59%
Vor: 100%
Pichto: 93%
Westinor: 55%
Lime: 67%

Anyway, it seems clear to me there is a whole lot of neutral feelings going around (hence the major disparities between gross and net approval), and we need to do more to drive engagement.
Well, I’m not sure if that’s spin or just bad statistics, but it’s one of those.

The methodology you have there would only count approval ratings among those who either approve or disapprove. Neutral responses aren’t abstentions, they’re also responses. I reported the % of respondents that approve - how every single other polling organization that’s ever existed calculates approval ratings.

For the net approval ratings, I did not count neutral responses as disapproval. Net approval ratings are just approval minus disapproval. I’m not sure where you’re getting that alternate methodology, but it’s really bad survey research practice.
Net approval ratings are just approval minus disapproval.
Ok, I see you had the net approval above, which I appreciate, but didn't jump out to me before. I think net approval is a better measure. The problem with simple (approval / total responses) is it makes it sound like, if X% approve, 100-X% disapprove.
Mac, I think your methodology is slightly flawed in that it counts neutrals as disapproval. I would suggest the following formula: (% Approval + % Strong Approval) / (100 - % Neutral). This leads me to:

Senate Overall: 60% Net Approval
Elio: 91%
Lloenflys: 95%
PhDre: 76%
Ellenburg: 35%
Forilian: 82%

Executive Overall: 55%
JayDee: 50%
Rand: 59%
Vor: 100%
Pichto: 93%
Westinor: 55%
Lime: 67%

Anyway, it seems clear to me there is a whole lot of neutral feelings going around (hence the major disparities between gross and net approval), and we need to do more to drive engagement.
I’m curious to see what my rating would be.
I totally forgot to vote in this poll
Just for the record I like what the Senate has done and especially enjoy JayDee and co.'s work this term
I think they did good
Mac, I think your methodology is slightly flawed in that it counts neutrals as disapproval. I would suggest the following formula: (% Approval + % Strong Approval) / (100 - % Neutral). This leads me to:

Senate Overall: 60% Net Approval
Elio: 91%
Lloenflys: 95%
PhDre: 76%
Ellenburg: 35%
Forilian: 82%

Executive Overall: 55%
JayDee: 50%
Rand: 59%
Vor: 100%
Pichto: 93%
Westinor: 55%
Lime: 67%

Anyway, it seems clear to me there is a whole lot of neutral feelings going around (hence the major disparities between gross and net approval), and we need to do more to drive engagement.
I’m curious to see what my rating would be.
Sorry, I missed the addendum.

Kazaman: 85%
Ellenburg: 58%
Chipoli: 63%
ICH: 89%
Calvin Coolidge: 100%